Diablo 4 transmog allows players to choose their favourite bits of armour and replace the look of them with stylish gear to appear both classy and powerful.
Want to understand how the Diablo 4 transmog system works? Diablo 4 looks set to become rich with unique features if this finally reaches its release date in June. One from the confirmed options that come with Diablo 4 is transmog, also called transmogrification, meaning players can alter the look of them using different teams of equipment. An abundance of clothing and gear is going to be open to customisation, ensuring players appear because the deadliest of warriors.
The transmog feature helps players achieve such splendour without losing any hard-earned stats. Before we obtain into it, it’s worth noting that of the information within this guide continues to be taken from Diablo 4’s beta weekends. We will update our guide following a RPG game’s full launch if things change. For now, let’s get in it. Here’s everything we all know so far concerning the Diablo 4 transmog system including how you can unlock it, how you can change up your gear and clothing, and more importantly, how you can use it.
How to unlock Diablo 4 transmog
In every town, there’s a Blacksmith symbolised with a hammer and anvil. At the Blacksmith, players can salvage gear they've collected within their inventory. Only items having a pickaxe within the upper right-hand corner unlock a brand new look when salvaged. Once salvaged, this new item could be altered within the Wardrobe, leading us nicely into how you can use transmog in Diablo 4.
How to make use of transmog in Diablo 4
To use Diablo 4 transmog, you have to reach one from the major cities, the very first of which is Kyovashad. Once within the city, open the map to go to the wardrobe within the Kyovashad Inn, symbolised with a wardrobe icon.
With transmog, players can navigate between two options – Variants and Pigments. Variants represent any particular item style you need to transmog and Pigment may be the colour palette you need to choose. The bits of armour which are open for transmog are helmet, chest, gloves, pants, and boots. Additional decorative items may also be purchased to match your aesthetic, but are not able to become edited individually.
Pigment allows a chosen colour palette to become applied to gear and clothing. This can either be put on a single piece in order to all your gear. This streamlined system can make styling your warrior a heck of the lot easier. It’s also possible to come back an item to its original form prior to the creative juices start flowing by hovering within the item and selecting ‘Hide Transmog’.
How in order to save your Transmog looks
If there’s a specific look you actually like and want in order to save in order to toggle between different styles effortlessly, it can save you them within the ensemble slots seen within the wardrobe. It is worth noting though that to be able to unlock more slots, you have to part with some hard-earned gold.
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