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Topic: WE NEED YOUR HELP...DONT COUNT ON THE OTHER GUY TO DO IT...YOU ARE THEM! Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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May 30, 2013 at 09:37:50 PM
Joined: 09/16/2011
Posts: 1059

Tulsa Oklahoma (May 30, 2013) - Attention Everyone.............

We are asking EVERYONE to PLEASE read and ACT on this. As some of you know and for those that dont, OCRS members were hit by the devastating tornado's that hit Oklahoma last week. We put out a call for help and while some of you stepped forward, we need more help.

Whit and Steve Gastineau have each lost their homes in Moore, Oklahoma. Likewise, Dan Schnackenberg lost his home in the tornado that hit Shawnee, Oklahoma.

Donations to help the Gastineau's and the Schnackenberg's in their recovery are being accepted at this time. Cash is of keen interest as are clothing, furniture, appliances, food, water (and other beverages), blankets, coats and any additional items that you may be able to donate.


Some of us have the fortunate pleasure to sleep in our own beds. To have our "own" home to walk into. To have a place to unwind and relax that is ours. These families DO NOT have that. If some of you can give cash amounts of just $100, $50, $20 in addition to those that can do much more, we need every single one of you. Please dont count on the "other guy or gal" to step up. YOU are that person.

Send cash donations to:

Triad Bank
c/o: Gastineau Recovery Fund
7666 East 61st St, Suite 150
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133


Triad Bank
c/o: Schnackenberg Recovery Fund
7666 East 61st St, Suite 150
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133

For all other items to be donated, contact OCRS at:
Barry Grabel: (918) 260-3899 or [email protected]
John Lemon: (918) 850-5341 or [email protected]

Give all you can folks. everything will help..................EVERYTHING!

Thank you for your consideration of this plea for help.

Oil Capital Racing Series
Tulsa, Oklahoma

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