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Topic: Question for OKC residents, anyone can join discussion Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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April 28, 2007 at 12:57:39 PM
Joined: 07/26/2005
Posts: 1846

There are rumors floating around on different sports boards as well as different radio shows. The rumor is that OKC is going to bulid a brand new arena(south of the Ford Center) to attract a new NBA team. I bring this up b/c we as racing fans have been shafted by the City of OKC on numerous time for one reason or another. I know there are people on here that are fans of other sports. My question is would you vote for a new arena if it comes to a vote of the people of OKC?

Me I would not. The Ford center is fine. Yes, it is older than some arenas and not as flashy. Yes, the first MAPS have improved the bricktown area, which I avoid if i can. However, if you look at the last couple of years the Hornets have been here the arena was not always 100 percent full. Also, the city has promised stuff to certain schools in the OKC school district and never have delivered after 6 to 7 yrs of saying the same promise.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands 
in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he 
stands at times of challenge and controversy." 
Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Erich Petersen 

The Flash32
April 28, 2007 at 06:29:12 PM
Joined: 07/22/2005
Posts: 555

What good would it do to build another arena? They wanted to update the Ford Center just because the Hornets wanted it? Just like the Bass Pro building, they wanted it built so they could move here! I work for the City of OKC & we were told because of the city building Bass Pro, we would not recieve a raise for at least 5 yrs. No raise, prices of everything going up, food, gas, taxes etc. But yeah let the taxpayers & city workers foot the bill. Its just a bunch of crap. I don't go to the Ford center after one visit there, I can barely fit in the seats, guess it was designed for skinny people! I do not go to Bricktown either! Seems if you pay the high prices for any of the events down there, your parking should be free!!!! Just a place to fill city council & mayors pockets!

New website!!!!!!!!!

April 28, 2007 at 09:38:42 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 201
This message was edited on April 28, 2007 at 09:44:14 PM by Christina

I don't live up there, but the idea to build another arena for the Hornets is a bit strange. Aren't they actually Lousiana's team? Basketball just doesn't seem to be that big of a sport here...except in high school. I also didn't think the Ford Center was very old? Football on the other hand is pretty big here, and many players come from Oklahoma, yet we don't have a pro team? To me that would be a smarter investment....just look at the turnout for OU & OSU games. But I guess if I want to dream big, then we would have or own NASCAR track here.......can't have everything I guess.

Air Max HVAC Systems

April 29, 2007 at 12:11:32 AM
Joined: 07/26/2005
Posts: 1846
This message was edited on April 29, 2007 at 12:25:01 AM by catpuppy
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Posted By: Christina on April 28 2007 at 09:38:42 PM

I don't live up there, but the idea to build another arena for the Hornets is a bit strange. Aren't they actually Lousiana's team? Basketball just doesn't seem to be that big of a sport here...except in high school. I also didn't think the Ford Center was very old? Football on the other hand is pretty big here, and many players come from Oklahoma, yet we don't have a pro team? To me that would be a smarter investment....just look at the turnout for OU & OSU games. But I guess if I want to dream big, then we would have or own NASCAR track here.......can't have everything I guess.

Christina, what the city of OKC is hoping is that by buiding a new arena that they could attrack a new NBA team. The powers to be think that if we could get a NBA team that it would bring major $$$$ into OKC. The Ford center is only four or five years old.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands 
in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he 
stands at times of challenge and controversy." 
Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Erich Petersen 

April 29, 2007 at 03:35:57 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

no Oklahoma City is wanting to build a new arena to attract the Seattle SuperSonics of the NBA to relocate here. It's either gonna be here or Kansas City. This year I have been to 2 Hornets games and 3 OKC Blazers games. Had a blast at all blazers games...........and if not for the overly loud rap music would have fallen asleep at the Hornets games. I don't understand how anyone could like pro ball. Personally I love basketball............when there is defense involved like how there is in college. But pro ball is just pathetic.................bunch of overpaid wanna-be rappers having a shooting contest more or less. None of them want to play defense b/c they think they might get hurt doin it.

Ironically though..........I do like Steve Nash.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

April 29, 2007 at 11:41:45 AM
Joined: 07/23/2006
Posts: 4

While I like the idea of having more than one arena in OKC, I think the Myriad (Cox Center my azz), and Ford Center can handle the needs of OKC, right now. Look what it did for the Big 12 tournament. Two arenas right across the street from each other!!!! Also allowed the Blazers to play on the same night as the Hornets, or concerts, etc. BUT what if we build a third arena and DON"T get an NBA team. Do we have enough to keep three arenas occupied, and busy, or will we end up with another large empty building waiting to become another indoor flea market. On the other hand the Myriad would make a great location for Pole Position 2. The hallway around the second level would be a hellish oval course. LOL Besides aren't we paying ENOUGH taxes all ready???

