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Topic: Biggest spoiled babies in sports? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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March 04, 2014 at 06:14:24 PM
Joined: 09/30/2005
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Posted By: buzz rightrear on March 04 2014 at 12:44:11 PM

a fan of what? i just found it humorous that you picked a post about spoiled crybabies to conduct your rant. Smile

i admit it was a snarky sarcastic remark and wasn't supposed to be an insult to you...but that is hard to convey on a message board. accept my apologies for dicking with you.

now as far as your opinion goes, my opinion is that nascar really isn't anymore less exciting than it ever was. you have to remember all the highlights that we see and all the stuff we remember of the past are the exciting moments. the facts are that races used to have few drivers on the lead lap and the winner at times many laps ahead. the competition was far less deep than it is now. for the most part the races as a whole had their ups and downs as far as excitement during the events, just like they do now. also some races are just more exciting than others.

it is kind of like baseball, which for the most part is slow boring and unexciting for most of the game. then it has its moments of action and excitement. but if you are a fan of baseball, you remember only the exciting stuff. both sports have a lot of time involved during the event consisting of positioning and strategy that aren't always exciting.

the longer races are always going to have their slow boring moments when things are not exciting, but then there are those times of action as the race builds or comes to conclusion. if you don't watch the whole race, just like if you don't watch the whole baseball game, you can miss the action and also miss the events that are interesting that lead into the action.


i agree that some of the new rules and formats suck, but speaking specifically about the rule changes from last week to this week, plate track races always have a different rules package than the other races. also with the change in qualifying format, nascar didn't want to start out the season at daytona in the cup series with an untried format, so they used the new format in the truck and nationwide events and brought in the new format for the cup cars a week later.


if you think the nascar events are boring, that is your opinion. that's fine. if you want to rant about it, that is fine. if you don't want to watch, that's even better.

but don't be shocked when someone calls you out for crying on a thread about crybabies. wink


and dont be surprized when I tell you opinions are like assholes everyone has one..  the topic was crybabies in sports, I guess im a crybaby on a pointless MESSAGE board. just take it as you wish. Some, including you, have agreed with my so called rant. you just choose to try call out iriony to get a rise off your comments, i guess thats ok, if thats what your looking for, its your story man..

buzz rightrear
March 04, 2014 at 07:41:47 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
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Posted By: dirtdevil on March 04 2014 at 06:14:24 PM

and dont be surprized when I tell you opinions are like assholes everyone has one..  the topic was crybabies in sports, I guess im a crybaby on a pointless MESSAGE board. just take it as you wish. Some, including you, have agreed with my so called rant. you just choose to try call out iriony to get a rise off your comments, i guess thats ok, if thats what your looking for, its your story man..

 you are the one still posting pointless rantings on what you deem is a pointless message board.

 hey i apologized, but you can get all bent out of shape because i joked with you a little and if you can't take it you can take your opinion and your asshole and vacate anytime you want. no one is forcing you to be here, or to comment. sometimes the playground gets a little tough for some people.

i stand by my earlier post that said some of the biggest crybabies in sports are on this forum......at times wink

to indy and beyond!!

March 04, 2014 at 07:47:26 PM
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posts: 1387

i havent lost alot of sleep over your post.. speeking of bent. maybe you should get bent if you cant handel the playground.

March 04, 2014 at 08:27:39 PM
Joined: 01/03/2005
Posts: 1344

If Lindsay Vonn was my girlfriend i'd tell them to kiss my ass.

dirt in ur beer
March 04, 2014 at 08:50:47 PM
Joined: 03/04/2011
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Posted By: davemahar on March 04 2014 at 08:27:39 PM

If Lindsay Vonn was my girlfriend i'd tell them to kiss my ass.

Id still like to see video of his exwife kicking his ass in the street! 

buzz rightrear
March 04, 2014 at 09:38:35 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
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Posted By: dirtdevil on March 04 2014 at 07:47:26 PM

i havent lost alot of sleep over your post.. speeking of bent. maybe you should get bent if you cant handel the playground.

i'm really not concerned about your sleep. i know if you have trouble with it you can just go watch nascar.

there really is no point in discussing it any further because as you have indicated everything on here is.....pointless.

to indy and beyond!!

