Here are the latest updates on Kellen's condition.
Tuesday, Feb. 26th
update - Doctors are holding off on any surgery on the damaged artery. The
blood has seemed to clot itself, so they do not think there is a need to close
it off surgically. The plan is still to perform the first neck surgery on
Thursday. The did move some his breathing tube from his nose to his mouth
and a feed tube still remains in place. He continues to remain sedated and
unconscious. They wake him us every few hours to monitor the movement in
his arms and legs, which are still doing very well.
Updates on Kellen
- Monday, Feb. 25th - today they gave Kellen a feeding tube to put some nutrition into him.
He didn't like it as first but he was calm after about an hour of it being in.
The doctors continue to remove fluid from his lungs to help prevent possible
pneumonia. Tina says he hates that process as well. He has shown
great signs of moving his arms, hands and legs today. They remain
confident that he will continue to have full use of all extremities.
The surgeons are
still waiting to start repair work on the neck vertebrae. They are hoping
to perform the first surgery Thursday or Friday. The first one will
concentrate on repairing the back side of the damaged vertebrae. The
doctors will wait approx. 7 days before a more intensive surgery on the front
part of the damaged vertebrae. In all, they will fuse together the top
seven vertebrae. Doctors said that the damage was too extensive to
consider a bone graph. The family has also learned that after healing from
the surgeries, they plan to keep Kellen at least one additional week to begin
his physical therapy before he will be released to come back home.
So it looks like things are looking a little better than first thought with the doctors now saying that they are confident that Kellen will continue to have full use of his extremities, which is great news! However, he is not out of the woods yet. For more information and ways you can help Kellen and his family you can go to
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