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Topic: North Campground People Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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June 20, 2011 at 11:52:05 PM
Joined: 01/14/2006
Posts: 1347

I was serious in my previous post on your thefts. I have nothing going on at the time being, and would be willing to hang out, during the week, and 'House/camper' sit the grounds. Just would have to have one of them to stay in.

I am volunteering cause I am from Knoxville, and staying in Knoxville, for a week, would give my son time to be with his grandparents. Put my son to bed at 9pm and patrol until 4 am. Keep in mind I went through getting a BA in Criminal Justice.


A healthy diet of dirt in my nachos and beer.

June 27, 2011 at 02:00:59 PM
Joined: 01/14/2006
Posts: 1347

bump, I am offering to help protect the grounds for free people. If no one is willing to take me up on the offer then don't post any more complaints about the cops not helping, help yourselves too.

A healthy diet of dirt in my nachos and beer.

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