March 04, 2014 at 11:14:22 PM
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posts: 1387

see I knew if you read long enuff you would start to understand the differance between a crybaby and a simple opinion, Im not running for Govenor of your town so winning your vote wasnt my point (aka pointless) this is just conversation.. you can choose to debate differances, to which you have not, you have actually solidified my (personal) assesment of todays Nascar.. im not going to gloat in it. hell, ill shake your hand if we agree, and if we dont, give me a honest debateable different opinion and I will respect your view, ya know, ill give it a shot, from a third persons perspective and not my (ranting  bias opinion) the newcomers to the sport may find enthusiasim in todays Nascar, in honesty it grew alot of fan base and it grew quickley, thats fine for Autoracing in general, but "OUR" type of racing is more specific, it takes a degree of communicating with todays newbie race fan as to how a Sprint show is run, im excited about it, ill explain sprintcars to a 3 year old girl or a 90yr old grandpa, I love it that much. I strive to explain in great detail  whomevers ears are willing to listen the ins-and outs of sprint racing, im by no means a historian I was shittn diapers when the glory days were underway. But you cannot find too many that will top my passion for the sport, (again IMO) if found a few fellow drivers that are huge fans and not just drivers also, this is kinda a difficult line to understand with drivers,  Im a Fan/driver/owner, Hell i come on a pointless messageboard and post with diehard,and light intrest fans, I dont care, Im a Fan too.. If my pocket would allow it i would be too buisy to proubly post on here, but im not.. Im a blue collar racer and im glad to own it, i found a way to harness that value, some choose to step on it, thats fine its your own neck your stepping on, Im the same as you.. the fan.. I choose to compete when i can. i keep the lights on in this house and the bread on the table too. I use to be a pretty loyal Nascar fan I followed Tony,Darrel,Cale,Petty,Allison, Labontie, those days were different to me, the US Auto manufactures still seemed to have a tidbit of desighn involved, that was stockcar racing, todays cars are the same template with different stickers, remember when a driver was sponsored for a season, and not just a race, remember those days, Sprint racing can be debated to be somewhat of the same ordeal, but it has a different attraction to it, todays Sprint engines are labled by the builder, its basically a hunk of alloy that is massaged into a specific race piece, Chev-Mopar-Ford it doesnt matter, some desighs are better than others , some are not, todays typical Chev desighn engine sometimes doesnt even share the same firing order anymore, its a combination of trial and error and huge engineering feets to accomidate the duty at hand. But to me the racing has a 80%chance of being exciting, a guy doesnt need to weed thro two hours of the reporters scanning back to 35th position to elaborate on someone getting thier ass handed to them..  too many smoke and mirrors type gimmicks to try make up for the fact 80% of the race is boring.. I dont know if Nascar will ever reguain my attention, and Honestly, as long as I have sprint racing, I dont care.. my intrest is Here.

March 05, 2014 at 02:55:07 AM
Joined: 01/02/2007
Posts: 5252
This message was edited on March 05, 2014 at 02:56:02 AM by BIGFISH

 Remember, AJ and Mario showed up at Daytona and won!!... Check out these names at Riverside in 63. I was a freshman at Upland High School and hell yes I was there and rooting for the USAC boy's..http://fantasyracingcheatsheet.com/nascar/races/results/1963/riverside-international-raceway/riverside-500/791

Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. 

March 05, 2014 at 07:31:30 AM
Joined: 11/18/2006
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Posted By: egras on March 03 2014 at 09:47:42 AM

I listened to Kevin Harvick's interview from last year when he went off on the Dillon boys for being spoiled brats who have been fed with a silver spoon.  But then, after watching Smoke run a good race with a 65% leg, and stay on the lead lap, I see at the bottom of the ticker "Tiger Woods withdrawls after 13 holes with back spasms".   I know what back spasms feel like--but is there a bigger pu$$y in the sports world than that guy?  I hear of race car drivers driving with broken arms and legs.  One of my beloved Blackhawks players finished the Stanley Cup run out last year with a torn MCL.  I get so sick of seeing highlights on Sportscenter of this guy wincing every time he swings a club--whether it be his knee or his back.


