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Topic: In all seriousness - Thanks TMAC Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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July 04, 2010 at 09:24:37 PM
Joined: 12/09/2004
Posts: 339

First of all, I would like to take a minute to thank my friend Terry McCarl for offering some driving pointers to my driver Chad Humston last night at Knoxville. Apparently Chad took the death threat to heart and did a splendid job winning feature numero uno and coming up to sixth in the second A main.

Now for all of you haters who have NO BUSINESS reading this. About two hours ago I put my 11 month old niece down for a nap. Needless to say she wasn't too thrilled about it. But that constant whining and crying was a familiar sound. I knew I had heard it before right here on our very own beloved Hoseheads message board. Right then I new it was the same sound that all you T-Mac haters make anytime there is something for you to pi$$ and moan about.

Personal attacks and name calling are unbelievable! Do you know what low self esteem is? Cutting someone else down to build yourself up? Puh-leeze it is really growing old.

Deep down inside we are all just human beings doing our best to get through this thing called life the best we can. The same problems our country faces is the same problem I have with all of you "haters". Lots of complainers and no solutions. Perhaps turning the negative attacks into some positive efforts or suggestions would be a start. Unfortunately there are some things you just can't fix.

I will close with this, and expect no response from me because when I click send this subject will be over as far as I am concerned. I have met some of the most passionate, hard working and wonderful people in the arena of sprint car racing. From officials, to crew members to drivers. And for anybody to set behind a computer and bad mouth someone just because your are jealous, lazy, feeling sorry for yourself really shows why it is so difficult to make any kind of positive changes for yourself, let alone this country.

I am proud to be an American and proud to be a sprint car racer. Most of all I am proud to call Terry McCarl my friend. Thanks T-Mac.


Mark Burch

Lincoln NE


Rome wasn't built in a day......but they sure didn't
waste any time burning it down!

TMac #24
July 04, 2010 at 09:30:26 PM
Joined: 05/05/2009
Posts: 343

Very well said. Terry has been very kind to me and my son when we have watched him race. Your first couple of posts I was like what? LOL I see you were just having fun. Terry is a stand up guy and I will always be a huge fan of his!

July 04, 2010 at 09:58:21 PM
Joined: 10/10/2009
Posts: 653

As long as the subject is T-Mac, on Speed channel's Windbag show last week, Despain said in talking about a big mod or midget 100 race at the high banks of Belleville, world's fastest 1/2 mile, that Terry McCarl has the record at 14.3 seconds. Tried to Google this to find out the speed but no luck. I know its apples and oranges when it comes to comparing 1/2 mile tracks, but Craig Dollansky went around Eldora at 143mph, before some of the banking was cut down, how does that speed compare to McCarl's 14.3 seconds at Belleville.

Lawlessness + liberalism = HELL -  NYC, Detroit, Chicago, 
Seattle, LA  Who the H runs those cities. 

July 04, 2010 at 11:40:17 PM
Joined: 09/18/2009
Posts: 536
This message was edited on July 04, 2010 at 11:41:01 PM by Hannity


I can appreciate your relationship with Terry, you guys have accomplished a lot together.

I read your message carefully and even set aside a few moments for self reflection, per your suggestion.

With that said, I have reached this conclusion; much of the drama was and is, "self inflicted".

I don't hate the 24, but I refuse to glorify obnoxious behavior!

July 05, 2010 at 10:10:48 AM
Joined: 11/18/2007
Posts: 464

T-Mac. Obnoxious behavior? I must have missed anything that might resemble bad behavior on the part of T-Mac. Then would each and every driver I've ever seen, heard about, talked to, would any and all positive comments about them fall into your "I refuse to glorify obnoxious behavior". Even the bad behavior I've seen at the track or after a race wouldn't qualify as "obnoxious behavior", that's just racing and all drivers have at one time or another been thru it.

Adding $6 trillion of debt in his 1st term and now if 
elected again he wouldn't have to worry about an 
electorate in 2016 so the sky is the limit.And his EPA 
would continue to put the screws to oil drilling and 
mining for coal.Can you say bankruptcy.

