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Topic: American WOO Sprint Car Racing. Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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September 21, 2020 at 11:59:36 PM
Joined: 03/16/2016
Posts: 9

I have met some of your WOO drivers in Australia and New Zealand and they are all great ambassadors for your sport and America.

I love listening or watching the WOO sprints every weekend.

It makes me very proud to hear a prayer at the opening of the meeting and hear the Star Spangied Banner sung .

Seeing from down under what is happening to your great country is a crying shame and I would only hope that other sports in America take notice of your example.





September 22, 2020 at 12:56:57 AM
Joined: 08/26/2007
Posts: 64

I'd like to say that every Aussie driver I ever met in the pits at a track in the US has been an absolute gentleman!  Tatnell, Madsens, all took time to speak with me and made me feel I was the only one there.  They are great ambassadors for Aus!!

September 22, 2020 at 09:56:26 AM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4148
This message was edited on September 22, 2020 at 09:57:17 AM by egras
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Posted By: THE BIG CAT on September 21 2020 at 11:59:36 PM

I have met some of your WOO drivers in Australia and New Zealand and they are all great ambassadors for your sport and America.

I love listening or watching the WOO sprints every weekend.

It makes me very proud to hear a prayer at the opening of the meeting and hear the Star Spangied Banner sung .

Seeing from down under what is happening to your great country is a crying shame and I would only hope that other sports in America take notice of your example.





"seeing from down under what is happening to your great country is a crying shame........"


What is happening to our country?  Are you referring to our sporting events and the protests linked with them?  We've never had civil unrest, protests, and riots before?  Does anyone have history books?  Sporting events have LONG been a hotbed for protesting----especially race-related, civil rights protests.  Anyone remember Rodney King?  Not sports related, but very similar to the events that led to what is going on right now.   That was almost 30 years ago and culminated in protests and riots nationwide.  Why does everyone think this is all so unprecedented? 

We're also in an election year, which throughout the history of our nation has always had about everyone on edge, pitted against one another.  The only difference between now and the past 200+ years of the 'ol USA is social media.  We still have 2 very stubborn political parties, both claiming the end of democracy if the other is elected, so I believe we are right back where we have always been every 4-8 years.  I cannot wait for Nov. 4th

So, yes BIG CAT, God bless America.  It's the same 'ol USA.  


September 22, 2020 at 10:11:18 AM
Joined: 08/08/2020
Posts: 106
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Posted By: egras on September 22 2020 at 09:56:26 AM

"seeing from down under what is happening to your great country is a crying shame........"


What is happening to our country?  Are you referring to our sporting events and the protests linked with them?  We've never had civil unrest, protests, and riots before?  Does anyone have history books?  Sporting events have LONG been a hotbed for protesting----especially race-related, civil rights protests.  Anyone remember Rodney King?  Not sports related, but very similar to the events that led to what is going on right now.   That was almost 30 years ago and culminated in protests and riots nationwide.  Why does everyone think this is all so unprecedented? 

We're also in an election year, which throughout the history of our nation has always had about everyone on edge, pitted against one another.  The only difference between now and the past 200+ years of the 'ol USA is social media.  We still have 2 very stubborn political parties, both claiming the end of democracy if the other is elected, so I believe we are right back where we have always been every 4-8 years.  I cannot wait for Nov. 4th

So, yes BIG CAT, God bless America.  It's the same 'ol USA.  


Agree 100%

September 22, 2020 at 11:29:35 AM
Joined: 04/21/2017
Posts: 1174

Met some friends from down under a few years ago when they came to the states for a couple of weeks of racing. Len and Wayne, a couple of nice dudes and fun to be around.

Thanks for blessing the USA, but it is not the same ole USA, it is and will be constantly changing but I fear its not for the better. It will be a slow downhill spiral due to the overly sensitive nature of our population.

September 22, 2020 at 12:04:45 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4148
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Posted By: beezr2002 on September 22 2020 at 11:29:35 AM

Met some friends from down under a few years ago when they came to the states for a couple of weeks of racing. Len and Wayne, a couple of nice dudes and fun to be around.

