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January 03, 2008 at 09:47:30 PM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 3334

The Caucasus's are finished, the bastards will be waking YOU up from naps now.

Good Riddance to ALL of the politicians that we won't see for another 2 years.

Save your butt, get a colon screening TODAY

For complete line of Sponsor Awards check out 

Duane Davis

Laser Engraving 
101 N Center
Marshalltown, Iowa 

January 03, 2008 at 10:44:14 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1461

The best news out of Iowa is that SHE was third.


I do wish that McCain would have scored higher though.

January 03, 2008 at 11:49:06 PM
Joined: 02/27/2005
Posts: 4443

Ronnie spanked Giuliani?




They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

January 03, 2008 at 11:59:46 PM
Joined: 12/17/2004
Posts: 260

Kinda strange that it's warming up when all the politicians and their hot air leaves...

David Smith Jr
January 04, 2008 at 11:38:57 AM
Joined: 11/20/2004
Posts: 9152

Forget about the politians, who is the girl in that picture and anybody got her number?

David Smith Jr.

January 04, 2008 at 12:10:45 PM
Joined: 02/27/2005
Posts: 4443
This message was edited on January 04, 2008 at 12:14:57 PM by cubicdollars

It's the Ron Paul girl, God bless her.

Huckabee did a good job on Leno the other night. Click here, for link to Wednesday night's show, I'm starting to warm up to him. But when it really gets right down to it, when you look through all the bullsh-t and doubletalk, there is truly only one way to cut taxes and spending, by chopping the government and cutting government spending itself. Ron Paul seems like the only man for the job by a long shot. His passion for economics is like ours is for sprint car racing. He goes too far with some of his ideas, but the left would keep him in check.

Ron Paul Girl - video powered by Metacafe




They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

January 05, 2008 at 12:28:18 AM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 20

Between the pork farms (where did the phrase "pork" come from?"wink and the BS corn/ethanol subsidies

I think Iowa must be the top corporate "welfare" state in the country.


January 05, 2008 at 06:15:06 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
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Posted By: Speedbump on January 03 2008 at 10:44:14 PM

The best news out of Iowa is that SHE was third.


I do wish that McCain would have scored higher though.

damn skippy. that woman is crazy. everything I've heard her say is kinda out there.

although McCain should be placed in a mental home. but at least he doesn't want the USA to be a state sponsor of torture - considering we talk crap on other countries for that sort of thing thats at least 1 positive thing. I dunno - maybe he ain;t all that bad. he is much better than the 9/11 profiteer - I mean - Guiliani. and whats with him str8 skipping Iowa and New Hampshire? I'm kinda surprised caucus goers in other states don't look down on that - to me thats like kinda saying the folks in Iowa and NH just don;t much matter. guess strategy is strategy though. I find Duane's sentiments pretty amusing. Sad that they consistently bother so many people to such a large extent. they call it campaigning - but to me it sounds more like harassment. lol. but you could bet your mortgage that it will be even worse in 2011 - b/c this year there was a record turnout for the Iowa caucus. so I'm sure their logic will tell them to turn it up a notch further next time round.

and of course - as much as it probably pained 80% (or more) of folks on this forum - it was GREAT to see Barack Obama win round 1.

btw I got a hypothetical question for everyone. kind of a half experiment/half bet I got goin with my pop. If Bush and Cheney were the only 2 people you could vote for and they were running against each other - who would you vote for?

animated answers not expected from the overwhelmingly loud conservative contingency here - but they are more than welcomed...............everyone feel absolutely free to speak. it's not against the (un) patriot act yet..................

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

January 05, 2008 at 06:16:22 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
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Posted By: njjeff on January 05 2008 at 12:28:18 AM

Between the pork farms (where did the phrase "pork" come from?"wink and the BS corn/ethanol subsidies

I think Iowa must be the top corporate "welfare" state in the country.

ouch! lol.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

January 05, 2008 at 06:30:29 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
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Posted By: cubicdollars on January 04 2008 at 12:10:45 PM

It's the Ron Paul girl, God bless her.

