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Moderators:  /  David Smith Jr

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Topic: Who Would YOU vote for on NSCHoF 360 Driver of the Year? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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David Smith Jr
December 14, 2010 at 04:43:21 PM
Joined: 11/20/2004
Posts: 9152

Friday is my deadline to send in my top 15 drivers on the North American 360 sprint car poll to the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame. I already know who will be the first driver on the list but, just for gits and shiggles, who would be your top 3?

And remember, there are more 360 drivers and series out there than ASCS. As I have not done for the past ten years, I won't disclose who I picked until after the deadline on Friday.

Your choices?

David Smith Jr.

December 14, 2010 at 05:41:12 PM
Joined: 09/05/2006
Posts: 19

Jason Johnson - Shane Stewart - Gary Wright

December 15, 2010 at 08:19:01 AM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 1001

You gotta got with Jason Johnson for the top spot with 19 wins on the year. Pat Cannon from Pennsylvania has 19 wins as well but in a 358, so if that counts you have to pick him. Tim Crawley gets my third spot as he has 17 wins on the year. Honorable mention should go to Jack Dover with 12 wins on the year after overcoming two very serious injuries.

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