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Topic: Future of World Of Outlaws Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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October 03, 2014 at 08:14:59 AM
Joined: 04/29/2014
Posts: 1216

Isn't Ian Madesn planning on joining the Outlaws nexts year? Seems like I remember hearing that once. He would be a nice addition. Good looking and good running equipment that fits the Outlaws status quo. He is also a heck of a driver and seemingly scared of nothing which will make some races very exciting. He has shown he can win at least a couple of World of Outlaw races not even running the whole schedule. Ian will be missed at Knoxville if he moves on up but I'll still cheer for him on the Outlaw circuit.

October 03, 2014 at 10:52:49 AM
Joined: 04/21/2005
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Posted By: sc lm race fan on October 02 2014 at 04:49:10 AM

I look at the result head lines and say what Kinser or Swindell. Both most of the time have been also rans for the last 3 or 4 years.

What I'm wandering is what is Johnny Gibson going to say. And now quailifing 20 time WoO champion. 

Now qualifing is Kraig Kinser his Dad is 20 time WoO Champion Steve kinser. lol

He has said Steve Kinser so many times.

If Kraig is driving the Bad Boys Buggy car next year will he call him Steve. lol


Where will the not Drivers but Car Owners come from. There are a lot of Great drivers running at Knoxville, in Ohio, Indiana, California and running the ASCS National Tour that would love to go out on the WoO trail.

The last two years you are correct. In 2012 Sammy led the WoO in wins, so not quite an also ran.

October 03, 2014 at 12:39:30 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: BigRightRear on October 03 2014 at 08:00:59 AM

it is never too late to remarket a fan friendly $18 show...

Yes--that is what I would do if I had packed grandstands--lower my ticket price. 


On a forum where there is constant complaining about purses being too small, promoters not willing to risk the high cost of these big shows, and teams going broke, you come up with that gem?  

I don't ever want to see a WOO show that cost $18 again.  That means they are in desperation mode for attracting fans.

While we are at it, let's freeze gas at 79 cents a gallon, milk at $1.29, and I absolutely refuse to pay more than $39 for a hotel room.  What the hell is this, 1981?

I don't think the problem is fans in the seats. 





October 03, 2014 at 01:39:33 PM
Joined: 07/15/2013
Posts: 395

The outlaws are great and the economy is great and car owners are lined up to spend millions running these cars,and the talent level in woo is so high that they should shut nascar down with the unreal talent they have. So let's gear up for the next wave of woo and the drivers that in some places in the country nobody has even heard of and pay Kings royal ticket prices to watch 18 cars show up at times and watch the stp car........ Good Times are upon us.    Cheers to all

October 03, 2014 at 01:51:37 PM
Joined: 01/20/2005
Posts: 2079

15 cars is the "high water mark"over the last decade. 

During the "glory years" of the 1980's, the WoO only had 5-7 full-timers...

October 03, 2014 at 01:51:49 PM
Joined: 08/28/2014
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Posted By: dirtlover on October 03 2014 at 01:39:33 PM

The outlaws are great and the economy is great and car owners are lined up to spend millions running these cars,and the talent level in woo is so high that they should shut nascar down with the unreal talent they have. So let's gear up for the next wave of woo and the drivers that in some places in the country nobody has even heard of and pay Kings royal ticket prices to watch 18 cars show up at times and watch the stp car........ Good Times are upon us.    Cheers to all

Sarcastic hyperbole much.... 

Give me a break....nobody said the outlaws are perfect or that they couldn't be better, but they are no worse than theyve been in the last 15-20 years.   You complain about 1 car winning a lot like its a new thing.  Even if Donny won every race left on the schedule he still would be 15 behind Kinser's best year.  So it is actually more competitive now.

The responses defending WoO were towards those who post doom and gloom, and have rose colored glasses about what the series once was, and the only thing that was asked is why are they any more likely to lose cars or attendance now than they ever have been.  Would they like 20+ travelLers...sure.  would they like to race for more money....sure.   but they are far from on life support.  

October 03, 2014 at 01:59:03 PM
Joined: 07/15/2013
Posts: 395

What's the problem?

we should all feel lucky to be able to witness such a fabulous series with the best drivers ever for a small fee to get in

October 03, 2014 at 02:00:48 PM
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Posted By: shernernum on October 03 2014 at 01:51:49 PM

Sarcastic hyperbole much.... 

