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Topic: Finished Lone Wolfe, good book BUT, start the piling on Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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January 25, 2012 at 08:59:05 PM
Joined: 10/10/2009
Posts: 653
This message was edited on January 25, 2012 at 09:08:25 PM by dirtraceorbust

MSPN: How could I hate Doug Wolfgang, I've never met the guy and think I saw him race one time and I think that was at the Dave Skari Memorial at the Red River Valley track in Fargo---think Ferkel won that race, not sure, it was a few decades ago. All I did was read the book and after reading it, if I had a favorite driver and I don't, I like all of them, especially those brave enough to get in a sprint car, anyway, if I had a favorite driver who wrote that book, my favorite might change pretty quick. I saw his son race a couple times 2 or 3 years ago and was excited about it, hoping that he would be another Doug Wolfgang in talent and still hoping that happens. It might, he is very young yet. I'm a big fan of Robbie Wolfgang. Maybe if he wrote a similar book someday, I might change my mind but for now I'd like to see him win many races.

As far as taking 3 months to read the book, so what, so one of you is a reading wiz. I read a chapter every once in a while, wanted to enjoy it as long as I could. I wish more drivers would write books and hope the Wolfgang book causes that. Also with National Dragtster coming every week and with subscriptions to Flat Out, Sprint Car and Midget and Dirt Late Model magazines, ain't much time. When Economaki's paper ended, I went looking for other racing reading material on the interent and found all the above(except for National Dragster mag which I was already getting. On top of that I ordered every back issue of Flat Out and Sprint Car and Midget magazines that were available, think I'm at least 50 magazines behind, two stacks, each a foot+ tall.

I'm no saint, he wasn't either. That was simply my take on the book. Gawd, the guy seemed like he was a jerk, I mean admitting you don't have many friends, you were mean to your wife and kids but they still love you, on and on it went.

Also, if I hated Doug Wolfgang, why on earth would my first line say that I think he is one of the three best sprint car drivers of all time, maybe the best ever. He was obviously a stud in that sprint car, look at his record, but his attitude I discovered. After this, I'll stick to writing touchy-feely, bleeding heart stuff.

Lawlessness + liberalism = HELL -  NYC, Detroit, Chicago, 
Seattle, LA  Who the H runs those cities. 

January 26, 2012 at 08:23:11 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

You used the word 'hate' not me. I simply asked how much time you had spent with the man knowing it was probably zero because your opinion would be the opposite to what you have posted about him. I think enough people have come on here telling you how wrong you are and my conclusion is you get an F for reading interpretation. If you aren't the hater you appear after your posts on this subject I would recommend you speak with Doug and you will change your opinion rather quickly. Humble and humorous would be the two qualities that would grab your attention in all likelihood, I daresay you might learn something as well, it certainly couldn't hurt ya'.....

Photo Jim
January 30, 2012 at 12:25:08 AM
Joined: 08/08/2008
Posts: 321

Doug Wolfgang in the Howells sprinter at Sunset Speedway in Omaha, Nebraska.

January 30, 2012 at 11:13:00 AM
Joined: 12/05/2004
Posts: 153
Tommy, before you jump on me for using Gambler, I still have an 86 1/2 sitting in the shop that I will never get rid of because both my son and I have drove it. Good to see you post on here and know you are still out and about. I have had the book since it came out and still haven't read it. Doug, is a good friend, so I know most of it first hand. Doug has built & rebuilt cars for us and always been there for late night calls when needed. Always been first class to me. Enough said!
Sprint Cars Do It On Dirt!

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