Huckabee did a good job on Leno the other night. Click here, for link to Wednesday night's show, I'm starting to warm up to him. But when it really gets right down to it, when you look through all the bullsh-t and doubletalk, there is truly only one way to cut taxes and spending, by chopping the government and cutting government spending itself. Ron Paul seems like the only man for the job by a long shot. His passion for economics is like ours is for sprint car racing. He goes too far with some of his ideas, but the left would keep him in check.

very well spoken. I agree with much of it. him and Obama don't have much in common - but I'm in the minority. Meaning I'm looking across partisan party lines and stuff. Got a favorite on both tickets. Obama on one - Ron Paul on the other. But don't think Paul - or anyone ever like him - could ever win - the powers to be with all the dough that stand to lose would pull all sorts of crap to keep someone like Paul from being President. But idealogically speaking - I like the vast majority of Ron Paul's stances. especially on economics and foreign policy. and also the common sense approach he takes towards the fake "war on drugs". I like that he wants to put things into a common sense (instead of capitalistic) perspective with drug crimes and punish meth offenses more and marijuana offenses less. not suprising that I support that. considering the 3 felonies I got for having 10$ worth of weed. I'm not one of the crazies (called liberals in most circles) that think it should be legal. I don't think that is a good idea for a multitude of reasons. but I do think it should be de-criminalized. if law enforcement, and state and federal governemnts want to keep makin money off it being illegal - thats cool - but they shouldn;t be sending people to already over-populated jails and prisons for possession of it. although I do believe they should for distribution and traffiicking. at the same time - I think much, much harsher penalties and punishments should be in place for alcohol related offenses. a view that has never been popular with hardly anyone - or anywhere.

my apologies for the rant - but it is one of the few opinions that I actually earned a right to............

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

January 05, 2008 at 10:48:21 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Hey OKI, the ad right before your post is sponsored by swivel JOINTS, coincidence, I think not, lol.

You would like the weed laws or lack thereof up here in certain parts of this country, they seem to actually fit the act itself. Don't forget, Vote early and often. Take It Easy......

January 05, 2008 at 11:38:38 AM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 361

Not much hope in that chest I'm afraid.

January 05, 2008 at 03:59:07 PM
Joined: 04/24/2005
Posts: 1346
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Posted By: OKCFan12 on January 05 2008 at 06:15:06 AM

damn skippy. that woman is crazy. everything I've heard her say is kinda out there.

although McCain should be placed in a mental home. but at least he doesn't want the USA to be a state sponsor of torture - considering we talk crap on other countries for that sort of thing thats at least 1 positive thing. I dunno - maybe he ain;t all that bad. he is much better than the 9/11 profiteer - I mean - Guiliani. and whats with him str8 skipping Iowa and New Hampshire? I'm kinda surprised caucus goers in other states don't look down on that - to me thats like kinda saying the folks in Iowa and NH just don;t much matter. guess strategy is strategy though. I find Duane's sentiments pretty amusing. Sad that they consistently bother so many people to such a large extent. they call it campaigning - but to me it sounds more like harassment. lol. but you could bet your mortgage that it will be even worse in 2011 - b/c this year there was a record turnout for the Iowa caucus. so I'm sure their logic will tell them to turn it up a notch further next time round.

and of course - as much as it probably pained 80% (or more) of folks on this forum - it was GREAT to see Barack Obama win round 1.

btw I got a hypothetical question for everyone. kind of a half experiment/half bet I got goin with my pop. If Bush and Cheney were the only 2 people you could vote for and they were running against each other - who would you vote for?

animated answers not expected from the overwhelmingly loud conservative contingency here - but they are more than welcomed...............everyone feel absolutely free to speak. it's not against the (un) patriot act yet..................

Not sure I follow you at all about why it pained most of the people on the board that Obama won in Iowa? Nearly without exception, anyone that is hardcore GOP absolutely despises Hillary Clinton. Most Republicans loved seeing Obama beat Hillary convincingly in Iowa. And even though Hillary Clinton is hated by many people in America, she would still be a much tougher candidate to beat come November. Despite Obama's win in Iowa, I still don't think the country as a whole is open-minded enough to elect an African-American president.

One of the most interesting sites on the web for information concerning the election is www.pollster.com The site has a tremendous amount of information. One of the things the site has is a hypothetical electoral college estimate comparing all the potential matchups. Obviously, those numbers are extremely fluid at this point. But in general, it seems as though McCain is the only Republican that would be ahead against Hillary Clinton in November. Conversely, Obama would have a much tougher time winning the general election against any GOP candidate other than Romney.

If Romney does get the GOP nomination, he would probably be easy to paint as a Bush clone by anyone running against him. According to "The Undecided Voter's Guide to the Next President," Romney's is by far the wealthiest candidate in either party. His personal wealth is estimated at over $200 million dollars.

January 05, 2008 at 05:11:43 PM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 3334

Obama won as the Anti-Hillary person.

Hillary was on nobodys second choice list, you either are foolish enough to love her, or smart enough to despise her.

Oba,a has done a great job at getting the young voters.

The day will need to come when we have to ask ourselves, are we REALLY ready for a person that has almost NO experence in the political arena, or administration of the Government or not.

I do have to laugh at the Democrats who seem to be running against Bush however.

I think someone forgot to tell them that Bush is not up for election this time.(thank goodness).

At least they are gone from Iowa where we have had them non stop for in some cases 2 years now.

