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Topic: $5.98 A GALLON!!! N/R Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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February 18, 2013 at 08:48:06 PM
Joined: 08/15/2012
Posts: 1620

My wife and I returned a couple of hours ago from our weekend in Death Valley. We only planned this two months ago so the only room available was way out on the west side at Panamint Springs which a very old, and small, motel(12 rooms). They have a restaurant (?) and a gas station with a very small store..both size and fare! Their gas was $5.98 a gallon. On Saturday afternoon we were at Stove Pipe Wells general store and a tanker pulled in to drop gas. I asked the young man where he hauled from and he told me, "Bakersfield!" No wonder the price is so high. About 25 miles further in is Furnace Creek and they have a Chevron there and their price (for unleaded/87) was $5.85. Due to some poor planning on my part we had to buy some gas at the $5.85 price. I was happy today when we got out of the park and I "only" had to pay $4.29. Upon returning home I noticed my local station went up again (now $3.99-Valero) and that is ten cents over the past six days! We were gone 57 hours and I covered 1,178 miles on the trip! Obviously, sites in Death Valley are spread out quite far. I was disappointed as things were still not in bloom and on our last visit (June, 2006) a ranger told us things were in bloom during Feb & Mar. However, I'm not inclined to go back next month just to see "blooming cactus!" Smile We came back through Boron and for the first time went to the Borax mine and were able to get a great view of their open pit mining. If you are ever on Hwy 58 during the hours of 9-5 I would strongly recommend you pay a visit to the Borax Visitor's Center. Also, the tiny town of Boron has a lovely museum on the old 20 mule team Borax. Thanks for letting me share!

Leon Smile



February 18, 2013 at 11:49:13 PM
Joined: 10/14/2007
Posts: 52

The media has the country believing that after 4 years of $4.00 a gallon gas that all of a sudden a month before the election it drops a buck or more a gallon. The media just says "oil went down" and then of course a couple weeks after the inauguration, the media says "oil is going back up", gas will be $4 soon nationwide, probably $5 within a year. The media pretends it's just a fluke. Gas was $1.79 when da bum took office and within six months was $4---and he promises to get gas even lower. Fox News was the only network to give us the reason oil went down just prior to the election and they predicted it would immediately go back up.

What did it cost Venezuela, Mexico, the OPEC countries in the middle east and Russia? An expert on Fox news the other day put the cost of these countries helping get da bum re-elected at $50 billion plus. Hell, his campaign only spent $700 million. What a great help to have our enemies on his side.

Like Jimmy Carter before him, our enemies wanted da bum re-elected, a weak president is what they want and they were willing to lose $50 billion in income thru dropping oil prices. And of course Canada had to drop their price as did our producers. A man who will keep gutting out military and spending us into bankruptcy is a man those country's that hate us, can love. .

XXX?  I thought Triple X was a wrestler

February 19, 2013 at 12:03:39 AM
Joined: 08/15/2012
Posts: 1620

Do you think Sammy will run the full WoO schedule this year?



February 19, 2013 at 01:54:45 AM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7677

I'm very pissed about gas prices too. Here in Denver it was relatively cheap 3 weeks ago ($2.74). Now its gone up 75 cents or more, really puts a damper on my annual summer cross country drive & "race going"

But why do some people have to blame EVERYTHING on Obama? He doesn't set gas prices, they're set by the so-called "free market" that the Republicans love so much.

And by the way, opnwhlr, nobody has taken away anybody's guns, so stop LYING!

February 19, 2013 at 10:14:26 AM
Joined: 09/04/2005
Posts: 408
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Posted By: revjimk on February 19 2013 at 01:54:45 AM

I'm very pissed about gas prices too. Here in Denver it was relatively cheap 3 weeks ago ($2.74). Now its gone up 75 cents or more, really puts a damper on my annual summer cross country drive & "race going"

But why do some people have to blame EVERYTHING on Obama? He doesn't set gas prices, they're set by the so-called "free market" that the Republicans love so much.

And by the way, opnwhlr, nobody has taken away anybody's guns, so stop LYING!

same here in cheese land. three weeks ago 315 now 385. them fux suck.

February 19, 2013 at 10:51:19 AM
Joined: 01/02/2007
Posts: 5252

The United States has become a net exporter of oil.. Pick yourself up off the floor. It's true -- at least by one definition of "oil." And the change to shipping oil overseas will have major effects on U.S. economic growth and on what you should hold in your portfoliohttp://money.msn.com/ways-to-invest/why-the-us-is-sending-oil-overseas-jubak.aspx

Those with the “drill, baby, drill” mentality are either ignorant to the fact that we do not need more oil or are being manipulated and used as shills by the big oil conglomerates in order to increase their unprecedented profits.

Our country has a surplus of oil. Oil demand in our country is the lowest it has been in the last 10 years. In fact, since 1908 the United States has been exporting oil to countries such as Brazil, Mexico and Chile. Prior to that, we had consumed all the gas we produced plus imported gas. We presently have more drill sites, are drilling more than ever and are producing greater quantities of oil than we have in the last 10 years.

Production is up, consumption is down and our oil surplus grows, as does our export of it. Despite these facts, drill-aholics claim we need to drill for more oil to make us less dependent on foreign oil.” More than mere nonsense, it is a lie. Unfortunately, by repeating non-stop the misleading mantra “Obama is responsible for the high cost of gas,” it has duped much of our population for votes.

All this begs the question: Why are we lamenting the need to import foreign oil upon which we are “dependent” when we have more than enough produced in our own country to satisfy our own needs?

Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. 

February 19, 2013 at 12:16:03 PM
Joined: 05/09/2008
Posts: 516

In mid January i got gas for $2.81 here in Minnesota today it is $3.79 I hope every one who voted for Obama is happy

February 19, 2013 at 12:47:19 PM
Joined: 02/09/2012
Posts: 863

Its Cold where I live today, Thanks alot Obama


February 19, 2013 at 12:51:20 PM
Joined: 02/09/2012
Posts: 863

Thanks alot Bin Laden


February 19, 2013 at 06:55:25 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1065

Why can't he use one of his executive orders ? I did hear something today about 1 he used that I actually agreed with but can't remember what the hell it was about. I filled up the big truck the other day at 4.11 a gallon, Came to 860.00 dollars. When the busy season starts here in a couple of weeks you can X's that by 3. Glad I'm not a Owner/Operator. Funny how he don't want certain people losing there job(s) but could give 2 shits less about someone if they are not union or of the federal variety. When the gas / diesel prices 1st went up there were trucking companies taking trucks off the road left & right if they were not shutting thier doors completely. Heard 1 company here locally that went from 90 to 4 trucks in a heart beat & I also know of 1 trucking company in St. Marys, Oh. that laid off the drivers & the boys that owned it went driving. Another thing before you spew you're shit about listening to Fox or Limbaugh. I do not watch Fox. I do listen to 92.5 when running through the great Presidents so called home city where the gun ban is so excellent !!!! I"ve also said that we used to go to other towns in the area & buy stuff & just cruise around seeing what they had to offer, That don't happen anymore.

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