Eagle Pit Shack Guy
July 05, 2010 at 12:27:40 PM
Joined: 02/11/2005
Posts: 1457

In all seriousness Mark, sometimes you are a strange individual; but then again, aren't we all?? wink

As for T-mac, all of my dealings with Terry have shown him to be one heckuva nice guy. A showman? Sure. A fierce competitor? Of course? A great driver? Without a doubt.

Everyone has detractors and people who don't like them for whatever reason, and if you're in the spotlight like Terry (and other drivers) it only gets multiplied.

Keep up the great work Terry; you have lots of people who appreciate you and what you do for the sport.

I am lucky enough to work at one of the best tracks 

July 05, 2010 at 12:31:28 PM
Joined: 05/31/2007
Posts: 4430

Thank God for McCarl or this board would be over.

July 05, 2010 at 02:13:08 PM
Joined: 05/16/2010
Posts: 18

I got to spend a day off the track with terry and austin and a golf scramble the day before the kings royal they are great people every time i have been in the pits terry is always great with the kids.I remember at attica a few years ago terry and austin were in the stands passing out gifts to the fans before the b main it was awesome. Does anybody know if terry is gonna run the royal this year.

July 05, 2010 at 04:26:15 PM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943
This message was edited on July 05, 2010 at 07:02:08 PM by MSPN

Some people simply have no clue what competition is all about because they have never been in any, no matter the type. Emotions run high in athletics, office work, racing, skirt chasing and about anything else if you're trying to get somewhere/something on this planet. Stuff happens and then you move on, you get over it and you go forward; period, end of story, welcome to the real world. Some people call it character building, others call it jealousy, depends on the spin you want to apply.

Good people like TMC and most of the humans I call friends occasionally rub others the wrong way but usually for the silliest of reasons. Telling some of these morons (in this forum) to get over it, is a waste of good breath/time, you can't fix stupid makes the most sense for these types. Take It Easy....

PS Hey Mark, congrats on your recent success, good on ya' as the Mates would say...

July 05, 2010 at 05:17:15 PM
Joined: 09/18/2009
Posts: 536
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Posted By: mbmotorspt on July 04 2010 at 09:24:37 PM

First of all, I would like to take a minute to thank my friend Terry McCarl for offering some driving pointers to my driver Chad Humston last night at Knoxville. Apparently Chad took the death threat to heart and did a splendid job winning feature numero uno and coming up to sixth in the second A main.

Now for all of you haters who have NO BUSINESS reading this. About two hours ago I put my 11 month old niece down for a nap. Needless to say she wasn't too thrilled about it. But that constant whining and crying was a familiar sound. I knew I had heard it before right here on our very own beloved Hoseheads message board. Right then I new it was the same sound that all you T-Mac haters make anytime there is something for you to pi$$ and moan about.

Personal attacks and name calling are unbelievable! Do you know what low self esteem is? Cutting someone else down to build yourself up? Puh-leeze it is really growing old.

Deep down inside we are all just human beings doing our best to get through this thing called life the best we can. The same problems our country faces is the same problem I have with all of you "haters". Lots of complainers and no solutions. Perhaps turning the negative attacks into some positive efforts or suggestions would be a start. Unfortunately there are some things you just can't fix.

I will close with this, and expect no response from me because when I click send this subject will be over as far as I am concerned. I have met some of the most passionate, hard working and wonderful people in the arena of sprint car racing. From officials, to crew members to drivers. And for anybody to set behind a computer and bad mouth someone just because your are jealous, lazy, feeling sorry for yourself really shows why it is so difficult to make any kind of positive changes for yourself, let alone this country.

I am proud to be an American and proud to be a sprint car racer. Most of all I am proud to call Terry McCarl my friend. Thanks T-Mac.


Mark Burch

Lincoln NE


In the spirit of keeping our threads positive, I would like to change the subject, for a moment. I know you're not supposed to do that mid-thread; please bear with me.

Mark and I actually have something in common...we have both owned and operated WolfWeld cars. There seems to be a stigma surrounding teams who utilize WolfWeld cars, yet Mark's race team has demonstrated that a WolfWeld chassis is quite capable.

