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September 24, 2014 at 03:24:43 PM
Joined: 12/09/2008
Posts: 2403
This message was edited on September 24, 2014 at 03:32:53 PM by minthess

Its time the racing community truly steps up and says the kind of straight dick anyone is for driving anything under the influence instead of glorifying the stuff.  Mixing drugs and motorsports means death.  If you need to partake to enjoy or deal with life, stay in grandma's basement.

Luna's Ford engine style that won 2 WoO titles and 3 
Kings Royals before a weight rule against the best EVER
in their prime and now DOMINATES super dirt late model
racing is no longer allowed/wanted in a WoO sprint
car.... Was Luna a miracle worker?

September 24, 2014 at 03:31:00 PM
Joined: 11/28/2007
Posts: 258

I'm willing to bet the house that if they started drug and alcohol testing from the WoO series on down to the local dirt track people would get their eyes seriously opened.....

19 Posse
September 24, 2014 at 03:32:18 PM
Joined: 12/24/2012
Posts: 364

D1RT - YA THINK???!!!???  LOL

19 Posse
September 24, 2014 at 03:37:19 PM
Joined: 12/24/2012
Posts: 364

Minthess - You below the belt shot at the Beer Hill Gang is childish and BS...

What have you done for the sport in the past week? Year? Decade?

You obviously have no clue what the Beer Hill Gang stands for and does....



September 24, 2014 at 04:00:59 PM
Joined: 03/22/2008
Posts: 2468
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Posted By: D1RT on September 24 2014 at 03:31:00 PM

I'm willing to bet the house that if they started drug and alcohol testing from the WoO series on down to the local dirt track people would get their eyes seriously opened.....

If you go by the percenatges of how many people in the US regularly or semi-regularly partake in the use of alcohol or any mind altering drug; there would be what less than half the participants left? I agree that you shouldn't be racing impaired but I also agree that people should ahve the freedom to do what they please in the privacy of their own homes, so long as it affects no others. With drugs, other than alcohol, there'es no way to distinguish the time of impairment.


September 24, 2014 at 04:01:31 PM
Joined: 12/09/2008
Posts: 2403
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Posted By: 19 Posse on September 24 2014 at 03:37:19 PM

Minthess - You below the belt shot at the Beer Hill Gang is childish and BS...

What have you done for the sport in the past week? Year? Decade?

You obviously have no clue what the Beer Hill Gang stands for and does....



Rephrased it for you. 

Luna's Ford engine style that won 2 WoO titles and 3 
Kings Royals before a weight rule against the best EVER
in their prime and now DOMINATES super dirt late model
racing is no longer allowed/wanted in a WoO sprint
car.... Was Luna a miracle worker?

September 24, 2014 at 06:47:40 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4052
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Posted By: HoldenCaulfield on September 24 2014 at 04:00:59 PM

If you go by the percenatges of how many people in the US regularly or semi-regularly partake in the use of alcohol or any mind altering drug; there would be what less than half the participants left? I agree that you shouldn't be racing impaired but I also agree that people should ahve the freedom to do what they please in the privacy of their own homes, so long as it affects no others. With drugs, other than alcohol, there'es no way to distinguish the time of impairment.

Agree 100%  I didn't ever test employees for drugs cause I thought I would lose 1/2 of my people!!!!   Why do I care what they did Saturday night?  Come to work on Monday sober and we're good.


Now, if they are impaired at work?--that's a different deal

September 24, 2014 at 07:25:19 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1065

I knew I liked you egras.

September 25, 2014 at 07:22:56 AM
Joined: 03/18/2008
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Posted By: sprintcarfanatic on September 24 2014 at 07:25:19 PM

I knew I liked you egras.

Sarge is a good guy.....I agree

September 25, 2014 at 08:24:17 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Yo' John (sprintcarfanatic) you are a truck driver, correct?  How often do you have to test or is it just 'random'.  I have about 45 working for me and dthe only ones that have to test are the ones going to the good ol' USA.  This is only a small percentage of my drivers and the ones that refuse to go Stateside usually tell lots by this action.....

September 25, 2014 at 04:20:58 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1065

Admitting thier guilt eh. Yes it's random. Besides the 1 for getting the job I've had 2 others & it will be 4 yrs with this company October 6th.

The 1 company I worked for amended the employee handbook before I got the CDL & they gave you the option on going right then or waiting 30 days. All the warehouse guys opted for the latter. I asked the lady if I say I'm waiting 30 days thats kinda admitting my guilt isn't it ?  She went back over & told the owner but I didn't never hear anything other than my boss said John you have to watch what you tell her.  

September 25, 2014 at 06:00:06 PM
Joined: 12/07/2006
Posts: 2414

so ward had weed in his system we've all heard.  any link for verificaiton anywhere?

Ascot was the greatest of all time..

West Capital wasn't half bad either..

Life is good...

September 25, 2014 at 06:22:47 PM
Joined: 11/28/2007
Posts: 258
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Posted By: NWFAN on September 25 2014 at 06:00:06 PM

so ward had weed in his system we've all heard.  any link for verificaiton anywhere?

How about the Ontario County District Attorney Michael Tantillo who stated that fact in his news conference yesterday.

September 25, 2014 at 08:12:00 PM
Joined: 12/21/2010
Posts: 840

weed makes people run out in to oncoming traffic? mind-boggling!

