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Topic: jackson speedway touring series Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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MyResults MyPressRelease
March 24, 2008 at 03:40:58 PM
Joined: 01/07/2008
Posts: 181

i was wondering what people thought about this?

Jackson Speedway Announces 2008 Jackson Speedway Touring Series

The Jackson Speedway is pleased to announce an exciting new racing venture, the Jackson Speedway Touring Series (JSTS).

Preliminary Jackson and Worthington Dates Announced:

Jackson Speedway Dates:
Friday - May 9th - 1st Annual Spring Sprint Car Nationals
Saturday - June 21 - 31st Annual U of O Night – Double Features
Thursday - July 3rd – Firecracker Special
Friday - August 15th – Qualifying Night of Jackson Nationals
Saturday - August 16th – Championship Night of the Jackson Nationals
Saturday - October 4th – Fall Extravaganza

Nobles County Speedway Dates:
Friday - June 6th – Sprint Car Spectacular (All Sprint Car Show)
Saturday – September 6th – Additional Classes to be announced


We are working with several additional tracks and expect to announce a couple more shows soon. We wanted to get the dates that are set and contracts in place released so that racers and fans can start making plans.

The Nobles County Speedway was definitely our crown Jewel, and we wanted to get in there bad. The group currently running this track has done an incredible job to make this facility and program top notch, and we wanted to get a sprint car race or two at this facility in the worst way. Looking at the amount of work they have done at this facility and the way the racing surface looks makes us really want to go there and race. Several of our top current teams are from Worthington and the little bullring just seems to scream out: “I am perfect for Sprint Cars!!” This gives our teams an additional venue really close to home.

The following are some additional questions answered by Promoter Jon McCorkell about the all new Jackson Speedway Touring Series (JSTS):

What other tracks are you currently trying to get dates at?

Any track with-in 100 miles of Jackson, the closer the better, especially with the fuel prices. I am not going to name the tracks or potential dates. I see it happen all the time where a group put a preliminary date out there, and then if that date or show does not happen, sometimes fans get all upset about it not happening, and put undue pressure on fair boards and others asking why is this race not happening?

So, we are only announcing the dates once we have a contract in place. I will say that we have been in contact with most of the tracks that are with-in this 100 mile radius.

What is the goal of the Series?

Our goal here is to build a dominant 360 Sprint Car program at Jackson. The only way we will accomplish this is by getting more new local sprint car teams and building our fan base around these teams. We need a program that our teams can sell to their sponsors, among other things. So for these goals these races needed to be real close to Jackson.

By scheduling smart dates, we also are giving most of the teams from the ASCS Northern Plains, Knoxville, Eagle, Hartford, Rock Rapids and Arlington the chance to make most of our events.

Where did the idea for the Jackson Speedway Touring Series Come From?

I have actually had it for a long time.

It started growing when some of our local teams approached me about expanding our schedule. They wanted more races, perhaps some even at additional venues. As I visited with our local teams, and our racing committee, several things became evident of what our teams wanted: more sprint car races, have them either at Jackson Speedway or close to Jackson, pay more money (what racer doesn’t want this!) and they wanted to run our tires.

I would like to add that we are not trying to compete with ASCS, Northern Plains. Chuck Zitterich and his group run a great show, and we have always been pleased with the many deals we have had with Chuck at Jackson over the years. This is more of a deal where we are trying to get some races close to Jackson, that would not have never happened had we not stepped up to make them happen. We are working really hard to pick dates that have the fewest conflicts and show the best potential for car count and of course fan attendance.

Other Notes of Interest:

The JSTS will have a minimum purse of $1,200 to win and $200 to start. We hope to have 10-12 point races. We hope to have a series sponsor, which will help to fund a series point fund.

Any questions call Promoter Jon McCorkell at 507-841-2450.

March 24, 2008 at 04:23:17 PM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 1851

How can it be bad?

March 24, 2008 at 06:21:07 PM
Joined: 02/08/2005
Posts: 534
That sounds like a great idea. Anything that promotes sprint car racing, and a touring series at that, has to be good.

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