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Topic: Drunks in the stands at Knoxville Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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August 12, 2012 at 08:06:28 PM
Joined: 01/08/2005
Posts: 103

Did anyone witness the rowdy group of loud drunks sitting in Sec H, row 21, seats 26-32 lastnight? These guys were sloppy drunk, swearing belligerently, and the surrounding people were asking them to knock it off with no luck. The sherrif came up and said something to them but left a few minutes later. Then the Rumpleminz came out and was being passed back and forth between these guys...And, one of them threw up all over the backs of the family sitting in row 20, not once, but again about 10 mins later. Alot of arguing between the guys and people fed up with them, but no punches or anything else ensuing. Guy in white shirt was the one who got sick mulitple times, guy in black shirt was the one who wanted to fight people. Bad thing about this was all the little kids and older folks that had to put up with this.

rizzo the III
August 12, 2012 at 08:11:43 PM
Joined: 06/13/2005
Posts: 250

many years ago, we requested a family section.. We didnt care if it was section AA or section ZZ.. just somewhere where we could enjoy the races without this kind of distraction... So far it has fallen on deaf ears..




Everyone behind them looks so happy...

August 12, 2012 at 08:23:05 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1065

Dude in white shirt is Git Er Done's little brother, no. I know he'd look more convincing in a cut off flannel !!

August 12, 2012 at 08:32:07 PM
Joined: 11/18/2006
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Posted By: sprintcarfanatic on August 12 2012 at 08:23:05 PM

Dude in white shirt is Git Er Done's little brother, no. I know he'd look more convincing in a cut off flannel !!

The guy in white is DALE EARNHART JR aint it

August 12, 2012 at 08:54:30 PM
Joined: 12/03/2005
Posts: 281
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Posted By: laney on August 12 2012 at 08:06:28 PM

Did anyone witness the rowdy group of loud drunks sitting in Sec H, row 21, seats 26-32 lastnight? These guys were sloppy drunk, swearing belligerently, and the surrounding people were asking them to knock it off with no luck. The sherrif came up and said something to them but left a few minutes later. Then the Rumpleminz came out and was being passed back and forth between these guys...And, one of them threw up all over the backs of the family sitting in row 20, not once, but again about 10 mins later. Alot of arguing between the guys and people fed up with them, but no punches or anything else ensuing. Guy in white shirt was the one who got sick mulitple times, guy in black shirt was the one who wanted to fight people. Bad thing about this was all the little kids and older folks that had to put up with this.

Sat on the back stretch Thrusday nite and there was a loud mouth drunk there too. F this and F that. I was with my son and 8 year old grandson and we had to listen to the MORON all night too. Talked to security but they never even came up to investigate. Really disgusting!

August 12, 2012 at 08:58:32 PM
Joined: 02/27/2008
Posts: 705

I know it would cut into concession profits but it wouldn't bother me if drinking in public was prohibited the same as smoking.

Seems like every major sporting event or concert I've ever been to has a bad memory attached to it caused by some idiot that has consumed to much alcohol.

August 12, 2012 at 09:22:00 PM
Joined: 12/03/2004
Posts: 1330

I am just glad they arent wearing Swindell shirts Smile

August 12, 2012 at 09:36:43 PM
Joined: 05/31/2006
Posts: 234
I was just talking about this with my Dad the other day. A lot of fans come to the races to watch and not get hammered. I think Knoxville should designate a "party sections", if you wish to drink you have all the the people wishing to get hammered in one section so they can have their fun and get rowdy the entire race. I think the entire grandstands should be alcohol free besides the "party sections". If you choose not to sit in the party section and drink, you must finish you drink under the grandstands. It would make it so much easier for security, and it would make it more enjoyable for the rest of us who aren't there for a social event. You have to deal with idiots at the nationals every year...it's not always drunks, it's the know it all's who don't know anything, the white trash losers who just want to start sh*t, or the morons who don't understand to stop hitting the beach balls when the races begin... Back to the original complaint about drunks...those party sections could be a lot of fun. Split the Grand Stands down the middle or something like that and let shit get rowdy over there, hell encourage it to get rowdy, it will help draw in the younger crowd...but it will also make it more enjoyable for the family. One last nationals complaint...push the damn shows along quicker, I could have swore that hot laps are slatted for 7-7:15 at the nats...but I don't think they were on track until 8 or later all week. All in all a good nats, just a few frustrating things.

August 12, 2012 at 09:57:44 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 2003
They could have started on time. But then that would have meant less time for the track crew to get water into the track. Start a little later and have a great A main or start on time and have a wore out track by A main time. Which do you want? There is only 24 hours in a day.

August 12, 2012 at 10:07:03 PM
Joined: 01/08/2005
Posts: 103

The first time the drunk white guy threw up, it flew everywhere on the family 1 row lower (directly in back of my family). The 2nd time was the best! The mom had it, turned around and took her jacket off and smeared it in the drunk's face, his pants and shirt...I really thought she was going to start punching him, but she didn't. What you cant see in the picture is the other guy with them that had a black shirt on with big white letters that read -I'm Fat, F*ck off-, that was the mouth of the group, constantly screaming obsenities, gloating about how drunk he was and the fact he was driving home after the races.

