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Topic: High Limit Allstar tour Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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October 24, 2023 at 07:49:06 PM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 19

If it weren't for the unfortunate and untimely death of Fred Brownfield none of these discussions would be relavent.

October 24, 2023 at 09:06:18 PM
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Posted By: larsonfan on October 24 2023 at 06:27:25 PM

Thanks my friend. Getting old sucks!

Maybe I'm too optimistic, and yes, I'll admit to being a Larson homer - kind of hard to deny that, lol! 

Through the years on this board there are people I've always thought I would enjoy attending races with and you are definetley one of those!

That's about as high of a compliment as one could receive and I reciprocate that your way. Hopefully in better times our paths will cross.

October 25, 2023 at 06:42:15 AM
Joined: 10/06/2018
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Posted By: fiXXXer on October 24 2023 at 05:37:06 PM

1) My fire toward Sweet and Larson is because I know a lot about the situation from behind the scenes. I can't really comment in detail so maybe without being able to context it properly, I shouldn't have gone there. I'm the first to bust someones balls for doing the same thing so I'm being a hypocrite. Apologies for that. I'll just say this: they're in it for themselves more than anyone. It's way more about control than righting wrongs or improving anything.


2) I don't hate Flo. I've said many times that Port losing fans to Flo is simply a symptom of their own decisions to raise costs continuously and most of all, doing a shit job of running their programs on a very consistent basis. 


3)  I'm a WoO fan but they're not perfect. You bring up some very good points but their brand still has and will continue to have the position at the top of the sport hence my opinion about the 50.


4) I'm sorry to hear you're not well. I hope you get better soon and I've always enjoyed your posts as well

everyone always has the inside info and never wants to share it.  i'm just glad these rumors actually turned out to be true.  that's unusual.  

there's way too much speculation...like always.  my view is the all star series needed some life breathed into it.  this was the perfect time for it to change hands.  not that tony was doing a bad job.  it just needed something new and shiny attached to it.

i don't see another series even trying to compete with the outlaws.  the outlaws are awesome.  i'll never understand all the whining about them.  somebody mentioned there just aren't enough cars to fill two series and it's hard to imagine all the woo teams leaving the prestige of that series.  even tony kept his car with the woo over all these years.

i like kyle and brad.  somebody said they're selfish.  kyle taking the title and a bunch of the races showed signs of that...but otherwise i trust they're not trying to take down the outlaws.  they're not good businessmen if they try.

October 25, 2023 at 07:27:54 AM
Joined: 12/11/2008
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Posted By: hiroshimacarp on October 25 2023 at 06:42:15 AM

everyone always has the inside info and never wants to share it.  i'm just glad these rumors actually turned out to be true.  that's unusual.  

there's way too much speculation...like always.  my view is the all star series needed some life breathed into it.  this was the perfect time for it to change hands.  not that tony was doing a bad job.  it just needed something new and shiny attached to it.

i don't see another series even trying to compete with the outlaws.  the outlaws are awesome.  i'll never understand all the whining about them.  somebody mentioned there just aren't enough cars to fill two series and it's hard to imagine all the woo teams leaving the prestige of that series.  even tony kept his car with the woo over all these years.

i like kyle and brad.  somebody said they're selfish.  kyle taking the title and a bunch of the races showed signs of that...but otherwise i trust they're not trying to take down the outlaws.  they're not good businessmen if they try.

The HL series was started to have higher paying mid week races.The higher purses were a bonus and having Kyle and Rico was a big draw. Not being able to watch mainy races except on Flo and DV was nice that most times you could watch both features. The big question to me is how much Flo will help to raise the purses. Many times the All Stars had a better show as the WOO format favors the time trial and draw many times but not all is the race. The talent level of the top 6 WOO drivers is very close and equiptment is close in all 3 series with crewchief making a difference sometimes. All 3 series are in a good place and the WOO has stood the test of time.History has shown the top drivers are not the reason WOO has continued at the top.

&C fan
October 25, 2023 at 09:58:38 AM
Joined: 02/08/2018
Posts: 76

I don't and never have understood why some people wish for the demise of the Outlaws?? I hope the true intent of Larson and the big Rat.....I mean cat, isnt to harm the WoO! We don't need this to fragment and set the sport back in any way! I respect the Outlaws and appreciate what they have done for this great sport for nearly 50 years! For me the Larson , Sweet, All Star series is still an unproven commidity, time will tell! For my money and support, long live the Outlaws! I really don't see me choosing any one over the Outlaws!

