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Topic: Sarah Palin... what a joke, what was McCain thinking? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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September 12, 2008 at 12:29:12 PM
Joined: 11/20/2006
Posts: 1378

"What was McCain thinking?"

Oh, I don't know, about a 20 point bounce in the polls maybe?

McCain is the most qualified of the 4 candidates involved to be President.

Even though I can't stand the guy, I'd have to say Biden's next as far as being "qualified".

I'd rather have Palin than Biden but no way Obama. All he can do is look pretty, debate and make a good speech. He hasn't done a single thing in his life that amounts to anything Presidential. Obama or Hillary would both be disasters IMO!

They're the jokes but I ain't laughing.

September 12, 2008 at 12:52:47 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918

Makes me no diff, but it looks like Palin has breathed new life into McCains run. Also remember, she is from Alaska, where they have been wanting to drill for years in the wildlife refuge. Mainstream public opinion has turned to where it's okay to drill there.


i still have no idea who it will be, but will be tempted to say i told you so. go figure

September 12, 2008 at 01:51:22 PM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

aw man - will OKCFan's 6 month exodus from talking politics on the Oklahoma Forum be coming to end?

i still shoot from the hip often on the general forum. i hope i wont have to here. but sure as sh*t someone is prob gonna say something about this religious nut neo con being qualified - and the streak will come to an end.

i could write novels about sarah palin - and what the media isnt reporting for fear of being called "sexist" or "liberal". but I'll just wait till provoked wink lol.


How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

September 12, 2008 at 03:23:59 PM
Joined: 07/17/2007
Posts: 635

I think she is awesome, of course I like logic, and hot women and hockey.

"They're steering them sum bi***es with their right 

September 12, 2008 at 03:42:24 PM
Joined: 07/26/2005
Posts: 1846

I guess I will speak up a bit lol. She is as dirty as the rest of them dont let the soccer mom front fool ya.. By dirty I do not mean x rated dirty lol.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands 
in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he 
stands at times of challenge and controversy." 
Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Erich Petersen 

September 12, 2008 at 04:54:35 PM
Joined: 06/03/2008
Posts: 1628

McCain wil WIN!!!

JIMMY MINTER 'AKA'dirtrack234                  
is history, 
tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That is 
why they call it the present.

nonwing bill
September 12, 2008 at 08:44:47 PM
Joined: 07/22/2005
Posts: 296

I'm gonna let OKCFan speak for me on this one. Rove is still pulling strings even though he's not in the administration.

September 13, 2008 at 01:19:54 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
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Posted By: nonwing bill on September 12 2008 at 08:44:47 PM

I'm gonna let OKCFan speak for me on this one. Rove is still pulling strings even though he's not in the administration.

yup. and when americans show their slowly drifting further into the annals of all out funkin stupidity ---- we get what we are having now - for the 3rd straight election - the election is more about personality than facts or issues. in layman's terms for you reds (republicans) ------ its an american idol contest. on crack. there were many things folks should have had enough common sense to see in the 2000 and 2004 elections to see many of the signs. the races were not being ran on facts. not at all. and folks are just repeating the same thing again. yeah sure i am inspired by barack obama for many reasons - he doesnt speak of alienating those who dont vote for him. speaks more of unity (something this country has to have to not just defeat terrorism - but to avoid defeating ourselves as well). but far more with me - it was the issues. i'll get to that later.

some call it liberals or democrats starting to get scared. yeah we are scared. i am scared. the fear i have had for 8 years now - that maybe my country is - well - idiotic. letting yourselves be lied to time and time again - and swindled in such an easy way. i mean it really does seem that republicans are like hockey moms - going through a mid life crisis at the local town bar. confused until you give em a catchy phrase. then its hook line and sinker for the night. they vote this way too. there is nothing of substance in the VP pick that has aroused the tingling feeling in this nations pants. lol forgive the expression. if you are looking for a one night stand - with hell to pay for long after (this could apply to my previous comparison as well lol). which is exactly what we did and have had for 2 terms. or we could elect someone - as well as the party - that could do the most good for the country.

