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Topic: Biggest spoiled babies in sports? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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March 03, 2014 at 01:11:39 PM
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posts: 1387
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Posted By: Rip Off on March 03 2014 at 10:19:51 AM

Golfers are no more athletes than postmen.

Alltho I found your post pretty comical, I will say this, In my neck of the woods, a postal carrier has to be pretty tuff, this past saturday was -50 windchills.. the only thought that went thro my mind was,  are the postal crriers driving today? a 1/4 mile walk up wind is brutal, selecting envelopes with bowling balls for hands is proubly kinda difficult,  I respect everyones difficulties in thier occupations.  I know from experiance a soar or injured body part can be manipulated into a certain level of comfort in a drivers seat, however constant movement or thrashing will be your pain later when the concentration of competition wears off.. weve all done it before, and wish we had not overdone a event, Im not positive on Mr Woods condition, and I dont know the specifics, BUT your spinal cord is the pathway to all nerves in your body, any complications can bring the incredible hulk to his knees.. thats a fact. , golf has always been a cooshy kinda deal, not my cup of tea,  Sprint racing, and Hockey, thats more my style..   its not for everyone I guess.

March 03, 2014 at 01:23:44 PM
Joined: 08/12/2005
Posts: 827

Played all the stick and ball sports and only Free Style Wrestling & Boxing compared to the workout I got driving a sprint car.  

I must now prepare for my sports for this evening...... Throwing Darts at the Bar, week 6 of the Season.

buzz rightrear
March 03, 2014 at 01:28:24 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
Posts: 2511

i think some of the biggest spoiled crybabies in sports are on this forum........... at times. Smile

to indy and beyond!!

March 03, 2014 at 01:49:22 PM
Joined: 08/15/2012
Posts: 1620

Since I don't watch FRANCECAR, and haven't for years, I must say I miss old "Crusty" Wallace crying about one thing after another.  His brothers don't seem to have that trait!


p.s.  I will clarify the above statement about watching FRANCECAR.  If I am home and not occupied I might turn on the last few laps but I have not watched a complete race since they started the stupid "CHASE!"  The CHASE makes about as much sense as giving Rosie two forks in a buffet line!



March 03, 2014 at 03:12:25 PM
Joined: 04/22/2010
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Posted By: buzz rightrear on March 03 2014 at 01:28:24 PM

i think some of the biggest spoiled crybabies in sports are on this forum........... at times. Smile

Where's Will?

March 03, 2014 at 03:16:16 PM
Joined: 09/30/2005
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Posted By: opnwhlr on March 03 2014 at 01:49:22 PM

Since I don't watch FRANCECAR, and haven't for years, I must say I miss old "Crusty" Wallace crying about one thing after another.  His brothers don't seem to have that trait!


p.s.  I will clarify the above statement about watching FRANCECAR.  If I am home and not occupied I might turn on the last few laps but I have not watched a complete race since they started the stupid "CHASE!"  The CHASE makes about as much sense as giving Rosie two forks in a buffet line!

boy, your not missing anything,  yesterday i was not doing anything anyway, so thus I tried to tune in to the race, i watched opening laps and the hosts discussed the seven thousand rule changes undergone this week I forced myself to the garage to change the oil on my wifes vehical, i returned a couple times to be updated on the lack of highlights (so they call them) of the race, i finished my objectives in the shop and returned to watch the final 20 laps, how people think this is entertaining is beyond me? with rule changes weekly, and younger and younger drivers, even pulling the female card out this crap is exactly that.. its crap! how many post race interviews can a driver quickly swallow his sponsors drink and commend his guys and the winner. sure its good sportsmanship, but, its not entertaining.. its a broken record with rulechanges weekly and trump cards waiting to be displayed, the racing sux,  why not put the 42/82 whatever cars in heat races?, id rather watch  heat race dashes for two hours than the last 20 laps of one race!  Long gone are the days of true Nascar, the fans speek,the producers listen, the rules are changed , and then the racing starts to resemble a soap opera.. Guess my wife is right, Im Glad Kane and Stewert love openwheelers, the true passion, and underground of many of us! Thanks for funding our passion Nascrap.

