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Topic: Covid issues and racing in the Northeast Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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August 07, 2020 at 01:28:34 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7659
This message was edited on August 07, 2020 at 01:30:31 PM by revjimk
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Posted By: beezr2002 on August 04 2020 at 06:37:41 PM

You are a super hypocrite and everyone knows it now. You posted about a "chicanoline" van  about a week ago and you don't consider that to be offensive. Typical religious nutjob. Do as I say...Not as I do..

Its a term of pride, gabacho:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicano

" Chicano/a was widely reclaimed in the 1960s and 1970s to express political empowerment, ethnic solidarity, and pride in being of Indigenous descent, diverging from the assimilationist Mexican-American identity.


August 07, 2020 at 02:30:59 PM
Joined: 04/18/2020
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Posted By: revjimk on August 07 2020 at 01:19:39 PM

"I don't care if you kill yourself but keep innocent people out of your path"....Thats the whole idea of the mask!

Glad I wasn't the only one that saw the irony in that reply. 

August 08, 2020 at 06:21:16 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 14
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Posted By: Johnny Utah on August 03 2020 at 01:27:05 PM

In another thread I mentioned the Venn diagram of "dirt track fans" and "people who think everything is a conspiracy"  is almost a perfect circle. Thank you for helping to prove my thesis, Champ.

"It has come down to Democracy or Communism." Really? Lighten up, Francis. You are seriously wound waaaay too tight.


August 08, 2020 at 06:23:21 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 14
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Posted By: egras on August 03 2020 at 08:08:47 PM

I'm not going to disagree with you that things have become politically driven. Im also not going to disagree that some governors have gone a little overboard on their closures and executive orders.  But why not the same outrage by everyone about all of the other laws violating our freedom?  

1.  Seat belts are required in 49 of 50 states.  To me, this is the biggest violation of our freedom of any law in the entire country. (In Illinois it was 1985)

2.  The majority of states have some sore of helmet law for motorcycles with a lot of states requiring helmets for all riders.   Once again, I find this to be a huge violation of our freedoms.  

3.  During the smallpox epidemic, our ancestors were forced to be vaccinated, many against their will

4.  2.2 million soldiers were drafted to fight in vietnam----many of those 2.2 million were drafted against their will.  Unlike WWII, a large percentage of those drafted did not believe in what we were fighting for in Vietnam.

5.  Prostitution was banned in 1910

6.  Alcohol was banned from 1920-1933

7.  Oral and anal sex were illegal for decades in many states-----something you did in your own bedroom

8.  Quarantines have been going on for centuries in this country.  Shutdowns have been going on for centuries in this country.  In our history, our military has stood guard at cities across the country not allowing infected to leave or enter.  (see Spanish flu and Yellow fever)   

9.  All states have speed limits------who are they to tell me how fast I can go?  If the road seems unsafe with everyone driving fast, stay off it, right?

I could go on and on and on.

My point is, none of what is going on is unprecedented.  None.  As I stated with numbers 1 and 2, I think the seat belt law and helmet laws are the biggest violation of personal freedoms I have witnessed in my life.  Being asked to wear a mask and social distance does not even bother me in the least.  I'll be glad when it's over.  I don't wear the mask anywhere but where it's required---like work, Menards, the grocery store, the DMV---but I have absolutely no problem putting it on where required.  I don't feel violated.  Tracks closing and my kid's high school sports being cancelled pisses me off.  But, at the same time, I'm just glad my graduating senior only lost sports----and is not heading off to fight in WWII or Vietnam.  I think we need to start putting things in perspective here.  

So, this election is as big, and no bigger, than any other election this country has ever seen.  We've had Democratic presidents before, and we will have another whether Trump is elected again or not.  Nothing's going to change.  The views of the parties remain the views of the parties.  Laws are going to be made to give us more freedoms, and laws are going to be made to take them away----like they have since 1787.  

I hate the decision to close tracks.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that The One and Only happens in 10 days.  If it's shut down for Covid, I'll be pissed.  However, I'm not going to keep following everyone down the rabit hole thinking this is the end of the free world.  You're all going to be fine.  You've been getting decisions made for you since the Constitution was written.  


August 08, 2020 at 06:59:39 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
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Posted By: clodOclay on August 08 2020 at 06:23:21 PM


Well thought out reply

August 09, 2020 at 05:34:34 AM
Joined: 04/23/2015
Posts: 881
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Posted By: revjimk on August 07 2020 at 01:16:10 PM

HOW many times do we have to explain this??? The mask is to protect OTHER PEOPLE

If the other people are wearing masks and sanitizing, how would they be at risk? If you dont wanna contract the virus stay the fuck home. I'm 32 and not the slightest worried about getting it. If I was 60 with health problems I would wear a mask and sanitize so I wouldn't catch it.  I would not expect people to go out of their way to protect me because I can take care of myself. By mask wearing and sanitizing.  If you take care of yourself you'll be fine. Why in the fuck would let other people dictate your health? TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.  If that means wearing a fucking spacesuit and staying in your house then do it. Not everyone is afraid.  