I've yet to hear anything of substance - not just from red politicians. but from any red supporter as well. i hear about obama's name. him being a muslim. him being sexist. he will raise taxes. reverend wright. ayers. rezko. ------ all of this is bullshit. he has a cultured name - i cant disagree with that. anyone who thinks obama is a muslim still - must be illeterate. sexist - if you're on crack. taxes - FACT CHECK - he will cut them for 4 of 5 homes in the US (mccain will keep them relatively the same hence his term - no more NEW taxes).

what should have been the decider in this has already taken place. and this country - collectively (i still like all of you individually - especially race fans you rock!) - but collectively this country has humiliated itself once again and showed its dumbass. i really hope someone reads this - because folks need to start knowing the truth. what i am about to say is not opinionated. did not come from a liberal news site. you can find this stuff UNIVERSALLY. it was all very public. so let me remind you all - what should most matter to you. here goes the 3 things that should wake all you reds the hell up.

1. when asked what the "line" was between middle class and rich. John McCain answers - 5,000,000 dollars. yep thats right 7 figures. obama when asked the same question - answers 250,000. this should speak for itself

2. the approach to the energy (oil) crisis. this has MASSIVE impact on not just you - or me - but even our sport. this should be the decider for us hosehead folk in many a way. Obama's approach to confronting oil prices - is to inject a windfall tax on oil companies. it has been proven to work in many places - but it can be tricky - and must be done with much oversight. McCain? - a "holiday" gas tax. which means 18 cents less overnight. no more - no less. and only for the summer. this is significant. even his own party cringed - because even they had to admit it was pandering. political pandering. what happens when gas goes down 18 cents overnight. folks feel better about driving. the 18 cents less would have transformed over a 7 day span in July to actually 7-16 cents more! because folks would have went under the illusion that prices are coming down - and thought all was ok and better. and drove like it was 1998. well - anyways - it was ridiculed by just about everyone - and it gave me hope for my country that over 60% dismissed it as complete bullshit. it even hurt clinton against obama - because she was for the same thing. and i thought for a moment - maybe my countrymen will decide this next election with some common sense. we were off to a good start.
going further with this. Obama does in fact want to do to SOME offshore drilling. but mainly keeping focus on not just developing alternative fuels. but injecting them into mainstreak society by making them affordable for everyone. of course this cant happen overnight - but it sure is not in line with oil companies and the republicans - who are even willing to go to war over oil. again mccains answer - nothing but offshore drilling. he loves to quote it doesnt he? "drill more american oil for americans" - if anyone had common sense - the guys political carrer would have been over. even the republicans had to agree - from this day to 30 years from now - this would have AT MOST a 4 cent impact on gas prices. why you wander? because that oil goes into a foreign f-n market! I-lik-e-wang off in Beijing China will have the same access to that very oil that you would. now if he gets his dumbass phony maverick thing going - and does keep it just for americans. suffice it to say you would really be screwed. OPEC kind of wouldnt like that. i know you dont like them - but as long as we are so dependent on oil - you are dependent on OPEC no matter what. if you got 5 million barrels of oil out of the ground and didnt add it to the global market - then why should they share their billions of barrels with you? the bottom line to this is that the reds offer absolutely no answer to the oil crisis - except to drill more. now tell me who is addicted to oil King George? we as american people should ask the worst group of american traitors in history - why they are willing to put us in this precarious position? screw it - you dont need to ask. the answer has been right in front of you the whole time - just go look who they play golf with.....

3. many questionable - and impeachable - offenses have occured under this administration. he aint still there because he is innocent - but because of 2 words - EXECUTIVE PRIVELIDGE. what does this mean to you? it means he is not accountable to you if he doesnt want to be. he sacks 100+ federal judges - he doesnt have to give you a reason - just a sacrificial lamb called Alberto Gonzales. who will prob get paid a lot for his role. Joseph Wilson did not want to lie in a intelligence report about Iraq - so that the reds could get their :task from god" up and rollin - so what does our administration do - they out his wife - a CIA agent. they served Scooter Libby - a Cheney aide up for that one. and then bush pardoned him the day he was convicted. i could go on for way too long with just this one - but there is only 1 candidate who has publicly - and repeatedly - commited to putting many of the bush "executive privelidge" situations up for review. i'll give you a hint - it aint mccain. this is significant - because as we have all gone about our happy-go-lucky american lives - the executive branch of the American government - has been turned into a monarchy. with very few to no - check and balances.