August 12, 2012 at 10:11:08 PM
Joined: 05/18/2010
Posts: 126

Yep, I spotted them as I was also in section H. Couldn't tell for sure what was going on, but I had a pretty good idea from all of the bad looks they were getting and the way they were acting.

Had some drunks behind me as well. They weren't quite that bad though. They were making some comments to my dad about standing up during intermission, wearing a schatz shirt. Fortunately, they weren't persistent about it and my dad is deaf in one ear so he had no idea... but I was about to tell them to shut up.

I agree that it is annoying having to deal with drunks... especially the rowdy ones like the ones you had to deal with. Alcohol is way too big of a profit for them to stop selling. Although I like your "party section" idea, I doubt it will work. There are too many people that drink and it could be seen as a deterrent for some from the races. It is wishful thinking though!

August 12, 2012 at 10:20:36 PM
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 5

I have been going to the weekly races and Nationals in Knoxville since 1966. Seems that every time the WOO series races there, the rowdy and drunk crowd follows. It is worse at the Nationals, but even the other WOO events before are the same way. I don't mean to put down the WOO by any means... It just seems funny that it works out that way.

The best idea that I can come up with is that people that drink should have a drink card that they purchase at the beginning of the evening when they go to get their 1st drink. Maybe have 6 punches on it per person so they can not drink excessively. Along with that stop the pass outs so they can not go across to Dingus or to their vehicles to drink more. Pass outs should be for emergency purposes only.

As far as the security people... I know a couple of them. They do not make near enough to have to put up with some of the things tha they have to try to control. The Sheriff deputy's are just about worthless unless it is a fight.

I agree totally on a designated area for families. Write or email the Knoxville Raceway and suggest it. If enough people were to ask for it I am sure it can be done. But remember tickets go on sale for next years Nationals soon so if they need to make changes, it needs to be quick!

August 12, 2012 at 10:23:15 PM
Joined: 08/09/2011
Posts: 128
This message was edited on August 12, 2012 at 10:27:31 PM by sprint777x

Well, let's see...drunk and disorderly to start, assault (throwing up on someone). What else could be added?

This is why i won't sit in the grandstands anymore, and have primarily stopped attending 95% of the events I used to go to (racing and otherwise). The value doesn't even come close to the cost and it's not enjoyable to be around a bunch of drunks.

The county cops make a big show of their presence but won't do what they are supposed to do when they need to be doing it. Those drunks should have been removed and detained well before all the crap started. But, nope, that would be law enforcement.

The only way I pay to see the nationals again will be pay per view in my own home for all four nights. If the track (and it IS the track's call, not SPEED's) won't allow PPV for all four nights in the future, I'll refrain from showing any interest in the event. You have to draw the line somewhere.

BTW, does anybody have names to go with these images? These assclowns should be publicly humiliated and hounded.

August 12, 2012 at 10:42:44 PM
Joined: 03/06/2009
Posts: 74

Why, we took our boys (7)-(10) to the Belleville Midget Nationals this year and not Knoxville. They hung out with Brad Kuhn and his team all weekend, Jerry Coons jr stopped by after his third Belleville victory. Not once did we have any issues with a drunk (fan) as a family we had a blast at the races. It's a different crowd when ya go to see a race then ya do to be a part of a partty...


August 12, 2012 at 10:43:18 PM
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 18

I slammed a door on a guy backside in the shitter cause he was pukin his guts up,The Nationals just get the best of Some people or should I say the worst,it isn't any different at a pro game event but at least people there get kicked out and I would say this is a Pro event and should change some rules for the drunks!!!

Michael 98A
August 12, 2012 at 10:47:31 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 569
Section I used to be "Family Section", at least last year it was. Sounds good over the PA, but impossible to enforce. That H section is now a yearly freak show: What you don't see is damn near that same row, the three seats on that aisle are seated by three-to-four grey haired fellas that threw the water bottle last year at the folks who refused to sit down on the start of the A. Someone jumped up from about row 15-16 in I charging up asking if anyone wanted their "ass whooped" for that deal...Kind wanted to see how that was going to play out. For as quiet as my Section I, Row 24 is, two-to-three rows down and across in Section H more than makes up for it. About time we snap photos of the douches that irritate the racing for the rest of us. Call 'em out and make everyone else know who they are. Good stuff.

August 12, 2012 at 10:53:54 PM
Joined: 07/10/2007
Posts: 947

I can't believe there are so many sober people at the Nationals?

do it in the dirt

August 12, 2012 at 11:07:16 PM
Joined: 04/13/2008
Posts: 57

Vote for obama he can start the prohibition for you guys againSmile

August 12, 2012 at 11:39:47 PM
Joined: 08/01/2009
Posts: 305
What drove me nuts last night was the 5 guys in my section who chose to buy tickets in the middle of the row and then needed to get up every 5 minutes to get one beer at a time or go have a smoke. These guys were getting up in the middle of the races it was clear they weren't paying attention. I just wish these type of people would save their $50 they spent on tickets and just stay over at Dingus. There would be a lot more elbow room for people wanting to see a race.

August 12, 2012 at 11:56:16 PM
Joined: 02/09/2006
Posts: 1120
i agree with the family section. even aa had a couple. i cant believe someone got puked on. they should have go their $ back and a huge "we are sorry".

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