March 03, 2014 at 03:36:09 PM
Joined: 08/15/2012
Posts: 1620

dirtddevil....my late Granny had a saying which, I think, fits NASCAR to a T.

"Same song second verse...could get better but will only get worse!"


It saddens me to see what this organization has become.

Give me the Alabama Gang, The King, The Imtimidator and I dare you stick a mic in front of any of them immediately after a race.  You will hear language that you haven't heard since the local Baptist Church was asked to give their pastor a raise!



March 03, 2014 at 03:52:38 PM
Joined: 03/18/2008
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Posted By: Nick14 on March 03 2014 at 10:18:53 AM

Too bad morons on ESPN like Colin Cowherd and others don't recognize when drivers perform injured. I remember the year that Denny Hamlin raced with a torn ACL Cowherd mentioned on his stupid show that it showed how little ability it took to drive because any other sport someone would not be able to perform. Countless drivers have raced throughout the years with neck injuries, broken collerbones, shoulder blades, etc and hardly get a mention for their guts.

As far as spoiled brats and since we are both hockey fans I will go with Sidney Crosby. Has he ever played every game in a season and why is it everytime he falls down or gets checked its a penalty on someone?

Yeah, just like that pussy move flop he did during the Blackhawks whooping of the penguins for all the world to see.  That was priceless entertainment if you ask me, and fits right in with what you just said.

buzz rightrear
March 03, 2014 at 05:18:48 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
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Posted By: dirtdevil on March 03 2014 at 03:16:16 PM

boy, your not missing anything,  yesterday i was not doing anything anyway, so thus I tried to tune in to the race, i watched opening laps and the hosts discussed the seven thousand rule changes undergone this week I forced myself to the garage to change the oil on my wifes vehical, i returned a couple times to be updated on the lack of highlights (so they call them) of the race, i finished my objectives in the shop and returned to watch the final 20 laps, how people think this is entertaining is beyond me? with rule changes weekly, and younger and younger drivers, even pulling the female card out this crap is exactly that.. its crap! how many post race interviews can a driver quickly swallow his sponsors drink and commend his guys and the winner. sure its good sportsmanship, but, its not entertaining.. its a broken record with rulechanges weekly and trump cards waiting to be displayed, the racing sux,  why not put the 42/82 whatever cars in heat races?, id rather watch  heat race dashes for two hours than the last 20 laps of one race!  Long gone are the days of true Nascar, the fans speek,the producers listen, the rules are changed , and then the racing starts to resemble a soap opera.. Guess my wife is right, Im Glad Kane and Stewert love openwheelers, the true passion, and underground of many of us! Thanks for funding our passion Nascrap.

speaking of crybabies.

to indy and beyond!!

March 03, 2014 at 05:30:30 PM
Joined: 03/12/2011
Posts: 1669
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Posted By: egras on March 03 2014 at 09:47:42 AM

I listened to Kevin Harvick's interview from last year when he went off on the Dillon boys for being spoiled brats who have been fed with a silver spoon.  But then, after watching Smoke run a good race with a 65% leg, and stay on the lead lap, I see at the bottom of the ticker "Tiger Woods withdrawls after 13 holes with back spasms".   I know what back spasms feel like--but is there a bigger pu$$y in the sports world than that guy?  I hear of race car drivers driving with broken arms and legs.  One of my beloved Blackhawks players finished the Stanley Cup run out last year with a torn MCL.  I get so sick of seeing highlights on Sportscenter of this guy wincing every time he swings a club--whether it be his knee or his back.


Is there anyone else you can think of that is more of a spoiled brat than that guy in sports?

There is a difference with back spasms and back pain.  A spasm can make you want to curl up in a ball.  With a spasm you at times wonder if you can walk well enough to get were you were  going.  A back pain you can work through.  I have not played golf for many years, but if you walk 36 holes playing golf you will know you spent a day of hard work.. Pro golfers walk, they do not get to ride in golf carts and it can be 100 degrees out or 36 degrees.  