Mark frequently thanks Doug Wolfgang, but I would like to hear more about his WolfWeld.

Even though Mark and I disagree about Altoona, I am privately cheering on the banana wagon. It's nice to see something other than a Maxim grace the checkerboards.


July 05, 2010 at 06:09:26 PM
Joined: 09/08/2005
Posts: 229

Not only is Terry McCarl an awesome person and racecar driver he gives us 2 races a year at Oskaloosa that honestly if you have ever been to are 2 of the best races in the country every year. Terry is first class along with his family right in tow. He treats people with respect every time im around him he loves the kids and he gives to the fans have seen this personally. So for all you bashers go meet him in person some time and im positive your attitude about him will change. Darin Robison

July 05, 2010 at 07:49:36 PM
Joined: 01/22/2005
Posts: 435

tmac is often a very arrogant, offensive, rude, horses behind, but never met a winning racer who did not often after a bad night or when someone crosse them who is not, driving the monster of a sprint car looks like a huge challenge and things rarely go perfect,

that aside often hours before or after a race Terry like many of the drivers are good people, they love life more than most of us and enjoy the fans.

I would rank him just average amonst all the racer I know or met, but those racers are normally well above the average person I meet too,

July 06, 2010 at 02:31:19 AM
Joined: 02/01/2007
Posts: 143
About 5 years ago or so I took my 6 and 4 year old boys to Manzanita. My 6 year old wanted to go down and see Kasey Kahne's car (Saldana) Joey was no where around and my boy had his head down and was walking away Terry was watching him the whole time and said hey Kid whats the matter come here picked him up put him in his sprint car as well as my other son. Both stayed in the car for about 10 min or so talking to Tmac like he was Superman I went to buy them each a shrit Terry said I tell you what you buy a shrit for yourself and the kids are on me he also gave them hats and a bunch of stickers my kids were amazed and to this days we talk about that.And we have been huge T-Mac fans since.Terry I dont know if you read this board if you do i would like to say thank you for getting my boys excited about sprint car racing making them fans of not only you but our sport.

July 06, 2010 at 10:56:31 AM
Joined: 08/11/2005
Posts: 86

how the hell are you mspn? i`ve wanted to post more then once after listening to the bashing

of terry, if you`ve ever seen him around kids, i think you`d change your mind, like one of the above posts stated! terry spent alot of time with their kids, sitting them in the car, t-shirts, hats etc,i`ve seen this many times,i know i might catch some flack from this post, but if some of the negative posters spent some time in the pits, or behind the wheel of a sprintcar, you`d find out its not always easy to keep your cool, but at the end of the night, terry seems to always have time for the kids, i wish there was more like him!

July 06, 2010 at 11:27:06 AM
Joined: 01/19/2009
Posts: 1201
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Posted By: rcmkm on July 06 2010 at 02:31:19 AM
About 5 years ago or so I took my 6 and 4 year old boys to Manzanita. My 6 year old wanted to go down and see Kasey Kahne's car (Saldana) Joey was no where around and my boy had his head down and was walking away Terry was watching him the whole time and said hey Kid whats the matter come here picked him up put him in his sprint car as well as my other son. Both stayed in the car for about 10 min or so talking to Tmac like he was Superman I went to buy them each a shrit Terry said I tell you what you buy a shrit for yourself and the kids are on me he also gave them hats and a bunch of stickers my kids were amazed and to this days we talk about that.And we have been huge T-Mac fans since.Terry I dont know if you read this board if you do i would like to say thank you for getting my boys excited about sprint car racing making them fans of not only you but our sport.

And that my friends is why I'm an even bigger fan of Terry. I do not know Terry personally but as stated previously when the adrenaline runs high some people wear their emotions on their sleeve. I know I have said things or done things when playing sports that I probably wouldn't have said or done when I am pumped up. Does anyone know Terry's plans the rest of the season for Knoxville. I see his schedule on his website doesn't have much until FRC and UC.
Keep It Real

July 06, 2010 at 12:23:42 PM
Joined: 08/18/2009
Posts: 32
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Posted By: mbmotorspt on July 04 2010 at 09:24:37 PM

First of all, I would like to take a minute to thank my friend Terry McCarl for offering some driving pointers to my driver Chad Humston last night at Knoxville. Apparently Chad took the death threat to heart and did a splendid job winning feature numero uno and coming up to sixth in the second A main.