Thanks for blessing the USA, but it is not the same ole USA, it is and will be constantly changing but I fear its not for the better. It will be a slow downhill spiral due to the overly sensitive nature of our population.

Seems like you are a little sensititive to the sensitivity of our population...............................................it's a continuous loop.  And, who wants the same 'ol USA?  Should we bring back blacksmith shops, horses and buggies like we had back when this country was founded?  Things not only change, but need to change......constantly.  Those that are scared of change are the same reason businesses in our great country have issues forging ahead with new technology and innovation to keep up with others around the world.  I am someone who has spent my entire career in manufacturing and the biggest issue manufacturers face is the old guys in the back room who refuse to use any "new fandangled contraptions"................constant resistance to needed change is one of the biggest factors holding our country back.  Social media has made this problem public, but change, and resistance to change has been around in this country since the day after the constitution was signed.  

September 22, 2020 at 12:20:53 PM
Joined: 04/21/2017
Posts: 1174
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Posted By: egras on September 22 2020 at 12:04:45 PM

Seems like you are a little sensititive to the sensitivity of our population...............................................it's a continuous loop.  And, who wants the same 'ol USA?  Should we bring back blacksmith shops, horses and buggies like we had back when this country was founded?  Things not only change, but need to change......constantly.  Those that are scared of change are the same reason businesses in our great country have issues forging ahead with new technology and innovation to keep up with others around the world.  I am someone who has spent my entire career in manufacturing and the biggest issue manufacturers face is the old guys in the back room who refuse to use any "new fandangled contraptions"................constant resistance to needed change is one of the biggest factors holding our country back.  Social media has made this problem public, but change, and resistance to change has been around in this country since the day after the constitution was signed.  

How does my opinion make me sound sensitive, I stated that the good ole USA is changing constantly and will continue to do so and I don't think it is for the better?  Me thinks you are the sensitive one with your slight rant. I could give a crap about your career I've been in the same industry since 84, bfd.


September 22, 2020 at 12:28:34 PM
Joined: 06/04/2012
Posts: 1774
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Posted By: egras on September 22 2020 at 09:56:26 AM

"seeing from down under what is happening to your great country is a crying shame........"


What is happening to our country?  Are you referring to our sporting events and the protests linked with them?  We've never had civil unrest, protests, and riots before?  Does anyone have history books?  Sporting events have LONG been a hotbed for protesting----especially race-related, civil rights protests.  Anyone remember Rodney King?  Not sports related, but very similar to the events that led to what is going on right now.   That was almost 30 years ago and culminated in protests and riots nationwide.  Why does everyone think this is all so unprecedented? 

We're also in an election year, which throughout the history of our nation has always had about everyone on edge, pitted against one another.  The only difference between now and the past 200+ years of the 'ol USA is social media.  We still have 2 very stubborn political parties, both claiming the end of democracy if the other is elected, so I believe we are right back where we have always been every 4-8 years.  I cannot wait for Nov. 4th

So, yes BIG CAT, God bless America.  It's the same 'ol USA.  


Bingo. Recall seeing images in history classes of Tommie Smith & John Carlos with their fists in the air during the anthem after winning gold & bronze in the Olympics in 1968. Vincent Matthews & Wayne Collett did it as well in 1972 and there was a big talk but we act like taking knees in sports that it is different. People protesting for and against Jackie Robinson to play in the majors. What about all of those nice church going people spitting on kids wanting to go to school and play sports with kids a different skin color as them. Go see how high school football looked through areas of our country in teh late 60's & early 70's. Some people were even mad that Jesse Owens kicked all of Hitler's athlete's butts in the Olympics back in 36 just because of his skin color. And we have always had some other foriegn country that somehow someway was trying to unroot our moral fabric.

As you said its basically the same cycle that it repeats itself every 4-8years. Only difference is the technology involved and instead of talking about your opinions and bickering about them at the local coffee shop or diner, everyone and their mother posts about it on social media or website and has to take it to the extreme. The problems never go away because the people stay the same. The proclamation of the end of our democracy has been happening longer than those here have been proclaiming the end of the WoO. It hasn't happened yet and some think its worst than what it actually is because of their little sensitive egos who do not see an American flag on every house, or on the back of your truck, or if you vote the opposite of them.