but why should checks and balances matter? just looking at the #'s - the friggin issues dont even matter to the american people. they piss and moan when it hits them - but yet when it comes time to make up for where THEY - thats right - THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - massively failed (remember the last 2 elections?) ------ what do they do? if you reds love your catch phrases so much - i got one that is perfect for you - "those who forget the past - are condemned to repeat it".

the reds are energized - not because of anything that is real. picking an unqualified - unethical person who 5 years ago was mayor of a town of 5,000 people - in one of the smallest states in the US (smallest where it really matters - population) - someone who is obviously vindictive, a hypocrite, and a radical right wing neo con. a candidate that thinks god gives us tasks for wars - wars that are built on corruption, greed, bad intelligence, and campaigning from the worst president in this countries history ------ a candidate that said no to that "bridge to nowhere" but kept the money anyway for a state that gets proportionally the highest amount of the pork barrel spending her pimp so adamantly has fought (yeah right) - the only thing that has got the idiots of this country excited - is the illusion. the illusion of someone is who is like them. which should say a lot about "them".

yeah non wing. karl rove saw what wont he last 2 elections. it was not anything real. it was not the truth. the truth would have gotten the entire republican party hanged for treason. no instead they knew that the reality this country is always seeking - is always more fun when its an illusion. the truth rarely matters. we see it now. when you look at the actual issues that affect us the most - its obvious which party we would vote for in this election. with the pinch we been feeling for 8 years now - it only getting worse - and the prospect of it not changing - they knew they had to pull something very incredibly audacious to try to swindle you yet again. wa-la. sarah palin. there is nothing more of substance in the republican party than there was a month ago. 6 months ago. - there is nothing that should have changed the massive disapproval ratings of the republican party as a whole. except an illusion.

i find it funny - that palin is so against abortion. but you wont hear her say TOO MUCH about drinking. anti-abortion makes idiots applaud - idiots because even if you made it illegal - states still get to vote on it. and even if it was illegal - then you have it being done back-room style which makes the situation worse. abortion is like gay marriage issue the last 2 elections. it is a wedge issue meant to play to people passions to constantly substitute that which is most important - with something far lower on the totem pole. but yet - if she put the same effort into stopping drinking and driving. NOPE! John McCains wife would lose money lol.

ok this has gone on too long and i have a poker tournament. i'd like to remind those who read this - it is not meant to offend you individually. i can find anything to like individually - even in a republican lol. its more of a broad assertion trying to inject some common sense. i think the best way to some up it - not just because of taxes but several factors - including war and oil.

if you make more than 250,000 a year - vote republican
if you make less than 250,000 a year - vote democrat
if you make less than 250,000 a year and still vote republican - you have little/no common sense - you are having a negative impact on your country - and you probably need to re-evaluate your approach to politics. i can give you the first step - stop making political decisions that will have such high impact on you and your offspring - based off personalities (ie like - if they hunt, fish, take a crap a 3 everyday) - base your vote on who is best for you and your future. and people like you. and unless you are rich and can afford 4 more years of presidential vetoes of stuff that could actually turn the country me you will vote BARACK OBAMA!
not because he is a great speaker, playes basketball, is black man with a funny arab sounding name, or whatever else. but because he offers the best comprehensive plans for this country. he is not a part of the traitorious swine that we should lynch at the earliest possible convenience. he is democratic presidential candidate that had more common sense than any candidate i have seen since i was born (1982). and he is ready to lead a democratic congress that is trying to get shit done for you. if there are a few twists and turns you disagree with - take a larger part in your community. talk with folks who might have the same issues as you. and remember that on the issues the truly have the largest impact on you - yeah he still will be your best president. for everything else - you really can contact your local, state, or federal congressman/woman. if its federal you may want to do so with many other people. they cant deal with things individually very often. but there are ways to be heard. i dont believe our entire political process is broke. i have voiced concerns on a few things with local and state reps and been replied to each time (granted through e-mail lol).