MyResults MyPressRelease
March 03, 2014 at 05:42:39 PM
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Posted By: egras on March 03 2014 at 09:47:42 AM

I listened to Kevin Harvick's interview from last year when he went off on the Dillon boys for being spoiled brats who have been fed with a silver spoon.  But then, after watching Smoke run a good race with a 65% leg, and stay on the lead lap, I see at the bottom of the ticker "Tiger Woods withdrawls after 13 holes with back spasms".   I know what back spasms feel like--but is there a bigger pu$$y in the sports world than that guy?  I hear of race car drivers driving with broken arms and legs.  One of my beloved Blackhawks players finished the Stanley Cup run out last year with a torn MCL.  I get so sick of seeing highlights on Sportscenter of this guy wincing every time he swings a club--whether it be his knee or his back.


Is there anyone else you can think of that is more of a spoiled brat than that guy in sports?

I saw Brooke Tatnell win the Jerry Richert Sr. Memorial six weeks after he broke his leg in PA and had to have surgery to repair the break and insert a metal rod.  They had to help him out of the car but he hung in there and drove a great race that night.  Probably the break wasn't as serious as Tony Stewart's but anytime they patch you together with screws and rods it's serious.  He was houding his doctor a couple of weeks before that race so he wanted to get in a car before the full six weeks. 

Nevertheless, each sport requires different movements and I'm sure a bad back would put a damper on a golf swing.  We saw what trying to play through a knee injury did for RGIII after he tried to play on it.  I'm totally a non-athlete, the closest I ever came to sports was helping to push a race car off a trailer with a rag hanging out of my back pocket to enhance the visual.  I appreciate what these athletes do pretty much across the board in all sports.  Some play through pain better and there are varying degress of injury.  If a guy pulls himself out of the game I accept it as the right decision.  I guess age will do that to a person, when I was younger second guessing decisions and labeling people as "pussys" would have resonated more.  Now I just shrug my shoulders and cheer for someone else.

Stan Meissner

March 03, 2014 at 05:45:59 PM
Joined: 08/27/2011
Posts: 111

Well dont mind if I do ...lets say the NBA...and that one guy that plays for the heat #6 ....

March 03, 2014 at 06:16:54 PM
Joined: 07/12/2007
Posts: 217
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Posted By: Rip Off on March 03 2014 at 10:19:51 AM

Golfers are no more athletes than postmen.

This ranks up there as one of the dumber posts I've seen.  Obviously you aren't a golfer.  About 20 things have to happen perfectly in a golf swing or your hit it like shit.  And yeah... it takes no athletic ability to stripe one 300 yards down the middle of the fairway.  Wow... the idiots that troll this place is astounding.

March 03, 2014 at 07:54:24 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: linbob on March 03 2014 at 05:30:30 PM

There is a difference with back spasms and back pain.  A spasm can make you want to curl up in a ball.  With a spasm you at times wonder if you can walk well enough to get were you were  going.  A back pain you can work through.  I have not played golf for many years, but if you walk 36 holes playing golf you will know you spent a day of hard work.. Pro golfers walk, they do not get to ride in golf carts and it can be 100 degrees out or 36 degrees.  

Like I said, I know what back spasms feel like.  I only lost a few hours of time due to back spasms--and none of it was regular time-only overtime.  Why?--I have a family to support and have not been silver spoon fed my whole life. 

March 03, 2014 at 09:33:42 PM
Joined: 09/30/2005
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Posted By: buzz rightrear on March 03 2014 at 05:18:48 PM

speaking of crybabies.

really,  So your a fan?