Nice being able to take a nap today without a pollster calling!

Save your butt, get a colon screening TODAY

For complete line of Sponsor Awards check out 

Duane Davis

Laser Engraving 
101 N Center
Marshalltown, Iowa 

January 05, 2008 at 09:24:20 PM
Joined: 11/18/2007
Posts: 464

A democracy will end about 50 years after the electorate discovers that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury, and continue to vote themselves more and more gifts--everyone on welfare---why work??? You add about 15 million people to medicaid, medicare, S.Sec.etc, five years from now (people in this country are dumb enough to do it) and its the beginning of the end. Those programs are almost broke now. 50% of the people in this country pay zero net federal and state income taxes as of year ending 2006. That percentage goes up about one percent every three years. You do the math.

Then its socialism, then dictatorship. Another 3rd world shitehole.

Adding $6 trillion of debt in his 1st term and now if 
elected again he wouldn't have to worry about an 
electorate in 2016 so the sky is the limit.And his EPA 
would continue to put the screws to oil drilling and 
mining for coal.Can you say bankruptcy.

January 05, 2008 at 09:54:23 PM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
Reply to:
Posted By: MSPN on January 05 2008 at 10:48:21 AM

Hey OKI, the ad right before your post is sponsored by swivel JOINTS, coincidence, I think not, lol.

You would like the weed laws or lack thereof up here in certain parts of this country, they seem to actually fit the act itself. Don't forget, Vote early and often. Take It Easy......

naw man - doesn't affect me. considering the crazy amounts of trouble I got in for it - it obviously wasn't meant for me. and I figured if I wanted to have a chance at a fulfilling life - better not violate probation. even still - I don't have a problem with peeps who do it - as long as it isn't around me.

but yeah the ad location is pretty funny......................and Canada has more common sense when it comes to many things. that is one ef em. jails and prison and law enforcement are not multi-trillion dollar industries up there with their own sects of lobbyists. I mean - I bet there is still some BS involved - just not near the level it is here..................

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

January 05, 2008 at 10:13:36 PM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
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Posted By: nodust on January 05 2008 at 05:11:43 PM

Obama won as the Anti-Hillary person.

Hillary was on nobodys second choice list, you either are foolish enough to love her, or smart enough to despise her.

Oba,a has done a great job at getting the young voters.

The day will need to come when we have to ask ourselves, are we REALLY ready for a person that has almost NO experence in the political arena, or administration of the Government or not.

I do have to laugh at the Democrats who seem to be running against Bush however.

I think someone forgot to tell them that Bush is not up for election this time.(thank goodness).

At least they are gone from Iowa where we have had them non stop for in some cases 2 years now.

Nice being able to take a nap today without a pollster calling!

decent points. I think many positive things could come from someone with not much experience. the line I liked the most was Clinton saying she was the "master" of washington politics - and then Obama telling her that then she was the master of a broken system. I think thats gone far with a lot of people. but the point remains extremely valid to me. how things are done in many arenas not only aren't working - but impact americans in extremely negative ways. anyhow - I think he has the capability to be a great president. but as we learned in 2000 and in many elections before. what they promise isn't always what they deliver. so I like candidates who have a lot of conviction. I don't like Guiliani because he has built his rep on 9/11. most new yorkers don't like him and didn't think he was a great mayor. when he speaks of his bread and butter - which is how he handled 9/11 - he had 5 million times more assistance than New Orleans did. he had a ton of help. and I don't understand why people let him get away with talkin bout experience - he's not exactly loaded in that aspect. but even worse was he only turned over bout 20% of his documents after he was mayor - which under law you supposed to turn over all. and Guiliani reported got very wealthy on 9/11. although I don't have those specifics - it seems to be common knowledge even among his supporters. and with all his infidelities (which I myself have no opinion on) how in the world does he gain support from "value" voters? ok sorry thats enough bout that.

I think as for the runnin against Bush - it's an easy thing to gain support on considering Bush's un-popularity. I would say sorry for ranting about politics - but considering the primaries and elections and the meaning it will have on all of us - hard to lay off it.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

January 06, 2008 at 12:46:37 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 82
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Posted By: njjeff on January 05 2008 at 12:28:18 AM

Between the pork farms (where did the phrase "pork" come from?"wink and the BS corn/ethanol subsidies

I think Iowa must be the top corporate "welfare" state in the country.

...(where did the phrase "pork" come from?...


It's my day for history. :-)


January 06, 2008 at 04:14:33 PM
Joined: 02/27/2005
Posts: 4443

Evidently FOX isn't even going to let Ron Paul participate in the live roundtable debate tonight because they said he isn't a viable candidate.... even though he just beat Giuliani in Iowa? What a joke...lol.




They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

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