i dont think its wise for anyone to vote republican until that party - on a national level - can gets its soul back. or a new soul. this cannot happen under present circumstances. i believe people have to show that the tactics that bush, cheney, rove, and now mccain use with the full belief you are a dumbass ------ can no longer work. then they may come back stronger, with more truth, a little less ideological religious fear mongering. and ya know what? if that ever happens --- i may even vote for one too. but until that happens - i dont see any good they can do with the things that matter. things like economics and domestic and foreign policy, or even national security - seeing as we have to pay people off in iraq tro not kill us (then claim the surge is working) - and all the while - hamas is stronger than before 2000, hezbollah is stronger than before 2000. on the one thing the reds pride themselves in with foreign policy - we are beign punked out on an international scale collectively by iran,venezuela, and russia. i say punked out because we have no leverage over these countries - but all 3 are major oil producers meaning they have big leverage over us. but King George's lack of talent in picking reasonable, winnable, or even just - wars ------ hasnt been a question for a long time. at least - for those of us who care enough to notice.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

September 13, 2008 at 03:35:47 AM
Joined: 07/26/2005
Posts: 1176

So let me get this right...

You don't like the Republican party. If anyone is a member of the Republican party they are evil, bad people that will ruin our country? If anyone votes Republican it's because they they are caught up in a vast big business promoted popularity contest? No one can vote Republican just because they have a social and monetary conservative view of the country, it is because Paula Abdul and Simon have endorsed them on American Political Idol?


Have you ever thought that a lot of this has nothing to do with the fact that Obama is a minority? If a black man with all of my beliefs ran for President I would vote for him, but one has yet to do that. Palin is qualified for the job just as much as Obama. She has ran a state, she actually made some moves while in office to clean up some spending. What has Obama done in office? Very little. He voted present a view times. I do that at the ORA meetings, that doesn't mean I qualified to run the race track.

Anyway, I'm not going to change your mind and you probably won't change anyone else's on here. I guess my main point on this is please be objective. You're a smart guy, way to smart to get caught up in believing something just because a blogger wrote it. I just think the whole idea that one party is more corrupt than the other is ludacris. I mean the Clintons are Dems for godsakes. Also, the most of the poor people in this country have been voting for the Dems for 20 or more years, and where has that got them? Apparently not too far as they are still poor? 99% of economist agree that wealth distribution is not the way to go (ask Russia).

Signed, a citizen who makes less than $250,000 and still votes conservative, has no common sense, has a negative impact on this country, and should be lynched with the rest of the Republican party.



mjm sleepy
September 13, 2008 at 07:29:54 AM
Joined: 03/29/2007
Posts: 729
This message was edited on September 13, 2008 at 08:05:31 AM by mjm sleepy


September 13, 2008 at 08:51:09 AM
Joined: 11/20/2006
Posts: 1378

I am amazed at the range of lies that us americans will by as "the truth" on both sides.

Short answer: McCain is our ONLY vote -- like him or not. Palin just added a reason for some folks to vote FOR him and not justs against Obama.

Just curious, does anyone on here believe that 9-11 was an inside job? That has to be the ultimate "believe a lie as the truth" thing that I've ever seen someone sold on.



September 13, 2008 at 10:13:06 AM
Joined: 05/20/2007
Posts: 568

As long as the electoral college exists, our vote doesn't mean a damn thing anyway. Voice of the people my azzzz.

September 13, 2008 at 10:29:56 AM
Joined: 08/09/2008
Posts: 593

if there is a pig playing in the mud and you put lipstick on the pig.......

its still a lol lol

I believe that all of them are a bunch of liars and we are fixing to elect one of these pigs to run our country!!!!!

What a sad day frown

Jayson Ellis

Mad Mike Burch...Not Hiding from U
September 13, 2008 at 02:28:11 PM
Joined: 09/10/2008
Posts: 280


Wow! You ok dude

Don't want to rain on your parade, but we are all in the same boat.

I personally dont believe anything a politician might say or do, especially during elections. Come on know its all about getting elected, no one tells the truth about who they are of what they really want to do.