April 29, 2007 at 12:28:32 PM
Joined: 12/18/2005
Posts: 21
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Posted By: oldred420 on April 29 2007 at 11:41:45 AM

While I like the idea of having more than one arena in OKC, I think the Myriad (Cox Center my azz), and Ford Center can handle the needs of OKC, right now. Look what it did for the Big 12 tournament. Two arenas right across the street from each other!!!! Also allowed the Blazers to play on the same night as the Hornets, or concerts, etc. BUT what if we build a third arena and DON"T get an NBA team. Do we have enough to keep three arenas occupied, and busy, or will we end up with another large empty building waiting to become another indoor flea market. On the other hand the Myriad would make a great location for Pole Position 2. The hallway around the second level would be a hellish oval course. LOL Besides aren't we paying ENOUGH taxes all ready???

What we need to get in one of our arena is the arena racing that they do in virginia and North Carolina. It takes place in the winter and it is a one half scale nascar. it looks pretty neat and anyone can race you just buy the car and we can have something to do in the winter months. If you want to check it out the web site is

April 29, 2007 at 08:44:52 PM
Joined: 07/20/2006
Posts: 243

The Seattle Supersonics are now owned by an OKC resident, and he demanded a new arena in Seattle, which they were smart enough to turn down. Now he's playing Las Vegas against OKC and KC for the best deal. Stuff it, fella. The Ford Center is plenty good enough, especially for a losing team. I've been there twice, and hope never to have to go back unless I can stand up for whatever is going on. I thought the idea of a NASCAR track would come up, and strangely, the residents of Washington state were smart enough to tell them to go scratch on that one, too. Humpy built his tracks with his own money, and NASCAR can, too. IMS Corporation, to be exact. Problem is, NASCAR seems to have jumped the shark. Dover Downs is losing money like mad, lots of empty seats at all the races this year (except maybe Bristol) despite huge amounts of advertising you never saw them have to do before, teams having to sell parts of themselves to stay afloat...even Roush. All in all, not a pretty picture, and not anything a city or state should invest in. Now, a state of the art 1/2 mile dirt track, with maybe a quality drag strip adjoining, you betcha......


David Smith Jr
April 29, 2007 at 09:16:21 PM
Joined: 11/20/2004
Posts: 9152

I would like to chime in, if I could. Being an avid sports fan of baseball, football and basketball and being the fact that I don't even watching movies or tv shows (C.S.I. an exception), I still don't think this city needs another arena. They had their chance when the built this one and it fits the purpose just fine.

I really don't see where us landing another pro basketball team will survive fan base wise and I think Clay Bennett knows this as to why he is looking elsewhere. Thanks to nonwing Bill, I made my only trip to the Ford Center for a Hornets preseason game and yes, it was a great time. But I don't have the money to support it for me and my son on a season ticket basis. The Hornets, I believe, survived due to the fact Chris Paul was a rookie and he became the darling of the city and everybody else fell for the team. My wife and and I would watch every game on tv and until this year felt like it was our team.

As somebody mentioned above, the Big 12 basketball tournament for both the boys and girls was a perfect setup and the fact that the Myriad and Ford Center being right there together was perfect for all parties involved.

Although I am a huge sports fan, I would vote NO on this cities proposal if I was a OKC resident.

On the thought of NASCAR, I am thinking we are seeing the decline of the sport and its popularity. Stewart hit the nail on the head with his thoughts earlier this week and them saying that if they want to throw competition yellows then that is their business will turn off your avid race fans. It will be interesting to see where the sport of NASCAR is five years from now.

Speaking of competition yellows, I told J.D. we ought to have them throw a yellow Friday night at Pole Position Raceway and consider it a phantom yellow. Turns out we didn't need to as Whit dern near passed Dittman.

David Smith Jr.

nonwing bill
April 30, 2007 at 12:45:18 AM
Joined: 07/22/2005
Posts: 296

The Ford Center was built on a shoestring and it shows. As is typical, OKC city fathers didn't have the foresight to spend $165 million instead of $85 million on the facility. If they had, it would have served us well for another 20 years. As it is, the arena is mid-pack in the NBA. After going to the American Airlines Center in Dallas ($400 million) for a Hornets/Mavs game this season, our place looks like a dump. That being said, unfortunately, if a city wants to compete at a major league level, there is a price to be paid. If that's a new arena, so be it. I don't like the thought but it's the reality.

I want the Hornets back. I personally don't trust Clay Bennett as he is a Gaylord in-law and that family has never had OKC in its best interest. However, if the Sonics do end up here, I'll support 'em. I've become an NBA fan. Why else would I stay up until midnight watching the Warriors/Mavs?

Galen, as for the state of the art dirt track/drag strip combo, unfortunately it ain't gonna happen without an NHRA national event. NASCAR is a joke but I actually thought this weekend's races at Talladega were good. Did anyone pay attention to the fake Gordon put on McMurray for the lead? For a change I have to agree with DW. In the pre-race show, he said Gordon was the best ever. Except for Pearson, I agree.

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