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Topic: OKCFan12-CCC Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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September 29, 2009 at 09:44:30 AM
Joined: 09/15/2005
Posts: 5191

My race weekend prediction that I still stand behind from July is:

67 sprints

44 topless mods

44 topless ltd mods

46 winged 600's

= 201 cars

(although this prediction is for fun, it is truly what I think we'll end up with)

Practice night weather is now hitting the 10-day forecast; and so far, so good:

Oct 8

Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy

82° high
63° low

20% precip

September 29, 2009 at 05:58:55 PM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

Don't say that Darin!!!!!

last time you made a prediction you were off by over 10 on a regional show!

lmao. just jokin' with ya man. I do agree with that. in fact, it could be even more - doubt it would be much less than 65. I was thinkin 62-71. I am suprised with some of the names not on the list. I do like that many of the regional and local guys are coming out for it. With the heavy hitters these types of races tend to draw - sometimes the locals stay away. I think maybe the fact it's on a awesome bullring 1/4 mile like cowtown evens the odds.

There isn't enough good things I could say both about this show and the job you and Bo Rawdon do down there. I think every year there is an award for "Promoter of the Year" - not sure where it comes from - it may be the SCHoF - but I remember a year or 2 ago Glenn Styres won it for his work at Oshweken up in Canada. Seeing what he accomplished that year - I think that you guys should win it for your work with Cowtown. When Styres won that - it was noted that he putting on nationally recognizable premier events in an area that previously had none. And if that is such a considerable factor in winning such an honor - then you guys should win it.

Don't think what you guys do down there isn't noticed. Ya'll have put Cowtown on a National map just as Styres did with Oshweken. That monster of a race ya'll had back in February was great. set the stage for a great season. Take the 3 big open wheel shows ya'll will have this year. The Midget race in february. The CSN and the NSS. Then look at every other track in the entire nation. There is no other track in the southern HALF of the United States that can boast the feats Cowtown is likely to pull off this year. The quality of the shows ya'll are putting together are in the top tier of national sprint car events. Which is what is so great about it. Ya'll doing those 3 big races every year (Feb., CSN, NSS) - they will only get bigger and bigger and they are already huge.

I like to keep up with sprint car racing locally, regionally, and nationally. And I can't think of a larger step forward and in the right direction any track/promoter has taken than Cowtown under Bo Rawdon and you marketing every show. I hope wherever the decision is pondered and made - that you guys are getting serious consideration for National promoter(s) of the year. You guys definitely deserve it such consideration.

I hope I can make both nights of the CSN - but I think I'll be there saturday for sure - just not sure about night 1. Whichever it is - I would very much like to finally meet you and Bo. and for that matter Bill W as well.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

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