October 25, 2023 at 09:59:07 AM
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Posted By: tenter on October 24 2023 at 01:46:50 PM

I always thought racing was to see who had the fastest car/driver combo. Why give others a head start?

Who gets a head start?  They all draw a pill for qualifying order and go from there.  Everyone starts on equal footing.  I'm confused who is getting the head start.  Do they give who they perceive to be the fastest car, the best draw in qualifying?  

October 25, 2023 at 10:39:26 AM
Joined: 10/26/2014
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Posted By: hiroshimacarp on October 25 2023 at 06:42:15 AM

everyone always has the inside info and never wants to share it.  i'm just glad these rumors actually turned out to be true.  that's unusual.  

there's way too much speculation...like always.  my view is the all star series needed some life breathed into it.  this was the perfect time for it to change hands.  not that tony was doing a bad job.  it just needed something new and shiny attached to it.

i don't see another series even trying to compete with the outlaws.  the outlaws are awesome.  i'll never understand all the whining about them.  somebody mentioned there just aren't enough cars to fill two series and it's hard to imagine all the woo teams leaving the prestige of that series.  even tony kept his car with the woo over all these years.

i like kyle and brad.  somebody said they're selfish.  kyle taking the title and a bunch of the races showed signs of that...but otherwise i trust they're not trying to take down the outlaws.  they're not good businessmen if they try.

My sources are very close friends of mine and if they tell me something in confidence, it stays that way. Trust is a huge deal to me. Both ways. But I'll share what I can if I know something. Just how it is. As for the speculation, of course people are going to speculate. It's human nature. If you follow the web sleuthing/true crime community, that's on display daily. That said, what little people do know is concerning as far as how things have played out thus far. Going behind the WoO backs and trying to hire their employees away and trying to lure teams over to their side doesn't give off the vibe that they're trying to coexist and firing virtually everyone associated with the All Stars the moment the ink is dry gives off the vibe that this version of the All Stars isn't going to be business as usual. People mostly base their opinions off of what their senses tell them. In this case, things have been done to cause people to be legitimately concerned and that just throws gas on the fire. If they didn't want that, then they should've done things differently. And for all we know maybe they will from here on out. Maybe they end up being a positive influence on things. But you reap what you sow and so far, they've done plenty to make people worry about their intentions.

October 25, 2023 at 11:19:39 AM
Joined: 10/19/2023
Posts: 43

Probably the wrong to say but Larson has just been annoying to me personally the past year or so


I get that he thinks Chili Bowl should pay more, I agree but the Chili Bowl doesn't need you. It's not like you leaving is gonna ruin it


Just the whole we need more money gets on my nerves I guess

October 25, 2023 at 11:22:24 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
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Posted By: fiXXXer on October 25 2023 at 10:39:26 AM

My sources are very close friends of mine and if they tell me something in confidence, it stays that way. Trust is a huge deal to me. Both ways. But I'll share what I can if I know something. Just how it is. As for the speculation, of course people are going to speculate. It's human nature. If you follow the web sleuthing/true crime community, that's on display daily. That said, what little people do know is concerning as far as how things have played out thus far. Going behind the WoO backs and trying to hire their employees away and trying to lure teams over to their side doesn't give off the vibe that they're trying to coexist and firing virtually everyone associated with the All Stars the moment the ink is dry gives off the vibe that this version of the All Stars isn't going to be business as usual. People mostly base their opinions off of what their senses tell them. In this case, things have been done to cause people to be legitimately concerned and that just throws gas on the fire. If they didn't want that, then they should've done things differently. And for all we know maybe they will from here on out. Maybe they end up being a positive influence on things. But you reap what you sow and so far, they've done plenty to make people worry about their intentions.

Do your sources give you any reason to be concerned about these 2 series co-existing in peace & harmony? 