Is there anyone else you can think of that is more of a spoiled brat than that guy in sports?

The FANS...they expect everything for their dollars.  They demand the right of telling owners who to hire, they demand the track run a schedule to suit them.  FANS demand owners incur the high cost of traveling long distances to prove which geographic territory has the best talents.  Well not all fans, just many on message boards. 

March 05, 2014 at 09:45:55 AM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: sonoranrat on March 05 2014 at 07:31:30 AM

The FANS...they expect everything for their dollars.  They demand the right of telling owners who to hire, they demand the track run a schedule to suit them.  FANS demand owners incur the high cost of traveling long distances to prove which geographic territory has the best talents.  Well not all fans, just many on message boards. 

Really?  I can't speak for everyone on this board but I will tell you how it is in my world--and I'm not patting myself on the back but telling you what I put in to support these venues/events like many others on this board do.

I work 50-60 hours per week and save money all year so I can go to as many races as possible--same goes for other sporting events that I go to--hockey games, football, baseball, etc.  These events are exactly that--events.  They cost a ton of money for me and my family of 5 to go to.  And, I will bet you that the majority of the folks reading this are in the same boat--they work hard all year to afford to go to these events.

So--let's clear something up.  I don't demand that anyone do anything for me at all.  If your track doesn't want to run a schedule I like, that's your business.  If you don't want to promote and bring in the best possible talent to your show--fine by me--don't do it.  But guess what dumbass--I also DON'T have to go to the shows.  I'm not spending any money on a bull$hit show that I don't like! 

Nascar made the absolutely terrible decision of building the COT car years ago.  The racing got even more boring than it already was.  No last lap passes--hell no passes at all.  No drama at all.  Am I spoiled for no longer attending Nascar events because they bore me?  Absolutely not.  I'm not spending my hard earned money on that.  Not spoiled--I'm on a limited budget and my money only goes so far. 


March 05, 2014 at 11:43:11 AM
Joined: 03/24/2013
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Posted By: sonoranrat on March 05 2014 at 07:31:30 AM

The FANS...they expect everything for their dollars.  They demand the right of telling owners who to hire, they demand the track run a schedule to suit them.  FANS demand owners incur the high cost of traveling long distances to prove which geographic territory has the best talents.  Well not all fans, just many on message boards. 

Funny you say that....why, just this morning I sent emails to the car owner of the #83 demanding my favorite driver in it, an email to Eldora demanding 410, 360 and nonwing every Saturday night this season, and while I was at it, I sent one to Vladimir Putin demanding he get the hell out of Ukraine.


March 05, 2014 at 01:49:01 PM
Joined: 09/02/2009
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Posted By: CentralPaPosse on March 03 2014 at 06:16:54 PM

This ranks up there as one of the dumber posts I've seen.  Obviously you aren't a golfer.  About 20 things have to happen perfectly in a golf swing or your hit it like shit.  And yeah... it takes no athletic ability to stripe one 300 yards down the middle of the fairway.  Wow... the idiots that troll this place is astounding.

Thank you sir... Pro golfers walk 6 miles a day every day they play on very uneven and inconsistent terrain, and they treat their backs, knees, wrists and shoulders like crap to play at that level. A pro golfers swing twists and coils the body ridiculous amounts, and they leverage off thier knees to coil that far...then they slam a steel rod into the ground at 115 MPH 50 times per round and another 300-1000 times on the practice range per day and absorb all that shock in their wrists and shoulders.


Anybody who is seriously having lower backs spasms or has any type of bulge or herniation in a disc...or who is dealing with a knee injury... should absolutely not try to play golf at that level until they are rehabbed. With all the muscles it takes to have such powerful repeatable swings it doesn't take very much of a problem to completely screw up your game at that level.


