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Topic: IMCA AND RACESAVER TOGETHER Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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February 20, 2012 at 09:04:51 PM
Joined: 10/09/2010
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Posted By: racrguy on February 20 2012 at 08:54:29 PM

/facepalm. Only the SST is invite only, NOT the IMCA/Racesaver deal. Aside from the SST there are 3 tracks in the N Texas area that run RaceSaver rules. Cowtown, RPM, and KSP. AFAIK all of those are IMCA sanctioned, so to say that 1) only SST will get national IMCA points and 2) that SST only pays $200 to win shows a great bit of ignorance on your part. Next time, I'd suggest asking for more information/clarification before you break out your jump to conclusions mat. Just sayin'

Clarification please--- so if you run a SST show and finish 24 and let's say KSP has a race and only 10 cars show and you finish 10 th then you'd be better off running a non SST show as far as IMCA points go?

February 20, 2012 at 09:52:52 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
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Posted By: Desflur on February 20 2012 at 09:04:51 PM
Clarification please--- so if you run a SST show and finish 24 and let's say KSP has a race and only 10 cars show and you finish 10 th then you'd be better off running a non SST show as far as IMCA points go?

From what I understood SST was invitation only and didnt race for points.

February 20, 2012 at 10:18:43 PM
Joined: 10/09/2010
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Posted By: emsa91 on February 20 2012 at 09:52:52 PM

From what I understood SST was invitation only and didnt race for points.

K thanks- hope this class continues to grows .

February 21, 2012 at 06:30:56 AM
Joined: 02/13/2010
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Posted By: Desflur on February 20 2012 at 10:18:43 PM
K thanks- hope this class continues to grows .

This how the whole racesaver was suppose to be, but some regions have changed it and run for points now.


But yes it was set up as invitation, no points championship. The thought was that if you are running for points more money will be spent and if its invitation only everyone will be able to race and not go home early.

February 21, 2012 at 09:13:25 AM
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 77
Thanks nat48 I've been Miss informed. I would like to know more. Where is the best place to find more would like to see one run at knoxville like to see how long it last without any changes on it.

February 21, 2012 at 11:47:56 AM
Joined: 10/07/2011
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Posted By: racrguy on February 20 2012 at 08:54:29 PM

/facepalm. Only the SST is invite only, NOT the IMCA/Racesaver deal. Aside from the SST there are 3 tracks in the N Texas area that run RaceSaver rules. Cowtown, RPM, and KSP. AFAIK all of those are IMCA sanctioned, so to say that 1) only SST will get national IMCA points and 2) that SST only pays $200 to win shows a great bit of ignorance on your part. Next time, I'd suggest asking for more information/clarification before you break out your jump to conclusions mat. Just sayin'

I ask somebody and I stand corrected on the payout, Please post on here the SST Payout for all to see,but what I did find out is the SST series has 24 cars a show, with about 50 plus members registered in it, and of that there were somewhere between 15-17 cars that ran every show last year. So with that said if you are only running 24 a show how is that growing class.

February 21, 2012 at 12:29:28 PM
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 77
Just off imca website they race kanas & Minnesota. They already got 2 motor packages 410 with garb.& 360injection. It up to track on what they run now ad 305 ha. So that means I can bring a 410 with carb.and run with the 305s in north Texas I bet they would say sure hahaha. I'm all for good 305 class but until you can get all tracks & series together in one place at the same time this is what you are going to have. It would be nice to see that happen. Is there anyone that has any ideas now the time. Maybe even get some motor builders in on it what you think.

February 21, 2012 at 12:32:43 PM
Joined: 01/26/2008
Posts: 37
Zerorules, check out racesaver's web page. I don't know how they would do on knoxvilles track. A big track like that is hard on any motor. They run at the devils bowl without any complications. It also depends on the stuff inside the motor. The good thing about racesaver is stock stuff runs as good as forged stuff. Maybe it won't last as long but it's aimed at low budget racers. Dodirt, I understand what you are saying. The sst is growing and more people sign up for it every year. The payout to the members does not matter. The majority also don't care to race every race. So it works out for them. You are guaranteed a certain amount to show and that won't change. The promoters pick the amount of cars they can pay for. 7 years ago there was only about 10 sprint cars left in this area, and now there is about 150. That is a big growth.