It is the same 'ol USA as it always has been. And as George Carlin once said, "Its called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."

September 22, 2020 at 01:33:45 PM
Joined: 03/24/2013
Posts: 1478
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Posted By: egras on September 22 2020 at 09:56:26 AM

"seeing from down under what is happening to your great country is a crying shame........"


What is happening to our country?  Are you referring to our sporting events and the protests linked with them?  We've never had civil unrest, protests, and riots before?  Does anyone have history books?  Sporting events have LONG been a hotbed for protesting----especially race-related, civil rights protests.  Anyone remember Rodney King?  Not sports related, but very similar to the events that led to what is going on right now.   That was almost 30 years ago and culminated in protests and riots nationwide.  Why does everyone think this is all so unprecedented? 

We're also in an election year, which throughout the history of our nation has always had about everyone on edge, pitted against one another.  The only difference between now and the past 200+ years of the 'ol USA is social media.  We still have 2 very stubborn political parties, both claiming the end of democracy if the other is elected, so I believe we are right back where we have always been every 4-8 years.  I cannot wait for Nov. 4th

So, yes BIG CAT, God bless America.  It's the same 'ol USA.  


My friend, I don't think anything ends on Nov 4th - sadly.

To the original poster - thank you. For the past 8 years, I've had the privilege of working daily with several RAAF exchange officers. To a man, they have all been great to work with and just wonderful and fun dudes. 

Our country is a hot mess right now, to be sure, but I will always believe that our best days lie ahead.

September 22, 2020 at 01:56:10 PM
Joined: 01/19/2009
Posts: 589
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Posted By: larsonfan on September 22 2020 at 01:33:45 PM

My friend, I don't think anything ends on Nov 4th - sadly.

To the original poster - thank you. For the past 8 years, I've had the privilege of working daily with several RAAF exchange officers. To a man, they have all been great to work with and just wonderful and fun dudes. 

Our country is a hot mess right now, to be sure, but I will always believe that our best days lie ahead.

I am saddened by what has happened in alot of cities in the US.  I am from Oregon and what has happened in Portland is sickening.  I dont care who you like or dislike, destroying things that have nothing to do with politics or race is asinine, and the people doing it should face the consequences.  But they are arrested and let out the next day.  They need to bring in the water cannons other countries use...that would disperse the crowd and keep the police safe.  JMO of course.  

September 22, 2020 at 02:50:52 PM
Joined: 07/24/2016
Posts: 1788

Wow. Here is another non American view. The OP shared compassion and sympathy for the state of your union and you attack him.  Maybe that's why your in such a mess. Cant recieve good will in material or non material ways due to what? American Pride.

Go ahead be proud of America. You should be, but let someone have their opinion and concern without having to update him on American history and politics.

Y'all need to relax.

Even though I may not know you, I 
care what most of you think!

September 22, 2020 at 03:03:11 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4148

Oh boy................I simply stated my opinion and everyone got offended.  Read that again, over and over and over until it sticks.  I never called anyone names.   

September 22, 2020 at 03:09:40 PM
Joined: 10/06/2018
Posts: 325

what is jesse attard up to?  there hasn't been any activity on their facebook page.  not surprised he didn't travel over here but is racing shut down over there?

i'm a richmond tigers fan and heard they had to move out of melbourne for the rest of the season.  i was wondering why they didn't play in the mcg for a while.  it looked like they hit a few hundred cases which was enough to start shutting down...like it would be for most of the world.  melbourne residents are only allowed out of the house for 1 hour to exercise and travel time to place of exercise counts towards the hour.  essential travel still allowed but it seems like that's pretty strictly defined.  how is that going over with you guys?

September 22, 2020 at 03:31:05 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4148
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Posted By: MandGRacing96 on September 22 2020 at 01:56:10 PM

I am saddened by what has happened in alot of cities in the US.  I am from Oregon and what has happened in Portland is sickening.  I dont care who you like or dislike, destroying things that have nothing to do with politics or race is asinine, and the people doing it should face the consequences.  But they are arrested and let out the next day.  They need to bring in the water cannons other countries use...that would disperse the crowd and keep the police safe.  JMO of course.  