Now for all of you haters who have NO BUSINESS reading this. About two hours ago I put my 11 month old niece down for a nap. Needless to say she wasn't too thrilled about it. But that constant whining and crying was a familiar sound. I knew I had heard it before right here on our very own beloved Hoseheads message board. Right then I new it was the same sound that all you T-Mac haters make anytime there is something for you to pi$$ and moan about.

Personal attacks and name calling are unbelievable! Do you know what low self esteem is? Cutting someone else down to build yourself up? Puh-leeze it is really growing old.

Deep down inside we are all just human beings doing our best to get through this thing called life the best we can. The same problems our country faces is the same problem I have with all of you "haters". Lots of complainers and no solutions. Perhaps turning the negative attacks into some positive efforts or suggestions would be a start. Unfortunately there are some things you just can't fix.

I will close with this, and expect no response from me because when I click send this subject will be over as far as I am concerned. I have met some of the most passionate, hard working and wonderful people in the arena of sprint car racing. From officials, to crew members to drivers. And for anybody to set behind a computer and bad mouth someone just because your are jealous, lazy, feeling sorry for yourself really shows why it is so difficult to make any kind of positive changes for yourself, let alone this country.

I am proud to be an American and proud to be a sprint car racer. Most of all I am proud to call Terry McCarl my friend. Thanks T-Mac.


Mark Burch

Lincoln NE


Good luck Mark and Chad, if you need some help at Boone County let me know, would love to help out.

July 06, 2010 at 12:59:06 PM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 691

Terry is no different than alot of WoO drivers out on the road. Sometimes tihings look worse than they are. Terry is good for the sport and always will be. I've seen other drivers do, say and act the same way Terry has, and get away with it also. Terry is a throw back in alot of ways, and it's refreshing, when you concider all the cookie cutter drivers these days!!!!!!

July 06, 2010 at 02:32:03 PM
Joined: 12/03/2004
Posts: 146
Reply to:
Posted By: mbmotorspt on July 04 2010 at 09:24:37 PM

First of all, I would like to take a minute to thank my friend Terry McCarl for offering some driving pointers to my driver Chad Humston last night at Knoxville. Apparently Chad took the death threat to heart and did a splendid job winning feature numero uno and coming up to sixth in the second A main.

Now for all of you haters who have NO BUSINESS reading this. About two hours ago I put my 11 month old niece down for a nap. Needless to say she wasn't too thrilled about it. But that constant whining and crying was a familiar sound. I knew I had heard it before right here on our very own beloved Hoseheads message board. Right then I new it was the same sound that all you T-Mac haters make anytime there is something for you to pi$$ and moan about.

Personal attacks and name calling are unbelievable! Do you know what low self esteem is? Cutting someone else down to build yourself up? Puh-leeze it is really growing old.

Deep down inside we are all just human beings doing our best to get through this thing called life the best we can. The same problems our country faces is the same problem I have with all of you "haters". Lots of complainers and no solutions. Perhaps turning the negative attacks into some positive efforts or suggestions would be a start. Unfortunately there are some things you just can't fix.

I will close with this, and expect no response from me because when I click send this subject will be over as far as I am concerned. I have met some of the most passionate, hard working and wonderful people in the arena of sprint car racing. From officials, to crew members to drivers. And for anybody to set behind a computer and bad mouth someone just because your are jealous, lazy, feeling sorry for yourself really shows why it is so difficult to make any kind of positive changes for yourself, let alone this country.

I am proud to be an American and proud to be a sprint car racer. Most of all I am proud to call Terry McCarl my friend. Thanks T-Mac.


Mark Burch

Lincoln NE


Thanks Mark


Rusty Rogerson

Coralville, Iowa

[email protected]

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