February 21, 2012 at 09:46:07 PM
Joined: 10/07/2011
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Posted By: nat48han1 on February 21 2012 at 12:32:43 PM
Zerorules, check out racesaver's web page. I don't know how they would do on knoxvilles track. A big track like that is hard on any motor. They run at the devils bowl without any complications. It also depends on the stuff inside the motor. The good thing about racesaver is stock stuff runs as good as forged stuff. Maybe it won't last as long but it's aimed at low budget racers. Dodirt, I understand what you are saying. The sst is growing and more people sign up for it every year. The payout to the members does not matter. The majority also don't care to race every race. So it works out for them. You are guaranteed a certain amount to show and that won't change. The promoters pick the amount of cars they can pay for. 7 years ago there was only about 10 sprint cars left in this area, and now there is about 150. That is a big growth.

Note to everyone running SST and to SST Series: If it doesnt matter how much you pay out or how much it pays to win and know body cares how much you pay out or how much they win, why not do this: just putting out an opinion:

Pay the same amount you are paying out at your races you are having now. Want cost the promotors any more money.

Collect what ever amount you collect from Drivers for your draw or what ever it is you charge the $10.00 for (24x$10.00 $240.00 or 50 x $10.00 $500.00) you make more money

Pay 24 positions just like you have been paying out

Take any and all comers that want to race, if you dont make the A Main you dont get paid anything.

Have a C Feature or B Feature, run everybody that comes out, great show for the Spectators, Great show for the Promotors (more pit passes sold more concessions sold and such) since it doesnt matter what you get paid to win if you dont make the A Main you dont get paid nothing. Driver should not complain, they say they are racing for the fun of it anyway. If you cant make the A main on a regular basis, sell your car or hire a driver that can.

This is what is called RACING, Not a country club members only running against the same competion every day in day out, Dont be scared of competion, welcome it.

Im done on this subject now, I will stick to watching Real Racers ASCS and Outlaws.

February 21, 2012 at 11:51:01 PM
Joined: 08/08/2010
Posts: 45

wont ever work ..........makes too much logic.

February 21, 2012 at 11:59:43 PM
Joined: 10/09/2010
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Posted By: Dodirt on February 21 2012 at 09:46:07 PM

Note to everyone running SST and to SST Series: If it doesnt matter how much you pay out or how much it pays to win and know body cares how much you pay out or how much they win, why not do this: just putting out an opinion:

Pay the same amount you are paying out at your races you are having now. Want cost the promotors any more money.

Collect what ever amount you collect from Drivers for your draw or what ever it is you charge the $10.00 for (24x$10.00 $240.00 or 50 x $10.00 $500.00) you make more money

Pay 24 positions just like you have been paying out

Take any and all comers that want to race, if you dont make the A Main you dont get paid anything.

Have a C Feature or B Feature, run everybody that comes out, great show for the Spectators, Great show for the Promotors (more pit passes sold more concessions sold and such) since it doesnt matter what you get paid to win if you dont make the A Main you dont get paid nothing. Driver should not complain, they say they are racing for the fun of it anyway. If you cant make the A main on a regular basis, sell your car or hire a driver that can.

This is what is called RACING, Not a country club members only running against the same competion every day in day out, Dont be scared of competion, welcome it.

Im done on this subject now, I will stick to watching Real Racers ASCS and Outlaws.

First of all why don't you take Smiley out to lunch and he will get you straight on the vision and how the SST runs a program. The SST wants to put a show on for the fans and not break the promoter. The SST wants to be a steward to the track and fans. Go show me where you can go and see a field of 24 sprinters week in and week out and not have caution after caution in a feature. The SST obviously is doing something right cause they always seem to have all the cars that the track owners want. With that let's go racing and best of luck to the whole Sprint Series of TEXAS series and the Midwest 305s and any other place that is getting this class up and running. Sure 410s are awesome and the ASCS but look at people like Shane Stewart that people say don't have a ride yet and other drivers that can't go run after national points etc due to funding! Go talk to a 305 driver never met one yet that isn't having a damn blast racing. They smile from ear to ear.