I'm voting for the TEAM that keeps the bad guys out of my back yard, not the Bunch that wants to invite them here.

If that means another political farce takes place, well then so be it. At least we all live long enough to try it again in four years.


Fight to win on the Track, not in the parking lot! I 
just love the " Ur # 1. wave " from fellow racers as 
we head home to our other lives !

September 13, 2008 at 03:15:57 PM
Joined: 11/20/2006
Posts: 1378
This message was edited on September 13, 2008 at 04:19:12 PM by hook

I could never refer to a man who went through what John McCain did for this country as a "liar", "pig" or "un-American." I may not agree with everything he says, but he more than any of them has earned the right to say it.

Everyone needs to find a copy of "Hanoi Hilton" and watch it. For McCain just to have to made it back from that low point of being a near death POW in Vietnam to being this close to President is an amazing story of it's own and worth looking at before deciding on this one. McCain knows sacrifice. Obama -- like W -- knows privledge and a "silver spoon" life.

Obama: Pretty boy, rock star, smooth talking, look-good-for-the-camera speech maker. That's it! No substance or principals exist in the man - at least none that isn't extremely dangerous for America.

You need a black candidate? JC Watts? What do you Okies think? Colin Powell, Condy Rice? They aren't politicians per say but I've always liked the conservatism of others such as Judge Clarence Thomas, columnists Thomas Sewell and economist Walt Williams. Bill Cosby would make a better president than Obama! Ok, I'm kidding. Mmmm, well maybe I ain't kidding, let me think about it...

Anyway, get ready Dems....

We have a pretty sharp govenor down here in Louisiana named Bobby Jindal. The south Louisiana folks wouldn't vote for him his first time up for Govenor against Kathleen Blanco because of his Indian (like from India) parents and bloodlines. But they sure changed their tune after Katrina!

September 13, 2008 at 03:18:57 PM
Joined: 08/26/2008
Posts: 12
Reply to:
Posted By: OKCFan12 on September 13 2008 at 01:19:54 AM

yup. and when americans show their slowly drifting further into the annals of all out funkin stupidity ---- we get what we are having now - for the 3rd straight election - the election is more about personality than facts or issues. in layman's terms for you reds (republicans) ------ its an american idol contest. on crack. there were many things folks should have had enough common sense to see in the 2000 and 2004 elections to see many of the signs. the races were not being ran on facts. not at all. and folks are just repeating the same thing again. yeah sure i am inspired by barack obama for many reasons - he doesnt speak of alienating those who dont vote for him. speaks more of unity (something this country has to have to not just defeat terrorism - but to avoid defeating ourselves as well). but far more with me - it was the issues. i'll get to that later.

some call it liberals or democrats starting to get scared. yeah we are scared. i am scared. the fear i have had for 8 years now - that maybe my country is - well - idiotic. letting yourselves be lied to time and time again - and swindled in such an easy way. i mean it really does seem that republicans are like hockey moms - going through a mid life crisis at the local town bar. confused until you give em a catchy phrase. then its hook line and sinker for the night. they vote this way too. there is nothing of substance in the VP pick that has aroused the tingling feeling in this nations pants. lol forgive the expression. if you are looking for a one night stand - with hell to pay for long after (this could apply to my previous comparison as well lol). which is exactly what we did and have had for 2 terms. or we could elect someone - as well as the party - that could do the most good for the country.

I've yet to hear anything of substance - not just from red politicians. but from any red supporter as well. i hear about obama's name. him being a muslim. him being sexist. he will raise taxes. reverend wright. ayers. rezko. ------ all of this is bullshit. he has a cultured name - i cant disagree with that. anyone who thinks obama is a muslim still - must be illeterate. sexist - if you're on crack. taxes - FACT CHECK - he will cut them for 4 of 5 homes in the US (mccain will keep them relatively the same hence his term - no more NEW taxes).

what should have been the decider in this has already taken place. and this country - collectively (i still like all of you individually - especially race fans you rock!) - but collectively this country has humiliated itself once again and showed its dumbass. i really hope someone reads this - because folks need to start knowing the truth. what i am about to say is not opinionated. did not come from a liberal news site. you can find this stuff UNIVERSALLY. it was all very public. so let me remind you all - what should most matter to you. here goes the 3 things that should wake all you reds the hell up.

