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Topic: KNOXVILLE NATIONALS "CHILD" TICKETS Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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July 19, 2012 at 10:13:47 AM
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 14

Just a reminder that CHILD TICKETS are for children under the age of 14. This will be enforced this year. If you need to exchange your tickets please call the ticket office at 641-842-5431.

Thanks! Looking forward to seeing everyone at the KNOXVILLE NATIONALS!

July 19, 2012 at 11:13:54 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1028

So a 14 year old is an Adult? How in the world are they going to police this? Should those that ages look questionable bring their birth certificates? I've seen 12 year old girls that look 16 or more and 16 year old boys that look 13. What is the difference is price?

July 19, 2012 at 12:06:04 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4051
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Posted By: cheroger on July 19 2012 at 11:13:54 AM

So a 14 year old is an Adult? How in the world are they going to police this? Should those that ages look questionable bring their birth certificates? I've seen 12 year old girls that look 16 or more and 16 year old boys that look 13. What is the difference is price?

Good thing they didn't look 18 or you may be in prison.


July 19, 2012 at 12:20:58 PM
Joined: 02/09/2012
Posts: 863


Don't forget the checkbook


July 19, 2012 at 04:47:09 PM
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 14

The original post is refering to the 410 nationals.

July 19, 2012 at 05:07:59 PM
Joined: 03/15/2005
Posts: 105
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Posted By: cheroger on July 19 2012 at 11:13:54 AM

So a 14 year old is an Adult? How in the world are they going to police this? Should those that ages look questionable bring their birth certificates? I've seen 12 year old girls that look 16 or more and 16 year old boys that look 13. What is the difference is price?

Come on, you know how easy it is to Police this....You check their drivers license.....©©

July 19, 2012 at 06:48:44 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 2001
Talked to a guy from Mo. 2 years ago who bought child's tickets and waited till the ticket takers were busy and went in. He bragged about getting in on a child's ticket because they were too busy to notice. This guy looked to be in his late 40's.

July 19, 2012 at 07:57:26 PM
Joined: 07/13/2012
Posts: 2
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Posted By: cheroger on July 19 2012 at 11:13:54 AM

So a 14 year old is an Adult? How in the world are they going to police this? Should those that ages look questionable bring their birth certificates? I've seen 12 year old girls that look 16 or more and 16 year old boys that look 13. What is the difference is price?

I believe that Wed, Thur, Fri. nites, children are half price. Sat. nite--children pay full price.

July 20, 2012 at 08:00:23 AM
Joined: 01/20/2005
Posts: 2079

We should be happy that they have child ticket prices. No other major form of motorsport does. I was going to take my son to the Indy race in Newton a few weeks back, but ALL tickets cost the same amount of $$ ($65), and I'm not spending that on a 9 year old who may not make it through the entire day.

I think Kville should ditch the child tickets for Nationals period and just adjust the price of each seat (they could actually lower ticket prices for a majority of the people in the stands and still take in the same revenue, or maybe even increase it by enticing people back with cheaper ticket prices).

July 20, 2012 at 02:09:44 PM
Joined: 11/19/2006
Posts: 159
Learned a great idea from some friends over a decade ago and my friend and I have done this every year since. We buy two adult seats and one child's seat for the two of us, it's worth the extra money not to be jammed in like a sardine for all four nights. I look at some rows around us and everyone looks miserable, meanwhile for a few dollars more we get to have some extra room to spread out a bit. We are both average size, me a little larger than him, but it makes do much sense. If I were a larger person I would definitely do this. I see some people there who take up a LOT more than there own seat and it would be very courteous of them to do this as well.

July 20, 2012 at 02:47:46 PM
Joined: 12/04/2004
Posts: 932
Sounds to me like age profiling. Better have the government look into this!
My wife told me if I went to one more Sprint Car race 
she would leave me.................I'm sure gonna miss 
that ol' gal. 

July 20, 2012 at 03:28:27 PM
Joined: 06/08/2010
Posts: 115
This message was edited on July 20, 2012 at 03:32:06 PM by interracin
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Posted By: darbo42 on July 20 2012 at 02:47:46 PM
Sounds to me like age profiling. Better have the government look into this!

Another thing Obama will probably get invovled in regulating, but I'v heard K-ville will also have butt measuing devices similiar to ones used for measuring baggage at an airport. If you have to stuff yourself into the measuring device and even if you fall under the 5" tolorance you will be required to go on the Michelle Obama school diet. If you're wider than the 5" tolorance, you will be required to buy a child ticket with your row. One final thing is that they will have a sniff test. If you haven't taken a shower for a week, there is a likely chance you will fail and be turned away at the ticket gate. All in all, the entry lines will take longer than in years past, but the end result will be a more inviting environment to watch racing. Kudos Knoxvile on taking these proactive steps. I hear NASCAR will be monitoring the results for future consideration.

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