October 25, 2023 at 01:01:33 PM
Joined: 04/29/2014
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Posted By: jason88cubs on October 25 2023 at 11:19:39 AM

Probably the wrong to say but Larson has just been annoying to me personally the past year or so


I get that he thinks Chili Bowl should pay more, I agree but the Chili Bowl doesn't need you. It's not like you leaving is gonna ruin it


Just the whole we need more money gets on my nerves I guess

If he's fighting for others, okay I guess that's fine. If he is fighting for himself, Rico, Sweet... ehhh they are already set for life if well invested. Felt the same way during high limit races won by the 57-24. Like them as drivers and probably as people too but I sure wanted to see the money go elsewhere. No denying they have talent and top quality rides so they earned those wins but not how I hoped it to play out. 

racer goin broke
October 25, 2023 at 02:21:59 PM
Joined: 03/02/2016
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Posted By: saphead on October 25 2023 at 11:22:24 AM

Do your sources give you any reason to be concerned about these 2 series co-existing in peace & harmony? 


Just look at how the High Limit series was started and who was behind it.  It was started by Flo, the biggest rival of Dirtvision.  And I was told by a good source when I asked " Did Larson and Sweet present the idea of having a series within the WoO?"  They told me they never asked or tried, it was all about being independent.   Granted I wouldn't have like another series of races where all the money teams get more of the big money.  But not even talking with the WoO to work with them. It seems High Limit/Flo was adversarial from the start. Just my opinion. 

Also in my opinion Kyle is taking a lesson from being in Nascar.  He saws how the France family is a money printing machine.  If there is 10 slices of the money pie France family gets 8.  I  will hand to them they are slick. If you look at some of their marketing deals they had both Pepsi and Coke giving them money.   France/Nascar once would not let Verizon be on a car because Nextel was the main cup sponsor.  But on the France owned SiriusXM radio show the hotline was sponsored by Verizon..

So I think Kyle says "Hey why not me/we do that with sprint car racing?"  He and Brad and Flo want the 8 slices of the money pie.  I  am  all for capitalism,  but don't feed me the line of we care about you and are giving back.   They will never admit any of that , just keep saying we want to make sprint car racing better. While tickets prices will go up, and streaming and no cost of mandatory items for racers will get cheaper.  Just Brad and Kyle get the money instead of the WoO. 


October 25, 2023 at 02:28:30 PM
Joined: 07/16/2008
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Posted By: larsonfan on October 24 2023 at 02:31:52 PM

fiXXXer - I've always enjoyed and respected your posts through the years here on this board. So with that, I would like to respond to this and I want to say up front, I am not trying to argue with you or lob grenades at you.

This is your second post on this subject that you've thrown absolute fire at Sweet, Larson, and even Flo. Respectfully I'm trying to understand why? There has only been one formal announcement made (yesterday) and that listed no specifics on how this will work. Everything else that everyone has said on here is based on conjecture. It's all been "I know a guy who knows a guy who heard...." - aside from the notifications that some current All Star employees recieved terminating their employment.

My thoughts (in no particular order:

- Stewart was going to sell the All Stars to someone. Shouldn't we be happy that it's two buyers who know the sport and have experience in all aspects, and who have no doubt a ton of connections in the sport to help establish this the right way. Would we have rather had another Guy Webb-type buy it and run it into the ground instead?

- Not everyone is a WoO fan. I am one of those who is not. I think they are a big reason for the cost to go 410 racing to have gotten so high. I think their format is terrible. I think things like their rule on merch trailers is BS, and I think the rule on just 4 "freebies" is rediculous. They treat fans like we are all born yesterday - case in point, this past Sat at Devil's Bowl with the work area fiasco(s). People can recognize BS when they hear it from their announcer and see it on their TV. My point is maybe some competition will be good for them. Personally, I'd hate to see them take over the Tuscarora 50

- You say what they've done is disgusting and warrants karma down the road. What specifically have they done? If tracks and teams are willing to move to to High Limit that tells me there is some dissatisfcation with the way WoO/WRG treats them. Why should they be be chastised for at least entertaing a better offer from HL? It's called competetion.

- Don't understand the hate towards Flo. I am physically unable to attend races in person right now. There would be no racing for those like me without Flo (and DV). Plus I live 9 hours one way from the Port. Am I expected to make that drive every Sat just to put one more person in the stands?

- Finally, to whoever said that Port should drop Flo and sign on with DV....that way people won't be able to afford DV and would instead be forced to attend in person - please tell me you weren't serious? Also, see above.

AgaIn, not trying to argue, just trying to understand better where you (and others) are coming from. Thanks.