1. when asked what the "line" was between middle class and rich. John McCain answers - 5,000,000 dollars. yep thats right 7 figures. obama when asked the same question - answers 250,000. this should speak for itself

2. the approach to the energy (oil) crisis. this has MASSIVE impact on not just you - or me - but even our sport. this should be the decider for us hosehead folk in many a way. Obama's approach to confronting oil prices - is to inject a windfall tax on oil companies. it has been proven to work in many places - but it can be tricky - and must be done with much oversight. McCain? - a "holiday" gas tax. which means 18 cents less overnight. no more - no less. and only for the summer. this is significant. even his own party cringed - because even they had to admit it was pandering. political pandering. what happens when gas goes down 18 cents overnight. folks feel better about driving. the 18 cents less would have transformed over a 7 day span in July to actually 7-16 cents more! because folks would have went under the illusion that prices are coming down - and thought all was ok and better. and drove like it was 1998. well - anyways - it was ridiculed by just about everyone - and it gave me hope for my country that over 60% dismissed it as complete bullshit. it even hurt clinton against obama - because she was for the same thing. and i thought for a moment - maybe my countrymen will decide this next election with some common sense. we were off to a good start.
going further with this. Obama does in fact want to do to SOME offshore drilling. but mainly keeping focus on not just developing alternative fuels. but injecting them into mainstreak society by making them affordable for everyone. of course this cant happen overnight - but it sure is not in line with oil companies and the republicans - who are even willing to go to war over oil. again mccains answer - nothing but offshore drilling. he loves to quote it doesnt he? "drill more american oil for americans" - if anyone had common sense - the guys political carrer would have been over. even the republicans had to agree - from this day to 30 years from now - this would have AT MOST a 4 cent impact on gas prices. why you wander? because that oil goes into a foreign f-n market! I-lik-e-wang off in Beijing China will have the same access to that very oil that you would. now if he gets his dumbass phony maverick thing going - and does keep it just for americans. suffice it to say you would really be screwed. OPEC kind of wouldnt like that. i know you dont like them - but as long as we are so dependent on oil - you are dependent on OPEC no matter what. if you got 5 million barrels of oil out of the ground and didnt add it to the global market - then why should they share their billions of barrels with you? the bottom line to this is that the reds offer absolutely no answer to the oil crisis - except to drill more. now tell me who is addicted to oil King George? we as american people should ask the worst group of american traitors in history - why they are willing to put us in this precarious position? screw it - you dont need to ask. the answer has been right in front of you the whole time - just go look who they play golf with.....

3. many questionable - and impeachable - offenses have occured under this administration. he aint still there because he is innocent - but because of 2 words - EXECUTIVE PRIVELIDGE. what does this mean to you? it means he is not accountable to you if he doesnt want to be. he sacks 100+ federal judges - he doesnt have to give you a reason - just a sacrificial lamb called Alberto Gonzales. who will prob get paid a lot for his role. Joseph Wilson did not want to lie in a intelligence report about Iraq - so that the reds could get their :task from god" up and rollin - so what does our administration do - they out his wife - a CIA agent. they served Scooter Libby - a Cheney aide up for that one. and then bush pardoned him the day he was convicted. i could go on for way too long with just this one - but there is only 1 candidate who has publicly - and repeatedly - commited to putting many of the bush "executive privelidge" situations up for review. i'll give you a hint - it aint mccain. this is significant - because as we have all gone about our happy-go-lucky american lives - the executive branch of the American government - has been turned into a monarchy. with very few to no - check and balances.

but why should checks and balances matter? just looking at the #'s - the friggin issues dont even matter to the american people. they piss and moan when it hits them - but yet when it comes time to make up for where THEY - thats right - THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - massively failed (remember the last 2 elections?) ------ what do they do? if you reds love your catch phrases so much - i got one that is perfect for you - "those who forget the past - are condemned to repeat it".