Follow me on the social medias! ; twitter - 
larryitis   Facebook - Michael Collins 

September 25, 2014 at 08:41:47 PM
Joined: 06/04/2012
Posts: 1758

People are getting too caught up on this whole marijuana deal thinking that was the only reason that Tony was cleared of all charges. The big thing about the whole case is that forensics experts put together an accident recreation using the frames of the two videos, enhancing them, and slowing them down. They used physics, distance, and time factors to figure out what happened and testified that Tony's car stayed straight and did not change lines in order "scare" or kick dirt on Ward like some thought. Also, they determained that there was no contact between Stewart in Ward to cause Ward to spin.

To me that is the bigger factor in all of this than marijuana. Everyone can argue till we are blue in the face the affect that it has on individuals and if it should be legal or not. Facts are that Ward did get out of the car, and Forensic evidence shows that Tony did not intentially run down Ward. It took the Grand Jury less than an hour to come to that conclusion.

rizzo the III
September 25, 2014 at 09:47:39 PM
Joined: 06/13/2005
Posts: 250
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Posted By: Nick14 on September 25 2014 at 08:41:47 PM

People are getting too caught up on this whole marijuana deal thinking that was the only reason that Tony was cleared of all charges. The big thing about the whole case is that forensics experts put together an accident recreation using the frames of the two videos, enhancing them, and slowing them down. They used physics, distance, and time factors to figure out what happened and testified that Tony's car stayed straight and did not change lines in order "scare" or kick dirt on Ward like some thought. Also, they determained that there was no contact between Stewart in Ward to cause Ward to spin.

To me that is the bigger factor in all of this than marijuana. Everyone can argue till we are blue in the face the affect that it has on individuals and if it should be legal or not. Facts are that Ward did get out of the car, and Forensic evidence shows that Tony did not intentially run down Ward. It took the Grand Jury less than an hour to come to that conclusion.

Exactly! Spot on! .  I'm thinking the civil suit ( when it happens) will end the same way. No fault, other than being on the same track as the deceased. 

September 25, 2014 at 09:59:23 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: maddog53 on September 25 2014 at 07:22:56 AM

Sarge is a good guy.....I agree

Thanks Maddog. 

I see Larryitis posted also.  While we are all in the same place, make your plans now for Knoxville next August.   I would love to see the two of you meet us out there for some beers, food, racing and more beer.  We always have a great time and I know you guys would hit it off with the group that travels out there with me.  Also, Larryitis can do the cooking--the way it sounds. 

I am also going to do a couple of local "tours".  I am waiting to see the WOO schedule and want to see the schedule for the new Upper-Midwest region tour that is rumored to be forming.  Hopefully WOO in Wilmot again-I missed it last year but the 'All-Stars' show was a great time.  Would like to see Beaver Dam and Burlington WOO shows again.  Also have been wanting to get to Cedar Lake Speedway.  I have a lot of hopes and a limited budget to do it with--we will see.  With the new job, I will have a lot of time next summer--let's hope I can put the funds together with the time I will have.  I even considered a quick Friday morning departure for the King's Royal next year--return on Sunday.  ?   I found out my wife has a relative that lives less than 30 miles from Eldora speedway--may be a potential camping spot.  Just have to find a sober driver!

And one more thing Maddog--Go Bears!!  But seriously--this is the week your Pack gets back on track and your running game comes back to life.  I'm thinking 400 yards for Rodgers passing--150 team yards rushing.  Nothing gets a team going again like playing the Bear's D!   We gave up almost 200 yards in one half to Geno Fricken Smith!!!!!  

Later dude!

September 25, 2014 at 10:28:44 PM
Joined: 12/21/2010
Posts: 840

I'm all in! looking forward to solidifying my schedule for 2015. I guess thats one thing to look forward to, besides watching football and shoveling snow.

Follow me on the social medias! ; twitter - 
larryitis   Facebook - Michael Collins 

September 25, 2014 at 10:56:59 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4052
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Posted By: larryitis on September 25 2014 at 10:28:44 PM

I'm all in! looking forward to solidifying my schedule for 2015. I guess thats one thing to look forward to, besides watching football and shoveling snow.

It might be in the opposite order!  I heard we are in for it for snow this year!  Someone said the Farmer's Almanac is saying 20 more snowfalls!!  That was all fun and games when I had a garage full of snowmobiles!  Now that I can't afford that hobby anymore, snow sucks! 

September 26, 2014 at 06:39:33 AM
Joined: 03/18/2008
Posts: 1492
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Posted By: egras on September 25 2014 at 10:56:59 PM

It might be in the opposite order!  I heard we are in for it for snow this year!  Someone said the Farmer's Almanac is saying 20 more snowfalls!!  That was all fun and games when I had a garage full of snowmobiles!  Now that I can't afford that hobby anymore, snow sucks! 

I will see what I can do with my limited funds.  That is one reason I do what I do at Wilmot.  I would like to check out the Jerry Richert show up Nort'.  That sounds like a good show, although it is not local.  I would also like to some year check out Indiana Sprint Week.  Sarge, I am sure we will be in touch about Knoxville, I have never been.  I sent you an e-mail about football and Hockey. Talk to you soon.

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