That was me that said to drop Flo and go with Dirtvision. I go to Port every week and Flo is going to put them out of business if something isn'tr done to put people back in the stands. I want the track to survive.

October 25, 2023 at 02:33:54 PM
Joined: 08/14/2006
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Posted By: tenter on October 25 2023 at 02:28:30 PM

That was me that said to drop Flo and go with Dirtvision. I go to Port every week and Flo is going to put them out of business if something isn'tr done to put people back in the stands. I want the track to survive.

How is Flo putting them out of business?


October 25, 2023 at 02:35:15 PM
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Posted By: egras on October 25 2023 at 09:59:07 AM

Who gets a head start?  They all draw a pill for qualifying order and go from there.  Everyone starts on equal footing.  I'm confused who is getting the head start.  Do they give who they perceive to be the fastest car, the best draw in qualifying?  

I wasn't singling you out, sorry . I was just commenting that people want to see bigger inversions and such to make "better" racing . I'm just saying that to me , racing is having the fastest car/driver earn what he gets without giving others a headstart through using inversions . I guess I can tolerate the dash draw. But if it was me , I'd add those laps on to the feature and start them heads up.

October 25, 2023 at 02:42:37 PM
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Posted By: dollansky_7_fan on October 25 2023 at 02:33:54 PM

How is Flo putting them out of business?

The attendance has dropped A LOT.  I know there are other reasons too, but the big reason is because people stay at home or go to local bars to watch instead of going in person . The are a few local bars within 5 miles of the track that show the races live . They have GAINED customers that used to actually go to the track . Many more locals stay at home and watch. Within a one hour radius , it would be many , many  more people that do the same.

October 25, 2023 at 02:57:05 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: tenter on October 25 2023 at 02:35:15 PM

I wasn't singling you out, sorry . I was just commenting that people want to see bigger inversions and such to make "better" racing . I'm just saying that to me , racing is having the fastest car/driver earn what he gets without giving others a headstart through using inversions . I guess I can tolerate the dash draw. But if it was me , I'd add those laps on to the feature and start them heads up.

Gotcha.  I'm with you

October 25, 2023 at 03:00:40 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: tenter on October 25 2023 at 02:42:37 PM

The attendance has dropped A LOT.  I know there are other reasons too, but the big reason is because people stay at home or go to local bars to watch instead of going in person . The are a few local bars within 5 miles of the track that show the races live . They have GAINED customers that used to actually go to the track . Many more locals stay at home and watch. Within a one hour radius , it would be many , many  more people that do the same.

I have brought this up before, but don't know if it's possible.  Does anyone know if it would be possible to "blackout" within a certain radius of a track?  TV used to do this for the NFL for example.  Is it possible with streaming?  I know this would be tough on certain people, especially those unable to attend the races due to age or physical issues.  Just wondering if it's even possible.





October 25, 2023 at 03:38:48 PM
Joined: 05/31/2007
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Posted By: egras on October 25 2023 at 03:00:40 PM

I have brought this up before, but don't know if it's possible.  Does anyone know if it would be possible to "blackout" within a certain radius of a track?  TV used to do this for the NFL for example.  Is it possible with streaming?  I know this would be tough on certain people, especially those unable to attend the races due to age or physical issues.  Just wondering if it's even possible.





I assume IP addresses have location data associated with them although I'm not sure. Its tough to put the genie back into the bottle though. Had that been that way from the beginning, people probably would have accepted it, but now it's become the norm. 

October 25, 2023 at 03:53:03 PM
Joined: 01/19/2009
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Posted By: dsc1600 on October 25 2023 at 03:38:48 PM

I assume IP addresses have location data associated with them although I'm not sure. Its tough to put the genie back into the bottle though. Had that been that way from the beginning, people probably would have accepted it, but now it's become the norm. 

Im not into stats, but did the fiasco after the stop/slowdown heat race affect car count?  Did they lose any cars that were following up to that point?   That instant would have soured me on the series, if I owned a car that is.  

October 25, 2023 at 03:54:54 PM
Joined: 10/26/2014
Posts: 2513
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Posted By: saphead on October 25 2023 at 11:22:24 AM

Do your sources give you any reason to be concerned about these 2 series co-existing in peace & harmony? 


Definitely. Obviously there's an entire offseason ahead and things can always go other ways so who knows what the actual outcome will be but they've kinda already showed their hand a bit. We shall see.

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