the reds are energized - not because of anything that is real. picking an unqualified - unethical person who 5 years ago was mayor of a town of 5,000 people - in one of the smallest states in the US (smallest where it really matters - population) - someone who is obviously vindictive, a hypocrite, and a radical right wing neo con. a candidate that thinks god gives us tasks for wars - wars that are built on corruption, greed, bad intelligence, and campaigning from the worst president in this countries history ------ a candidate that said no to that "bridge to nowhere" but kept the money anyway for a state that gets proportionally the highest amount of the pork barrel spending her pimp so adamantly has fought (yeah right) - the only thing that has got the idiots of this country excited - is the illusion. the illusion of someone is who is like them. which should say a lot about "them".

yeah non wing. karl rove saw what wont he last 2 elections. it was not anything real. it was not the truth. the truth would have gotten the entire republican party hanged for treason. no instead they knew that the reality this country is always seeking - is always more fun when its an illusion. the truth rarely matters. we see it now. when you look at the actual issues that affect us the most - its obvious which party we would vote for in this election. with the pinch we been feeling for 8 years now - it only getting worse - and the prospect of it not changing - they knew they had to pull something very incredibly audacious to try to swindle you yet again. wa-la. sarah palin. there is nothing more of substance in the republican party than there was a month ago. 6 months ago. - there is nothing that should have changed the massive disapproval ratings of the republican party as a whole. except an illusion.

i find it funny - that palin is so against abortion. but you wont hear her say TOO MUCH about drinking. anti-abortion makes idiots applaud - idiots because even if you made it illegal - states still get to vote on it. and even if it was illegal - then you have it being done back-room style which makes the situation worse. abortion is like gay marriage issue the last 2 elections. it is a wedge issue meant to play to people passions to constantly substitute that which is most important - with something far lower on the totem pole. but yet - if she put the same effort into stopping drinking and driving. NOPE! John McCains wife would lose money lol.

ok this has gone on too long and i have a poker tournament. i'd like to remind those who read this - it is not meant to offend you individually. i can find anything to like individually - even in a republican lol. its more of a broad assertion trying to inject some common sense. i think the best way to some up it - not just because of taxes but several factors - including war and oil.

if you make more than 250,000 a year - vote republican
if you make less than 250,000 a year - vote democrat
if you make less than 250,000 a year and still vote republican - you have little/no common sense - you are having a negative impact on your country - and you probably need to re-evaluate your approach to politics. i can give you the first step - stop making political decisions that will have such high impact on you and your offspring - based off personalities (ie like - if they hunt, fish, take a crap a 3 everyday) - base your vote on who is best for you and your future. and people like you. and unless you are rich and can afford 4 more years of presidential vetoes of stuff that could actually turn the country me you will vote BARACK OBAMA!
not because he is a great speaker, playes basketball, is black man with a funny arab sounding name, or whatever else. but because he offers the best comprehensive plans for this country. he is not a part of the traitorious swine that we should lynch at the earliest possible convenience. he is democratic presidential candidate that had more common sense than any candidate i have seen since i was born (1982). and he is ready to lead a democratic congress that is trying to get shit done for you. if there are a few twists and turns you disagree with - take a larger part in your community. talk with folks who might have the same issues as you. and remember that on the issues the truly have the largest impact on you - yeah he still will be your best president. for everything else - you really can contact your local, state, or federal congressman/woman. if its federal you may want to do so with many other people. they cant deal with things individually very often. but there are ways to be heard. i dont believe our entire political process is broke. i have voiced concerns on a few things with local and state reps and been replied to each time (granted through e-mail lol).

i dont think its wise for anyone to vote republican until that party - on a national level - can gets its soul back. or a new soul. this cannot happen under present circumstances. i believe people have to show that the tactics that bush, cheney, rove, and now mccain use with the full belief you are a dumbass ------ can no longer work. then they may come back stronger, with more truth, a little less ideological religious fear mongering. and ya know what? if that ever happens --- i may even vote for one too. but until that happens - i dont see any good they can do with the things that matter. things like economics and domestic and foreign policy, or even national security - seeing as we have to pay people off in iraq tro not kill us (then claim the surge is working) - and all the while - hamas is stronger than before 2000, hezbollah is stronger than before 2000. on the one thing the reds pride themselves in with foreign policy - we are beign punked out on an international scale collectively by iran,venezuela, and russia. i say punked out because we have no leverage over these countries - but all 3 are major oil producers meaning they have big leverage over us. but King George's lack of talent in picking reasonable, winnable, or even just - wars ------ hasnt been a question for a long time. at least - for those of us who care enough to notice.