With that being said, you rarely see Tiger withdraw from a tournament when he's up toward the top of the leaderboard, and by mid round on Saturday anytime he's 8-12 shots back most golf fans start betting on when he will pull out and which "injury" he will use as a reason....hahaha 

Loose is when you hit the wall with the rear of the
car, tight is when you hit the wall with the front of
the car. Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall and
torque is how far you move the wall.

March 05, 2014 at 06:15:04 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: darnall on March 05 2014 at 01:49:01 PM

Thank you sir... Pro golfers walk 6 miles a day every day they play on very uneven and inconsistent terrain, and they treat their backs, knees, wrists and shoulders like crap to play at that level. A pro golfers swing twists and coils the body ridiculous amounts, and they leverage off thier knees to coil that far...then they slam a steel rod into the ground at 115 MPH 50 times per round and another 300-1000 times on the practice range per day and absorb all that shock in their wrists and shoulders.


Anybody who is seriously having lower backs spasms or has any type of bulge or herniation in a disc...or who is dealing with a knee injury... should absolutely not try to play golf at that level until they are rehabbed. With all the muscles it takes to have such powerful repeatable swings it doesn't take very much of a problem to completely screw up your game at that level.


With that being said, you rarely see Tiger withdraw from a tournament when he's up toward the top of the leaderboard, and by mid round on Saturday anytime he's 8-12 shots back most golf fans start betting on when he will pull out and which "injury" he will use as a reason....hahaha 

I'm leaning towards your last paragraph.  If Tiger is within 2 or 3 shots of the lead we never even have a story.  I have had some very serious back spasms and know people who have had some very serious back spasms.   Tiger--and I don't care if you have a different opinion--is having what amounts to the average person's aches and pains.  His knee?  Most people would not have had surgery on their knee if it were like his knee was.  He's a whiny spoiled baby and the only reason he had knee surgery is because it was hurt his golf game.  His "serious" knee and back pain only develop when his game tanks. 

Anyone who thinks any different--I have a couple of bridges for sale.  It didn't seem to hurt him when he was pinning the waitress from IHOP against the wall. ?  (or was it Denny's?)         

dirt in ur beer
March 05, 2014 at 06:35:11 PM
Joined: 03/04/2011
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Posted By: egras on March 05 2014 at 06:15:04 PM

I'm leaning towards your last paragraph.  If Tiger is within 2 or 3 shots of the lead we never even have a story.  I have had some very serious back spasms and know people who have had some very serious back spasms.   Tiger--and I don't care if you have a different opinion--is having what amounts to the average person's aches and pains.  His knee?  Most people would not have had surgery on their knee if it were like his knee was.  He's a whiny spoiled baby and the only reason he had knee surgery is because it was hurt his golf game.  His "serious" knee and back pain only develop when his game tanks. 

Anyone who thinks any different--I have a couple of bridges for sale.  It didn't seem to hurt him when he was pinning the waitress from IHOP against the wall. ?  (or was it Denny's?)         

Do you have pictures of these bridges? 

March 05, 2014 at 07:54:33 PM
Joined: 03/04/2007
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Posted By: pack on March 03 2014 at 11:25:46 AM

Golf takes skill yes you are correct but so does chess. Not really an altetic sport.

You obviously haven't taken a walk for 8 miles while swinging a stick for 18 holes. There is more fat race car drivers than golfers. 

March 05, 2014 at 10:05:00 PM
Joined: 07/21/2011
Posts: 83

The  biggest cry babies in any sport are  S.F. 49ers and their fans

With every loss comes with excueses of how they lost and blame everthing  but their team

ride hard and others will follow

March 06, 2014 at 12:26:59 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4027
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Posted By: johnnyrider on March 05 2014 at 10:05:00 PM

The  biggest cry babies in any sport are  S.F. 49ers and their fans

With every loss comes with excueses of how they lost and blame everthing  but their team

I think that may be a trickle down effect from their coach though. 

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