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Topic: 15th ANNUAL DENA DEAN MEMORIAL JUNE 6th - 7th Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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June 01, 2013 at 12:47:00 PM
Joined: 09/16/2011
Posts: 1059
This message was edited on June 01, 2013 at 12:48:36 PM by OCRS-PR

2013 Dena Dean Memorial June 6 – 7
A Life Honored – A Life Remembered

It has been 15 years since Larry and Linda Dean had found their beloved daughter Dena was missing. After a few long days of anxiety and tense moments, the Dean’s got the word no parent wants to be told, their child wouldn’t be returning home.

Since that fateful summer day on June 6 1998, the Dean’s have honored Dena annually by making a place where family and friends can gather to remember the sparkle in their child’s eye and a twinkle in her smile. It is also their way to keep the story of an unsolved crime alive for the day that Dena’s due justice will be served. Prominent law enforcement and media members have supported the Dean’s and their annual gatherings over the years.

Starting at 9am Thursday June 6th and going till 9am Friday June 7th, the Dean’s will host their guests once more. The venue will take place at the Town West shopping center located at the 49th West Ave. exit off of Interstate 44 in west Tulsa. There will be lunch available starting at noon Thursday and dinner later that day will be served up around 6pm. EVERYONE is invited. If you have questions and/or inquiries, call the Dean's at: (918) 277-0020 or (918) 629-1783.

This is an event where people gather to remember Dena and show their support to the Dean’s for their loss. It is also a gathering to see others that arrive and partake in general socialization. To support this cause is very simple, just come by to chat, eat good food, and enjoy good company with good people. You will be glad you did.

PS: Larry and Linda have been OCRS members for years and you can find them with their push vehicles at each OCRS event.

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