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Topic: Curious how Kyle can race Glen and Nationals on same weekend? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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August 06, 2013 at 10:11:48 PM
Joined: 12/16/2004
Posts: 956

I was just wondering how Kyle is going to commute from Watkins Glen (New York) back and forth to Iowa onThursday,  Friday and than again Saturday.  I figured maybe Tony would allow Kyle to travel with him on his jet.  No matter what the fuel cost can not be cheap to fly back and forth.  Sure tony could easily write it off as a business expense but thinking Tony will not be up to flying around the country this weekend, could be wrong though.


Also wondering why Tony was not going to run the Nationals. I figured if Kyle could fit it in his schedule so could Tony.  (I would even think tony's schedule would of been easier, being able to take off after Cup practice on Saturday while Kyle has to finish the Natiionwide race.

I guess Kyle's supporters have some deep pockets, (but maybe Tony is/was gonna help Kyle out with his transportation this weekend.


Just curious - good thing Kyle is young, that's lots of racing and traveling for anyone.  5 flights between Thurday Night and Saturday afternoon.    Anyone know if Kyle is racing Sunday evening wink

August 07, 2013 at 09:53:16 AM
Joined: 12/07/2006
Posts: 2409
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Posted By: jdfast on August 06 2013 at 10:11:48 PM

I was just wondering how Kyle is going to commute from Watkins Glen (New York) back and forth to Iowa onThursday,  Friday and than again Saturday.  I figured maybe Tony would allow Kyle to travel with him on his jet.  No matter what the fuel cost can not be cheap to fly back and forth.  Sure tony could easily write it off as a business expense but thinking Tony will not be up to flying around the country this weekend, could be wrong though.


Also wondering why Tony was not going to run the Nationals. I figured if Kyle could fit it in his schedule so could Tony.  (I would even think tony's schedule would of been easier, being able to take off after Cup practice on Saturday while Kyle has to finish the Natiionwide race.

I guess Kyle's supporters have some deep pockets, (but maybe Tony is/was gonna help Kyle out with his transportation this weekend.


Just curious - good thing Kyle is young, that's lots of racing and traveling for anyone.  5 flights between Thurday Night and Saturday afternoon.    Anyone know if Kyle is racing Sunday evening wink


Ascot was the greatest of all time..

West Capital wasn't half bad either..

Life is good...

August 07, 2013 at 10:19:41 AM
Joined: 10/10/2009
Posts: 653

What the hay, Kyle Bush is running sprint cars now?  I gotta get on this site more often.  Maybe I'll google it. 

Lawlessness + liberalism = HELL -  NYC, Detroit, Chicago, 
Seattle, LA  Who the H runs those cities. 

August 07, 2013 at 10:55:59 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1461

I don't see how it will be 5 flights.     He is running tonight,  if he gets locked into the show (top 26 in points) tonight he can take a leisurely flight to NY on Thursday morning, do all of his NASCAR stuff including practice, qualifying and race and then return Saturday night for the B or A main.  

I imagine if he does not get locked in tonight he will be a no-show on Friday night....kind of like what Sammy did when he was trying to be an Indy Car racer in Pocono in the 80's. 

August 07, 2013 at 12:54:26 PM
Joined: 12/06/2004
Posts: 191
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Posted By: dirtraceorbust on August 07 2013 at 10:19:41 AM

What the hay, Kyle Bush is running sprint cars now?  I gotta get on this site more often.  Maybe I'll google it. 

LOL Must be a non racer!

Sprints rule

August 07, 2013 at 02:39:55 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1065

All the money he's made he had himself cloned !!!!!!

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