Agree, agree, and agree.  But that doesn't automatically make it our country's darkest days---not by a long shot.  We've seen plenty of rioting, looting and violent protesting in our centuries as a country to know it always ends..............and then at some point, will restart again.  At which point our next generation(s) will proclaim "what's this country coming too?" or "kid's these days and their damned____________(insert latest piece of technology here)______________!" and "these kids today have no moral values" and...........should I keep going?  It's like a broken damned record.   Whatever generation you're in is simply the generation whose turn it is to be pissed at the next generation(s).  Period.  Look back at the history books for all of the civil unrest our country has endured followed by long periods of peace and calm.  We are in the civil unrest state again---that's all.  Not the end of democracy

September 22, 2020 at 03:36:20 PM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 909
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Posted By: RodinCanada on September 22 2020 at 02:50:52 PM

Wow. Here is another non American view. The OP shared compassion and sympathy for the state of your union and you attack him.  Maybe that's why your in such a mess. Cant recieve good will in material or non material ways due to what? American Pride.

Go ahead be proud of America. You should be, but let someone have their opinion and concern without having to update him on American history and politics.

Y'all need to relax.

I am an American and I agree with you. People can't even accept a compliment and concern without getting offended. What is going on in some places is not normal whether or not it has happened before and the original poster understands that. 

September 22, 2020 at 04:45:08 PM
Joined: 04/21/2017
Posts: 1174
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Posted By: egras on September 22 2020 at 03:03:11 PM

Oh boy................I simply stated my opinion and everyone got offended.  Read that again, over and over and over until it sticks.  I never called anyone names.   

Better go find your quiet or peaceful spot with your therapy toy or animal. No one said you called anyone names, did someone call you a name that offended you? 

September 22, 2020 at 04:51:31 PM
Joined: 03/24/2013
Posts: 1478
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Posted By: RodinCanada on September 22 2020 at 02:50:52 PM

Wow. Here is another non American view. The OP shared compassion and sympathy for the state of your union and you attack him.  Maybe that's why your in such a mess. Cant recieve good will in material or non material ways due to what? American Pride.

Go ahead be proud of America. You should be, but let someone have their opinion and concern without having to update him on American history and politics.

Y'all need to relax.

"maybe that's why you're in such a mess". Sorry Rod, but Canada is far from perfect too. 

September 22, 2020 at 05:56:12 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7791
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Posted By: MandGRacing96 on September 22 2020 at 01:56:10 PM

I am saddened by what has happened in alot of cities in the US.  I am from Oregon and what has happened in Portland is sickening.  I dont care who you like or dislike, destroying things that have nothing to do with politics or race is asinine, and the people doing it should face the consequences.  But they are arrested and let out the next day.  They need to bring in the water cannons other countries use...that would disperse the crowd and keep the police safe.  JMO of course.  

Interesting how some people  are more concerned about property damage then they are about people being murdered by police, who are supposed to PROTECT us...

September 22, 2020 at 06:17:39 PM
Joined: 07/24/2016
Posts: 1788
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Posted By: larsonfan on September 22 2020 at 04:51:31 PM

"maybe that's why you're in such a mess". Sorry Rod, but Canada is far from perfect too. 

I'm not denying that at all but if you want to share your concern I'll accept it. It likely won't change anything in either country but I'm not gonna rip anyone a new one for recognizing and disliking current affairs

Even though I may not know you, I 
care what most of you think!

September 22, 2020 at 06:35:37 PM
Joined: 06/04/2012
Posts: 1774
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Posted By: beezr2002 on September 22 2020 at 04:45:08 PM

Better go find your quiet or peaceful spot with your therapy toy or animal. No one said you called anyone names, did someone call you a name that offended you? 

I don't think the person who is saying this country is any more different or sensitive than it was 50-70yrs ago needs a therapy toy or pet lol. Sounds like they are not easily offended nor give a shit if someone calls them a name or not. They just have no problem with stating their opinion and defending it versus someone who who thinks things are getting worst when they really are not, or thinks things are bad because others have opposite opinions as them. 

The fact that some would go as far as saying someone needs a therapy toy or animal says more about said person than the one they are saying it to

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