March 04, 2014 at 07:40:37 AM
Joined: 12/09/2008
Posts: 2403
This message was edited on March 04, 2014 at 07:43:32 AM by minthess
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Posted By: egras on March 03 2014 at 09:47:42 AM

I listened to Kevin Harvick's interview from last year when he went off on the Dillon boys for being spoiled brats who have been fed with a silver spoon.  But then, after watching Smoke run a good race with a 65% leg, and stay on the lead lap, I see at the bottom of the ticker "Tiger Woods withdrawls after 13 holes with back spasms".   I know what back spasms feel like--but is there a bigger pu$$y in the sports world than that guy?  I hear of race car drivers driving with broken arms and legs.  One of my beloved Blackhawks players finished the Stanley Cup run out last year with a torn MCL.  I get so sick of seeing highlights on Sportscenter of this guy wincing every time he swings a club--whether it be his knee or his back.


Is there anyone else you can think of that is more of a spoiled brat than that guy in sports?


Wew.  NASCAR and Tiger Woods in the same post..... get me the bucket.  And people say I'M negative.

Luna's Ford engine style that won 2 WoO titles and 3 
Kings Royals before a weight rule against the best EVER
in their prime and now DOMINATES super dirt late model
racing is no longer allowed/wanted in a WoO sprint
car.... Was Luna a miracle worker?

March 04, 2014 at 09:40:30 AM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4029
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Posted By: minthess on March 04 2014 at 07:40:37 AM


Wew.  NASCAR and Tiger Woods in the same post..... get me the bucket.  And people say I'M negative.

Sorry--I should have titled it "things that make you sleep at 3:00 in the afternoon on Sunday"

March 04, 2014 at 11:39:56 AM
Joined: 02/06/2014
Posts: 22
This message was edited on March 04, 2014 at 11:41:12 AM by mkwon888

OP, you are a moron. Clearly you don't know what back spasms are like. But mainly, you're a moron.

March 04, 2014 at 12:37:54 PM
Joined: 12/09/2008
Posts: 2403
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Posted By: egras on March 04 2014 at 09:40:30 AM

Sorry--I should have titled it "things that make you sleep at 3:00 in the afternoon on Sunday"


Luna's Ford engine style that won 2 WoO titles and 3 
Kings Royals before a weight rule against the best EVER
in their prime and now DOMINATES super dirt late model
racing is no longer allowed/wanted in a WoO sprint
car.... Was Luna a miracle worker?

buzz rightrear
March 04, 2014 at 12:44:11 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
Posts: 2511
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Posted By: dirtdevil on March 03 2014 at 09:33:42 PM

really,  So your a fan?

a fan of what? i just found it humorous that you picked a post about spoiled crybabies to conduct your rant. Smile

i admit it was a snarky sarcastic remark and wasn't supposed to be an insult to you...but that is hard to convey on a message board. accept my apologies for dicking with you.

now as far as your opinion goes, my opinion is that nascar really isn't anymore less exciting than it ever was. you have to remember all the highlights that we see and all the stuff we remember of the past are the exciting moments. the facts are that races used to have few drivers on the lead lap and the winner at times many laps ahead. the competition was far less deep than it is now. for the most part the races as a whole had their ups and downs as far as excitement during the events, just like they do now. also some races are just more exciting than others.

it is kind of like baseball, which for the most part is slow boring and unexciting for most of the game. then it has its moments of action and excitement. but if you are a fan of baseball, you remember only the exciting stuff. both sports have a lot of time involved during the event consisting of positioning and strategy that aren't always exciting.

the longer races are always going to have their slow boring moments when things are not exciting, but then there are those times of action as the race builds or comes to conclusion. if you don't watch the whole race, just like if you don't watch the whole baseball game, you can miss the action and also miss the events that are interesting that lead into the action.


i agree that some of the new rules and formats suck, but speaking specifically about the rule changes from last week to this week, plate track races always have a different rules package than the other races. also with the change in qualifying format, nascar didn't want to start out the season at daytona in the cup series with an untried format, so they used the new format in the truck and nationwide events and brought in the new format for the cup cars a week later.


if you think the nascar events are boring, that is your opinion. that's fine. if you want to rant about it, that is fine. if you don't want to watch, that's even better.

but don't be shocked when someone calls you out for crying on a thread about crybabies. wink


to indy and beyond!!

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