February 22, 2012 at 12:11:16 AM
Joined: 03/26/2009
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Posted By: Desflur on February 20 2012 at 09:04:51 PM
Clarification please--- so if you run a SST show and finish 24 and let's say KSP has a race and only 10 cars show and you finish 10 th then you'd be better off running a non SST show as far as IMCA points go?

KSP runs on SST off weeks, so there won't be a conflict there, but your situation will come into play if RPM runs the points through IMCA, as they're the only track in the area that runs on Friday nights that also runs RaceSaver cars. If that happens you'd be forced to choose where to run.

February 22, 2012 at 12:12:56 AM
Joined: 03/26/2009
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Posted By: emsa91 on February 20 2012 at 09:52:52 PM

From what I understood SST was invitation only and didnt race for points.

SST will be, as I understand it, an IMCA/RaceSaver regional series and will now run points through IMCA.

February 22, 2012 at 12:17:37 AM
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Posted By: Dodirt on February 21 2012 at 11:47:56 AM

I ask somebody and I stand corrected on the payout, Please post on here the SST Payout for all to see,but what I did find out is the SST series has 24 cars a show, with about 50 plus members registered in it, and of that there were somewhere between 15-17 cars that ran every show last year. So with that said if you are only running 24 a show how is that growing class.

I'm not sure what the payout is through the field, and even if I did I wouldn't post it. Who said the class was growing? Also, the "only running 24 cars a show" part of what you said, the series goes to the track with different "packages" so to speak, those packages are a varying amount of cars that way the promoter knows exactly how much the show is going to cost them. 15-17 cars ran every show? That sounds a lot better than some of the bigger named series out there. Just sayin'

February 22, 2012 at 07:46:35 AM
Joined: 10/09/2010
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Posted By: racrguy on February 22 2012 at 12:17:37 AM

I'm not sure what the payout is through the field, and even if I did I wouldn't post it. Who said the class was growing? Also, the "only running 24 cars a show" part of what you said, the series goes to the track with different "packages" so to speak, those packages are a varying amount of cars that way the promoter knows exactly how much the show is going to cost them. 15-17 cars ran every show? That sounds a lot better than some of the bigger named series out there. Just sayin'

EXACTLY and who said the drivers want to win a high dollar purse cause that's what's killing all the other series. SST you got a good thing going. Sure more money is always nice.

February 22, 2012 at 08:20:11 PM
Joined: 09/15/2010
Posts: 46
This message was edited on February 22, 2012 at 08:20:44 PM by The OIL MEDIC

Bryan Hulbert talks ASCS 305 Sprints tomorrow night at 8 PM ET on Slinging Mud. racetalkradio.com

February 26, 2012 at 09:42:44 AM
Joined: 09/15/2005
Posts: 5191

To help clear the air, here's the bottom line on the newly announced alliance between RaceSaver and IMCA, directly from French Grimes of RaceSaver.com:

"The IMCA press release or the our contract only refers to " promote membership in IMCA" in return for the benefit of $50,000 excess medical insurance.

It is specifically understood that this is a voluntary program in consideration for the benefits.

I am accessible to answer any concerns by participants."


Visit http://www.RaceSaver.com for complete 2012 rules and contact information.

February 28, 2012 at 10:15:14 PM
Joined: 09/19/2010
Posts: 5

I dont know what the 305 guys in Iowa think about RaceSaver rules or the ASCS 305 rules . I also would like to know what knoxville is gona do . If the 305 class in are area is gona grow they cant let cost get any higher thats for sure. Jamie Ball has his knoxville 305 engine listed for 16,500 and it says he lowered the price. That kind of money will kill the 305 class. IMCA has about every track in the state of Iowa . To me it would be a good fit in Iowa .

IMCA/RaceSaver rules you can build a good 305 engine for around the same cost as a i-stock engine. I know some guys that drive stock cars because thats what they can afford . Some would like to run sprint but dont have the money. The racesaver engine would give them the option.

