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Topic: Most hated champions...and why? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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August 14, 2010 at 06:33:22 PM
Joined: 01/31/2010
Posts: 1476

One "constant" throughout racing history has been fans of a certain driver.

People have one of three emotions towards a driver.




Been that way for the 57+ years I have been around it and I don't see it changing.

Just remember though, in this electronic age you can quickly get something your "heard from a close friend" about a driver on the internet and it not be true. Too much damage done by the time you remove it or edit it.

Facts are great....rumors are normlly caused by jealousy and jealousy is a killer! Wink



TSA...It's not a GROPE...it's a Freedom Pat!

August 14, 2010 at 06:39:30 PM
Joined: 05/08/2009
Posts: 71

Sorry 24 fan but the dud isn,t good enough to be a spot in steve or sammy,s diaper.And i can,t stand slammy!

August 17, 2010 at 10:46:03 AM
Joined: 08/17/2010
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Posted By: leadfoot23 on August 13 2010 at 08:57:18 PM

Since there's no Nationals tonight and I have nothing better to do.......there's something I've been wanting to bring up on this forum for quite some time, and tonight just seems like the right night.

I read a lot of the crap on this forum and sometimes shake my head in disgust at how outright nasty some people can be towards Schatz. But, I can't help but wonder why he is so hated by so many people. I will admit that he is not my favorite and I will be happy if he doesn't win this year's Nationals, more because it's time for someone else to win, but something inside me just doesn't like his personna. So I was wondering....is Donny the most hated Sprint Car champion of all time? I'm too young to have witnessed the fans treatment of Opperman, Weld, Kinser in his prime, Rahmer in posse land, etc.

So I pose the question - Is Donny the most disliked; or most booed, (whatever you want to call it) champion of all time?

And then it leads to the 2nd portion of my topic - Why? I've heard so many different things on here about Donny, that I don't really know why he is so disliked by so many, other than he likes donuts. wink Ok there's the obvious - he's a winner, 4 years in a row kind of winner, which deserves respect - I just don't know why so many people, including myself, don't respect this guy and just outright want to see him finish in the back. I've been a racer myself for over 30 years (I started in quarter midgets at 4) so I'm not the average fair weather fan that changes their favorite driver like underwear. I truly don't like Schatz...and the funny thing is, I don't really know why. I guess it's probably because he just hasn't been what I consider an ambassador to the sport. I'm a die hard sprint car fan, have been my whole life. There's just something about this Champion that is different than other's. Maybe some other respected forum users (is there such a thing a respected forum user? Smile ) can weigh in and shed light as to why Donny is booed louder than any other driver I've ever witnessed. And maybe some of the older fans can tell me if any of the older drivers were held to such rigorous beatings as what Schatzy has been getting the last couple of years.

Thanks for listening to me ramble. Let's keep it clean please, or as clean as possible with this particular topic.

If everybody hates a winner then could someone explain the John Force phenomanon. I don't believe I've ever heard this guy get BOO d and he sure has won alot.

August 17, 2010 at 11:28:03 AM
Joined: 01/19/2009
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Posted By: RikHoodfan on August 17 2010 at 10:46:03 AM

If everybody hates a winner then could someone explain the John Force phenomanon. I don't believe I've ever heard this guy get BOO d and he sure has won alot.

Read Wolfgangs book and one part of it he was talkin about running in PA...said they would boo him at the weekly shows cause he was winning all the time but when the Outlaws came and he kicked their butt he got cheers haha funny

August 17, 2010 at 12:12:35 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: dirtybeer on August 13 2010 at 09:16:25 PM

I remember the "Anybody but Kinser" years.I think it's the same person winning time and time again that causes it.I don't remember people booing Donny before he won his first Nats.As a matter of fact,when he won that first one it was a pretty joyous crowd.

i personally remember a lot of boos leading up to Donny's first win. i think he was booed just as much in 2003-2004 as Kinser was and that was before Donny even won. That is why the boos were even louder this year. maybe i am wrong, but the booing stuck in my head for Schatz about 6 or 7 years ago. at the time i didnt really know why.

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