Give me a break....nobody said the outlaws are perfect or that they couldn't be better, but they are no worse than theyve been in the last 15-20 years.   You complain about 1 car winning a lot like its a new thing.  Even if Donny won every race left on the schedule he still would be 15 behind Kinser's best year.  So it is actually more competitive now.

The responses defending WoO were towards those who post doom and gloom, and have rose colored glasses about what the series once was, and the only thing that was asked is why are they any more likely to lose cars or attendance now than they ever have been.  Would they like 20+ travelLers...sure.  would they like to race for more money....sure.   but they are far from on life support.  

And now that you said the woo is better now I feel a lot better 

October 03, 2014 at 02:13:30 PM
Joined: 05/14/2014
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Posted By: dirtlover on October 03 2014 at 01:59:03 PM

What's the problem?

we should all feel lucky to be able to witness such a fabulous series with the best drivers ever for a small fee to get in

Give it up man, if you dont like the WOO dont attend their races pretty simple, why are you so shocked that the majority of Sprintcar fans and drivers have total respect for the WOO, they are the best of the best with or without Kinser and Swindell, and Im not just saying that, ask most any Sprintcar driver in the world and they will tell you the same thing. The Outlaws may come to an end some day but it wont be next year, so relax dirtlover there are enough fans to support the WOO even if you dont.

October 03, 2014 at 02:34:04 PM
Joined: 07/15/2013
Posts: 395

Let's go racing

October 03, 2014 at 03:08:37 PM
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Posted By: dirtlover on October 03 2014 at 02:00:48 PM

And now that you said the woo is better now I feel a lot better 

way to not answer the questions that have been asked about why now is worse

October 03, 2014 at 03:49:53 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: dirtlover on October 03 2014 at 01:39:33 PM

The outlaws are great and the economy is great and car owners are lined up to spend millions running these cars,and the talent level in woo is so high that they should shut nascar down with the unreal talent they have. So let's gear up for the next wave of woo and the drivers that in some places in the country nobody has even heard of and pay Kings royal ticket prices to watch 18 cars show up at times and watch the stp car........ Good Times are upon us.    Cheers to all

Wow--that's a pretty broad generalization.  Sorry your experiences suck so bad.  They have soccer on ESPN all summer if you think you need a change of pace. 

October 03, 2014 at 05:28:58 PM
Joined: 07/15/2013
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Posted By: egras on October 03 2014 at 03:49:53 PM

Wow--that's a pretty broad generalization.  Sorry your experiences suck so bad.  They have soccer on ESPN all summer if you think you need a change of pace. 

No.... I will just go watch the sprints that don't have kites on the top of them

MyResults MyPressRelease
October 03, 2014 at 06:17:39 PM
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Posted By: bighess11 on October 03 2014 at 12:02:02 AM

I agree. I think we've beat this horse dead. 

I watched local racing along with IMCA and USAC at the Minnesota State Fair from 1960 when I was 9 until sometime around 1983 when I went to my first WoO race at Cedar Lake.  I'd have been around 32 at that time.  I'd guess some of the people on here contemplating the future of the WoO haven't even hit their 32nd yet.  As I recall racing was pretty good from 1960-1982 or I wouldn't be here posting this today if the sport hadn't grabbed my attention. 

I've seen a lot of drivers, owners, series and speedways come and go over the years.  What would happen if the Outlaws ever went away?  I'd do something else.  What happens if they continue to be successful?  I'd go see them as long as I can pry my tired old ass out of the recliner.

Things change in life.  Some things last for a lot of years and some things go away.  My words of advice to anyone worried about change.  Get used to it because stuff happens.  Enjoy today and what we have now.  wink

Stan Meissner

October 03, 2014 at 06:33:43 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1065

Who are we talking about again SmileSmileWink

October 03, 2014 at 07:10:08 PM
Joined: 05/31/2007
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Posted By: sprintcarfanatic on October 03 2014 at 06:33:43 PM

Who are we talking about again SmileSmileWink

The All Stars, a very well run series with a bright future. Haha

October 03, 2014 at 08:08:33 PM
Joined: 10/10/2009
Posts: 653

Swindell hasn't been around anyway and Kinser's last win was a long long time ago this year and only one win.  These doomsayers have been around for the a couple decades now.  Remember the USA sprints and the NST trying to destroy the WoO but instead they got their pocketbooks destroyed.  Those three words are what the fans come out for, World of Outlaws. 

Lawlessness + liberalism = HELL -  NYC, Detroit, Chicago, 
Seattle, LA  Who the H runs those cities. 

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