February 28, 2012 at 11:30:43 PM
Joined: 12/23/2008
Posts: 89
This message was edited on February 28, 2012 at 11:31:51 PM by ecs
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Posted By: blokhead5d on February 28 2012 at 10:15:14 PM

I dont know what the 305 guys in Iowa think about RaceSaver rules or the ASCS 305 rules . I also would like to know what knoxville is gona do . If the 305 class in are area is gona grow they cant let cost get any higher thats for sure. Jamie Ball has his knoxville 305 engine listed for 16,500 and it says he lowered the price. That kind of money will kill the 305 class. IMCA has about every track in the state of Iowa . To me it would be a good fit in Iowa .

IMCA/RaceSaver rules you can build a good 305 engine for around the same cost as a i-stock engine. I know some guys that drive stock cars because thats what they can afford . Some would like to run sprint but dont have the money. The racesaver engine would give them the option.

As you can see you can spend $18,000 on a racesaver 305. I found this on the ASCS 305 post

I just love how everyone looks at a price tag of a motor and can instantly judge its legality. Theres a whole lot more than meets the eye when you buy a motor from Dick. The price you listed of $18,000 is about right but let me ask you something. When you buy a motor from another builder for $8,000 to $10,000 do you get everything? And by everything I mean the motor, injection, mag, headers, radiator, water lines, fuel pump, high speed, pill holder, fuel lines? I did. Does that motor builder have a stack of over 75 camshafts that he has tried in his 305's on the dyno trying to get that little extra out of them or comes up with creative designs for the fuel injection searching more more power and driveability instead of just going with what everybody else does? Dick does. Does the motor builder make no less than 15 pulls on the dyno with your motor getting the fuel and timing absolutely perfect right there in front of you? Dick did. Does the motor builder roll your car (just a roller with absolutely no plumbing or wiring) in to his shop to set the motor in, install the radiator, build all new ultralight hoses for fuel and water, wire the car, and even help you set the car up cause your new to sprint car racing and he wants to make sure you'll atleast have the oppertunity to run up front, all within about 4 hours? Dick and Scott did. Will that same motor builder then carry you to his local track on a race night and make sure everything is perfect and teach you about things to try on the car as a race night progresses before you leave town? Scott did. Then once your gone will that motor builder answer his phone on a Saturday night while your at the track and you have a question? Dick will. Then will that same motor builder call you EVERY Sunday to check and see how you did the night before? Dick does. Do you catch my drift? Yeah I payed a hefty ammount of money for my motor and I would gladly do it again! I've recieved knowledge and help along with the motor worth way more than the price I paid. I didnt just get a motor, I got someone who has forgot more about motors than I'll ever know and who truely cares about my performance and my satisfaction with him, not to mention the fact that his motors are incredible and mine has had me up in the thick of things just about every race I've run with it so far (If I can ever figure out how to drive I'll win a few haha!!!) meanwhile passing tech everytime without question. Dick knows his shit and never stops trying to squeeze every bit out of the stuff he produces. Oh and one last fun fact, of about the 70-80 Racesaver 305's Dick has built, NOT 1 has been brought back to him blown up or even anything close to having substantial damage. I wonder if those other builders you speak of have that kind of track record.

-Cody Harger

February 29, 2012 at 06:20:07 AM
Joined: 03/11/2010
Posts: 20

Here's what I know as a 305 Racesaver team with the Southern Thunder Sprints (East Texas/NW La)....

We didn't have sprints 'round here.. until Racesaver. We race at about 5-6 different tracks within just a couple hundred miles. We do not 'invite' you... you buy a car, you bring it, you race. On off nights some of us go to Cowtown, KSP, Kennedale, etc., because we love the challenge in someone else's back yard. The IMCA deal means absolutely NOTHING new to us as a series. The Racesaver motors, after two years for us, appear to be very closely matched in our opinion.

There's alot of great talent in our series (and other Racesaver groups) that just don't want to be involved with the ASCS and feel like we get a 'fair' shake with this series.

For all the haters..... If you don't like something, don't do it! For every negative post there's prob 10 more guys working hard to help something grow. Why you wanna bring a sport down that we all love? Did your momma not give you enough titty as a child? So get up from your computer, turn the xbox off, put on a clean shirt and do something positive with your life! LOL

Please and thank you!

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