Wow, this is a perfect example of the lack of intelligence that runs ramped thought the sport. Not only do we have one here who lacks English and grammar skills but he's referring to another who seems to lack common courtesy. I do find myself drawn to the individual who lacks courtesy. Now yes both of these (gentelmen) are a reflection on the sport. However, the man who seems to lack common courtesy, manners and values I feel is the worser of the two. Now NNJFI, I agree with you to some degree but I think I would like to give you just a little additional information regarding this particular situation.
I know that the previous driver and car owner of the 40 car had some what of a falling out and the car owner just wanted to be done. The driver requested several times that the basic changes be made, even offering to make them himself but the changes were never made and before the driver new it the car and panels were gone. The driver then sought out the new car owner asking him to please at take his sponsors off, his number, and crew members which included his daughter and other family and friends. The new car owner agreed on several occasions but has yet to follow through.
Then the last I myself knew in the pits there was a big humiliating event that transpired. The new 40 car expected his crew member to push him off with a child's big wheel quad. You know, the ones that are no to exceed 55lb's. To say the least, I myself was rolling.
Now the car has the very same paint job (presonalized), sponsor names, pit crew names and #. We also see that it runs like shit and is an embarrassment to the rest of us. Most of all how are fans in the stands going to differentiate between the old #40 and (new) #40-driver and all.
Also, the old driver of the #40 ,who I know is looking for another ride, how is all of this negatively going to reflect on him? Not well I suppose. Seeing as how people always seem to focus in on the bad associations instead of the good.
I after being a spectator to all of the goings on I do think that USAC should set down a set of guide lines in the area of car ownership transfer. Since these (intelegent) men can't seem to make things work for-themselves I feel that a responsible intelligent party should step in. Also since the rest of us may be forced to have some type of business dealing similar in the future, I feel it would be in all of our best interest to have a set of guide lines and ground rules as a foundation. -As it just occurred to me, what about a formal disclosure from seller to buyer. A disclosure acknowledging all incidents, accidents, fix-its etc. as well. What do you think?
If the new #40 is claiming to have these "sponsors" and he is clamming to represent them and their product, but say they don't want him to. Could he be facing a false representation court case.
Thanks all the saga continues