August 09, 2020 at 07:16:30 AM
Joined: 04/18/2020
Posts: 167
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Posted By: turn4guy on August 09 2020 at 05:34:34 AM

If the other people are wearing masks and sanitizing, how would they be at risk? If you dont wanna contract the virus stay the fuck home. I'm 32 and not the slightest worried about getting it. If I was 60 with health problems I would wear a mask and sanitize so I wouldn't catch it.  I would not expect people to go out of their way to protect me because I can take care of myself. By mask wearing and sanitizing.  If you take care of yourself you'll be fine. Why in the fuck would let other people dictate your health? TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.  If that means wearing a fucking spacesuit and staying in your house then do it. Not everyone is afraid.  

First, congratulations on reaching invincibility at the prime age of 32.. a feat that wouldn't have been possible if you didn't make subconscious decisions to reach 32, right?  

For example, you could drive 100 m.p.h. blindfolded everywhere you drive, but... you don't, do you? 

And I suppose you could drink 12 beers before you hop in the car too, even if you don't speed, but I'm guessing you don't, do you? 

And maybe you could dive face first into a bowl of cocaine every night if you wanted to, but you don't, do you? 

Even though someone already used the peeing on the leg analogy, maybe an illustration would be more useful for you?  My mask doesn't protect me from your pee, your mask would protect me from your pee.


Unfortunately, the difference here is it's quite easily apparent that the other person has peed on you... we have no such indicator for those that are asymptomatic carriers and can spread the disease.  If only it were this simple, right? 

But hey, at least no 32 year olds have succummed and passed away from the coronavirus, so cheers to you Superman! 

August 09, 2020 at 07:23:24 AM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 45

Jesus F'n Christ. There was a time when evolution was on a roll. Genertations became better educated and more intellegent than the previous generation. We are now seeing the complete reversal happening before our eyes. Most parents of millennials have failed miserably. They thought they were doing the right thing for their kids but all I see is a bunch of clueless entitled whiney ass little bitches with zero life skills and common sense. 

The zoomer generation is even worse. They live their lives staring at a piece of glass while mamma pays their bills. Who would've ever thought the movie "Idiocracy" would become a documentary. Intellegent life exists somewhere but it has been lost on this planet. The grand social media experiment has proven one thing, most people are idiots. 

August 09, 2020 at 08:17:59 AM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 870

I considered a choice last night staying home and stating a new civid 19 thread on Hoseheads since there hasn't been one for a while or going to the races. I choose going to a race. They had 30 410's 49 305's and 41 super late models. I think I made he right choice. You may find this hard to beleive but I didn't see anyone pissing on anyones leg. Where the hell did that come from? You people are allowing this to make you crazy.

August 09, 2020 at 12:52:04 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
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Posted By: turn4guy on August 09 2020 at 05:34:34 AM

If the other people are wearing masks and sanitizing, how would they be at risk? If you dont wanna contract the virus stay the fuck home. I'm 32 and not the slightest worried about getting it. If I was 60 with health problems I would wear a mask and sanitize so I wouldn't catch it.  I would not expect people to go out of their way to protect me because I can take care of myself. By mask wearing and sanitizing.  If you take care of yourself you'll be fine. Why in the fuck would let other people dictate your health? TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.  If that means wearing a fucking spacesuit and staying in your house then do it. Not everyone is afraid.  

You're pretty thickheaded.


Its keeps wearer from spreading the disease

Your bragging about your amazing courage is actually bragging that you don't give a shit about others

MyResults MyPressRelease
August 10, 2020 at 09:28:01 AM
Joined: 11/07/2006
Posts: 5621

After months observing this crazy situation and watching televised races on pretty much a nightly basis I have come to the conclusion that some tracks like Knoxville are doing it right and others aren't.  Some appear to be doing business as usual packing fans in shoulder to shoulder and I would avoid those places if I decided to attend a race.  In the case of Knoxville they are assuring distancing and I would be more concerned about catching something driving to and from the track. 

For me personally live racing isn't as much of a draw as it once was.  I can watch most of what I'm interested in at home on one of the two PPV channels I subscribe to.  Traveling alone like I do it actually makes more sense to stay home and work in the yard until around 5pm, grab some dinner, shower and tune into the broadcasts.  Attending live races used to double as an excuse to camp out, consume too much beer and howl at the moon.  Drinking beer fell by the wayside last year and pushing 70 the thought of tenting doesn't appeal to me anymore.  If a person is going solo it doesn't make sense to spend the time and money.  Attending live races isn't a necessity for me anymore but I can understand why it would be for younger folks.

