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Topic: Why no national guys @ Sooner race (Springfield) ?? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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August 02, 2010 at 02:06:24 PM
Joined: 12/21/2006
Posts: 91
This message was edited on August 02, 2010 at 02:13:29 PM by 22bark.

Kind of strange that no National guys raced Sat. night at Springfield (Sooner reg.) when they were in the area @ La Monte on Fri. and off Sat. night.

Was there another race somewhere or where they encouraged not show up ??

   elbows up...stand on it hard.., & get that win!!
             #22 sprint  Norman, Oklahoma
                    Boomer Sooner
August 02, 2010 at 02:23:22 PM
Joined: 07/24/2008
Posts: 601

J. Johnson, Stewart, Logan, Hirst, Cox, Morgan & Tankersley all ran Knoxville, but I dont know about the rest of them, unless they was just saving there stuff for Knoxville.

August 02, 2010 at 02:37:11 PM
Joined: 05/02/2005
Posts: 1338

I'd say $$$ to win keeps'em away ,plus the place is a rock quary, Jr. RR had a nice gash in it about 3 blocks on the tire after the A and really don't see how it did not puncture it.

I was sure surprised when we pulled in and only 19 cars at the place.

August 03, 2010 at 01:01:51 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

Several of them went and ran with the All Stars saturday night - not certain where it was - I think somewhere in Nebraska or South Dakota. Just saw Wright and Bruce and a few others ran that.

I agree with JD - when you got the All Stars runnin nearby - even more pertinently you have the last Knoxville local show before the 360 Nationals - and still to boot - there were probably some local Missouri shows that paid near the same and that guys run for points. LOS (Lake Ozark) comes to mind off the top of my head. Probably several factors all different for each team. But I too am suprised there were only 19. Just the night before was talking with Mr. Lenhart and thought upper 20's/low 30's would be a safe assumption. imho - Knoxville probably had more to do with a smaller field than anything else. Some went and raced there - others may be saving their equipment for the 360 nat's. but if it was a good race o well.....not a whole hell of a lot of difference between 19 and say 24. 19 = 3 heats and a full A. - low 20's means another row to the heats or a set of smaller heats - a meaningless B feature - and then the full A Main. wow there i go with car count philosophy lol.

Hey JD what do you mean by rock quarry? lots of rocks in the track? if so that sucks. What other classes did they run outside of ASCS? any good (for stock cars)???

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

August 03, 2010 at 08:28:49 AM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 1851

Bruce went to Huset's, Crawley won at Lake Ozark, Dover went to Eagle.

August 03, 2010 at 08:56:53 AM
Joined: 05/02/2005
Posts: 1338

Cody, Lot's of rocks EVERYWHERE at the place, but will say they do run the show and get it over with , which is a good thing.

David Smith Jr
August 03, 2010 at 11:21:57 AM
Joined: 11/20/2004
Posts: 9152

The two USMTS show I saw there was some great racing and I hear that it is the same for the MARS late models when they race at that quarter mile. Haven't seen a sprint show there as of yet...

David Smith Jr.

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