September 13, 2008 at 04:27:37 PM
Joined: 01/02/2007
Posts: 5252


I'm telling you buddy, you are one tough man! I find you over here banging your head against the wall trying to talk some sense into some of these ignorant throwbacks who ask questions like, voting Democrat, "where has that got them"? Just for starters they got us a balanced budget! They also didn't lie to you and go to war illegally on borrowed money from china. They also didn't start taking away your constitutional rights.

I could go on and on but I'm not going to bang my head against the wall. Some people get it, some people don't and some never will.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. 

September 13, 2008 at 04:59:15 PM
Joined: 09/07/2008
Posts: 114


September 13, 2008 at 05:03:21 PM
Joined: 07/26/2005
Posts: 1176

Oh a new one, I've never been called ignorant around here! I agree we need to control the national debt. But to say they don't lie to you? Give me a break, that is the most untrue thing I've ever heard. Think Bill Clinton and his little sex scandal. Now I know that is not near what you are accusing the Repubs of doing, (even though most Dems in Congress voted for the war too?) but it is a good example of how they run things.

I must just be an uneducated poor moron to believe the vast number of lies that I do. I'm actually lucky I can read, that college education must not have "enlightened" me as much as others. Maybe the many economics classes that I've had as a business major has made me even more oblivious to what is happening in this country monetarily. Or maybe I don't like it when the government takes my money and gives it to people that don't want to work and keep having kids just to get even more money from Obamessiah.

I find it funny that liberals play the "tolerance" card on religion, and then attack me and call me an ignorant throwback (I'm only 22, is that throwback?). You must be right, I must be wrong. I am not worthy of you and your opinions. Please forgive me Kenny.


September 13, 2008 at 05:16:17 PM
Joined: 01/02/2007
Posts: 5252
This message was edited on September 13, 2008 at 05:37:16 PM by BIGFISH
Reply to:
Posted By: cheese21 on September 13 2008 at 05:03:21 PM

Oh a new one, I've never been called ignorant around here! I agree we need to control the national debt. But to say they don't lie to you? Give me a break, that is the most untrue thing I've ever heard. Think Bill Clinton and his little sex scandal. Now I know that is not near what you are accusing the Repubs of doing, (even though most Dems in Congress voted for the war too?) but it is a good example of how they run things.

I must just be an uneducated poor moron to believe the vast number of lies that I do. I'm actually lucky I can read, that college education must not have "enlightened" me as much as others. Maybe the many economics classes that I've had as a business major has made me even more oblivious to what is happening in this country monetarily. Or maybe I don't like it when the government takes my money and gives it to people that don't want to work and keep having kids just to get even more money from Obamessiah.

I find it funny that liberals play the "tolerance" card on religion, and then attack me and call me an ignorant throwback (I'm only 22, is that throwback?). You must be right, I must be wrong. I am not worthy of you and your opinions. Please forgive me Kenny.

Sorry man, really. If I knew that you wouldn't know what a "throwback" was I never would have used that phrase. LOL I think I used that in a general term anyway and didn't direct it directly at you.

I work at the community College here in Prescott AZ and most of the youngsters don't have a clue about what's going on and because most of them don't have a vested interest in any of it yet, so they could care less. It's certainly not how it was back in the Vietnam war era where most of us young people were involved. Yep, I was young once..LOL

Ok, honestly, I'm glad that you are taking a interest in what's going on but please try and go to as many sources of information as possible and try to keep a open mind. Loving and respecting your parents doesn't necessarily mean that you have to vote they way they and your Grandfather did.

How long will it take us to pay back this $$ or will you and your kids ever be able. At least you get something for your $ with the Dems, the Reps just steal it..LOL

HEY!! come to think of it I never directed my reply to anyone in particular. Are you OK, do you have some kind of persecution complex? Again, I'm sorry LOL


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. 

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