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Topic: The Mayans Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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December 20, 2012 at 09:33:09 PM
Joined: 01/03/2011
Posts: 1742
They are just gonna have to wait . I've got a chili bowl to go to. The earth can end January 21st not December 21st.
We need more sprint car racing at our home track.

December 20, 2012 at 09:35:58 PM
Joined: 08/07/2012
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Posted By: dirtface on December 20 2012 at 09:33:09 PM
They are just gonna have to wait . I've got a chili bowl to go to. The earth can end January 21st not December 21st.

If the Mayans are so damn smart, then tell me who will win the Chili Bowl.

December 21, 2012 at 01:51:04 AM
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Quetzalcoatl Swindell

December 21, 2012 at 03:49:27 AM
Joined: 09/13/2008
Posts: 419
In case the Mayans are right, I'd like to say addios to my racing friends and hope to see you on the other side.

Dryslick Willie
December 21, 2012 at 07:55:09 AM
Joined: 12/17/2009
Posts: 2282

Mayans may still be right. The day ain't over!

December 21, 2012 at 08:43:22 AM
Joined: 12/15/2004
Posts: 90
This message was edited on December 21, 2012 at 08:49:35 AM by mesprint

If the Mayans were so good at predicting the future, why didn`t they see the Spanish coming?

I think the guy in charge of doing the calendar just said screw this ,I`ve gone far enough, and I`m done!

December 21, 2012 at 09:26:39 AM
Joined: 01/31/2012
Posts: 997

A local Psychic shop here in Chico had a fire recently and the cynics among us were quick to say "You would think she would have seen that coming......"

December 21, 2012 at 02:22:06 PM
Joined: 02/10/2005
Posts: 69
The Mayans are posse...

December 21, 2012 at 02:27:17 PM
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Posted By: Milt on December 21 2012 at 02:22:06 PM
The Mayans are posse...


December 21, 2012 at 05:43:01 PM
Joined: 08/10/2007
Posts: 1797
Ponder this. The world did end, and since were're all Ghosts now.... it's like it never happened.

Stan Donnit
December 21, 2012 at 06:12:22 PM
Joined: 07/18/2009
Posts: 1947

While were pondering stuff, ponder this...The Mayan calendar is more accurate than the atomic clock, which happens to be our most accurate measure of time today...



Where the Mayans got off track was when their "Teachers" promised to return in the distant future...They were also given the knowledge that our existence in this form, a conscience and a soul, was a result of DNA (genetic) alteration by our Creature(God)...This misinterpretation resulted in a culture of blood sacrifice, which, is why God sent the Spanish Armada along with the Priest to destroy their culture...



Today will mark an astrological event that only occurs once in 13,000 years and, it was about 13,000 years ago we have record of the Ancient Samerians (sp?) in what is today, Iraq...With that, look how far we've come in thirteen thousand years...Smile

Opinions may vary...

Stan Donnit
December 21, 2012 at 07:01:35 PM
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Posted By: SLINK51 on December 21 2012 at 05:43:01 PM
Ponder this. The world did end, and since were're all Ghosts now.... it's like it never happened.

Speaking of ghosts, I was visited by one on just the other day...he was driving me freaking nuts because I didn't know WTF he was trying to tell me...When I got home my wife, who's way more connected than I, told me to figure our what person, who has passed, I thought of that day...That person, who I thought of, was my first real boss who took the time to really teach me what work ethic meant, Clayton Perry...His message, I think it was to get my priorities a little straighter...I headed that advice, and I thank him for taking the time out of his busy afterlife to pay me the consideration...Smile

Opinions may vary...

December 21, 2012 at 07:36:58 PM
Joined: 08/15/2012
Posts: 1620

The "guy" who did the calendar and calculating forgot one important thing.




Stan Donnit
December 23, 2012 at 08:40:56 PM
Joined: 07/18/2009
Posts: 1947

Has anyone else noticed the blue star in the ESE sky this evening...There are cultures in existence today that believe the "End Times" are ushered in by the blue star...

"Those who choose to find God on the eleventh hour die at ten thirty"~Unknown Author

Opinions may vary...

buzz rightrear
December 24, 2012 at 01:13:57 AM
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Posted By: opnwhlr on December 21 2012 at 07:36:58 PM

The "guy" who did the calendar and calculating forgot one important thing.


actually the mayas figured one year to be 365.242036 days. which is more accurate than the 365.2425 days of our calender.

the mayas figured things a little different than we do. from what i know they had dates that could repeat. their calender ran in cycles. the first day of the maya calender was some say that is when the maya believed the world began.

coincidentally, that same maya date repeats on dec 21 or 23 of our year 2012.

to indy and beyond!!

December 24, 2012 at 10:07:10 AM
Joined: 02/11/2007
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Posted By: opnwhlr on December 21 2012 at 07:36:58 PM

The "guy" who did the calendar and calculating forgot one important thing.


Yeah, the whole leap year thing is just a rumour. That's not true. However, the mayans did fail to take into account the axial tilt of earth which causes our orbit around the sun to wobble back and forth over a 70 year period. The astrological event that was supposed to happen the 21st actually happened in 1998.

December 24, 2012 at 10:08:19 AM
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Posted By: Stan Donnit on December 23 2012 at 08:40:56 PM

Has anyone else noticed the blue star in the ESE sky this evening...There are cultures in existence today that believe the "End Times" are ushered in by the blue star...

"Those who choose to find God on the eleventh hour die at ten thirty"~Unknown Author

You were probably looking at Venus.

December 24, 2012 at 10:15:16 AM
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Posted By: buzz rightrear on December 24 2012 at 01:13:57 AM

actually the mayas figured one year to be 365.242036 days. which is more accurate than the 365.2425 days of our calender.

the mayas figured things a little different than we do. from what i know they had dates that could repeat. their calender ran in cycles. the first day of the maya calender was some say that is when the maya believed the world began.

coincidentally, that same maya date repeats on dec 21 or 23 of our year 2012.

Incorrect, was the end of the 13th baktun. A baktun is the mayans 394 year cycle, which they base off of the earth's relation to the stars.. The fact that the mayan calendar never started a 14th baktun was what caused this whole world ending crap. However, we have just entered the 14th baktun under mayan culture.

December 24, 2012 at 11:07:07 AM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7677

The weird thing about the Mayans was that although they had a better understanding of the cosmos than Europeans of the time, used the concept of Zero which Rome lacked, & knew that planets revolved around the sun, they never invented the wheel.

Maybe in their wisdom they knew it would lead to sprint car racing which would eventually bankrupt their culture?

buzz rightrear
December 24, 2012 at 12:41:02 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
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Posted By: Rogue-9 on December 24 2012 at 10:15:16 AM

Incorrect, was the end of the 13th baktun. A baktun is the mayans 394 year cycle, which they base off of the earth's relation to the stars.. The fact that the mayan calendar never started a 14th baktun was what caused this whole world ending crap. However, we have just entered the 14th baktun under mayan culture.

i am not trying to argue with you because i am not an expert on the mayas, but if you dispute the info take it up with these people.


Logically, the first date in the Long Count should be, but as the baktun (the first component) are numbered from 1 to 13 rather than 0 to 12, this first date is actually written

Long Count will again reach on 21 or 23 December AD 2012.

The date may have been the Mayas’ idea of the date of the creation of the world.

to indy and beyond!!

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