I've got a Memorial race I like to attend coming up next month and I'm seriously considering going.  We just had a family day last Sunday for the first time this year and ended up with a half dozen including my wife coming down with symptoms.  She is going for a Covid test this morning but it appears that one of the grandkids has strep and that is likely what everyone has.  So far one Covid test came back negative so we will see how it goes.  A year ago we'd shrug off sore throats, fever and headaches but now when six all get those same symptoms it's like panic mode.  Is 2020 almost over?  wink

Stan Meissner

August 10, 2020 at 11:56:47 AM
Joined: 07/29/2010
Posts: 760

One thing's for sure: COVID threads,  and others hijacked into COVID threads, have turned Posse, Tyler Walker, Port v. Lincoln, and every other controversial thread into mincemeat. 

I long for the day when we can just go back to those threads.

August 10, 2020 at 12:29:37 PM
Joined: 01/29/2010
Posts: 258
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Posted By: jwin on August 09 2020 at 07:16:30 AM

First, congratulations on reaching invincibility at the prime age of 32.. a feat that wouldn't have been possible if you didn't make subconscious decisions to reach 32, right?  

For example, you could drive 100 m.p.h. blindfolded everywhere you drive, but... you don't, do you? 

And I suppose you could drink 12 beers before you hop in the car too, even if you don't speed, but I'm guessing you don't, do you? 

And maybe you could dive face first into a bowl of cocaine every night if you wanted to, but you don't, do you? 

Even though someone already used the peeing on the leg analogy, maybe an illustration would be more useful for you?  My mask doesn't protect me from your pee, your mask would protect me from your pee.


Unfortunately, the difference here is it's quite easily apparent that the other person has peed on you... we have no such indicator for those that are asymptomatic carriers and can spread the disease.  If only it were this simple, right? 

But hey, at least no 32 year olds have succummed and passed away from the coronavirus, so cheers to you Superman! 

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August 10, 2020 at 12:30:17 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4003
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Posted By: wolfie2985 on August 10 2020 at 11:56:47 AM

One thing's for sure: COVID threads,  and others hijacked into COVID threads, have turned Posse, Tyler Walker, Port v. Lincoln, and every other controversial thread into mincemeat. 

I long for the day when we can just go back to those threads.

What's Tyler Walker up to these days anyways?  wink

Keyboard Jockey
August 10, 2020 at 12:38:40 PM
Joined: 04/16/2014
Posts: 437
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Posted By: MIDDLEFINGER on August 10 2020 at 12:29:37 PM

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If someone pisses their pants you sure wont get pissed on though!

August 10, 2020 at 12:41:01 PM
Joined: 05/31/2007
Posts: 4409

I was wondering why this thread kept popping up to the top on the board.

I did hear a rumor that Tyler Walker was going to drive the Trone 39 at Lincoln weekly because of concerns over Port's lousy surface and the feeling that there is no real talent left in the PA posse. Smile

August 10, 2020 at 04:07:32 PM
Joined: 05/26/2005
Posts: 3342
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Posted By: dsc1600 on August 10 2020 at 12:41:01 PM

I was wondering why this thread kept popping up to the top on the board.

I did hear a rumor that Tyler Walker was going to drive the Trone 39 at Lincoln weekly because of concerns over Port's lousy surface and the feeling that there is no real talent left in the PA posse. Smile

Now there's something you don't see every day- someone trying to hijack a Covid-24/7 thread into a thread about sprint car racing! How dare you! Next you'll be talking durned-fool stuff like wings verses non-wings.

August 10, 2020 at 05:05:48 PM
Joined: 04/21/2017
Posts: 1130

Those last 3 or 4 posts made a shitty Monday a little better, thanks for the chuckle guys!

Keyboard Jockey
August 11, 2020 at 08:43:09 AM
Joined: 04/16/2014
Posts: 437

Since we are getting wild, can anyone confirm a case to attending a race track? 

August 11, 2020 at 11:46:48 AM
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Posted By: Keyboard Jockey on August 11 2020 at 08:43:09 AM

Since we are getting wild, can anyone confirm a case to attending a race track? 

I've been to several races and the only case that I have heard of is that Barry Skelly a novelty stand owner at Lincon Speedway contracted the virus maybe, he is 78 I think, haven't heard of him passing yet, maybe it was a false positive. All of my racing friends still seem as healthy as they usually are and we've been going to the races all through this nasty old china virus.

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