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Topic: RIP Mike Brooks Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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December 18, 2023 at 11:23:48 AM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 2167

Was always a Big Fan of Mike Brooks back when he ran his "Brooks Trucking" 360 Sprintcar at Knoxville. His racing history goes a lot deeper that that but he was the one I always had my eye on back in the day.. RIP Champ...

December 18, 2023 at 11:25:07 AM
Joined: 10/19/2023
Posts: 45


December 18, 2023 at 01:10:15 PM
Joined: 01/19/2009
Posts: 1224

One of my heros when I was a kid, and driver of one of the most beautiful cars to race at Knoxville. A few years ago I was pleasantly surpised when I discovered that he was serving on the fairboard. A night berfore the races this guy that I thought looked like Mike brook, was scanning tickets and I looked up and asked "Are you Mike Brooks" And he said yes with a smile. I probably looked like some star struck kid with a blank look on my face. 

Prayers to the family and friends. 

Keep It Real

J. Blundy #33 Fan Forever
December 18, 2023 at 06:49:23 PM
Joined: 04/18/2009
Posts: 390
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Posted By: jason88cubs on December 18 2023 at 11:25:07 AM


Sincere condolences to his family and friends. Mike was a heck of a competitor and piloted one of the most beautiful sprint cars to ever scratch dirt at K'ville.

I have a couple of really fond memories of him at Dingus's after the races.


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