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Topic: Drunks in the stands at Knoxville Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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August 13, 2012 at 01:28:21 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7796

I wonder if Knoxville keep record of reserved seats... I got a letter last year asking if I wanted the same ones. Maybe they could identify these fools & put them on a "No-fly list"

August 13, 2012 at 01:35:35 PM
Joined: 11/19/2006
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Posted By: saphead on August 13 2012 at 01:27:21 PM

Tommy, you might be thinking about the Cincinnati Bengals who have what they call the 'Jerk Line' that you can call to report drunk assholes like these inbreds.

Nope it's the Reds, not a Bengals fan and don't go to those games, but go to several Reds games a year. Glad the Bengals have a policy for this stuff too, and hopefully Knoxville will have one next year. It's inexcusable not to.

mjm sleepy
August 13, 2012 at 01:57:50 PM
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Posted By: saphead on August 13 2012 at 01:27:21 PM

Tommy, you might be thinking about the Cincinnati Bengals who have what they call the 'Jerk Line' that you can call to report drunk assholes like these inbreds.

OKC Thunder has a number you can text , put in your section number & row number & the unruly fan/drunk is dealt with Very quickkly.


August 13, 2012 at 02:11:10 PM
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Posted By: TommyBahama on August 13 2012 at 01:35:35 PM
Nope it's the Reds, not a Bengals fan and don't go to those games, but go to several Reds games a year. Glad the Bengals have a policy for this stuff too, and hopefully Knoxville will have one next year. It's inexcusable not to.

Cool, I didn't know the Reds had one too.

The Kings Royal crowd can get pretty sloppy as we all know, but this year I noticed a heavier police presence who were actually responding to incidents like these. I saw a few jackwads getting led out doing the walk of shame.

August 13, 2012 at 02:26:02 PM
Joined: 12/10/2004
Posts: 34
Does anyone know if the decision makers at Knoxville monitor this forum? If they do not monitor this forum then who do we call? Toby Kruse or the fair board? Looks to me that there are many people who aren't very happy with all of the drunks around them and it may be time to do something about the problem. The texting solution would be fairly easy to implement and would take care of the problem.

August 13, 2012 at 02:27:55 PM
Joined: 01/08/2005
Posts: 103

When my family and I first realized these clowns were going to be a problem with the constant loud swearing, I started to think I was going to handle it, but seeing how I do my best to refrain from violence and didn't want to get hauled out, I decided to get up and make a concession stop with my boy with the idea of locating a security person. While in line for water and soda I noticed a sheriff and talked to him about the group...I gave him a description of the guys, and their drunken behavior and he said he would check into it. My boy and I went back up, sat and continued on with the races. 15 minutes or so passed and the sheriff came up and said something to them (I don't know what was said since I didn't want to look like I knew what was going on). After the sheriff left, guys in the group said out loud, 'What the F*ck was that all about'....I never got back up with the big crowd and all, and felt like it was a waste to do that all over again...no idea if anyone else ever did either. Not sure how many sheriffs were there, but I bet if it was pursued, the sheriff would remember it and something could be done about this...I am thinking Knoxville has a record of the family that got puked on since they were there all week. I'm sure they would like some kind of justice.

August 13, 2012 at 02:52:17 PM
Joined: 09/20/2005
Posts: 374

The drunken pukers ruin it for everyone. Sad but true.

Dryslick Willie
August 13, 2012 at 04:13:34 PM
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Posted By: TommyBahama on August 13 2012 at 01:07:58 PM
Being a dad with two daughters and seeing the look on the young girls face makes me furious. I have no problem with someone having a drink, I don't drink myself but that's another story. Who hasn't had to deal with dumbass morons like these guys at a racetrack. The Cincinnati Reds make an announcement before the start of every game that instructs fans to send a text to a certain number if you have unruly fans around you. I sincerely hope Knoxville monitors this board and sees this post, and deals with it in some manner. I would rather have less people in the stands than having a few hundred more which would be adding these idiots. I admire the father for keeping his cool, but looking at the guy in the black, I would love to kick the living shit out of him, and I'm sure the line behind me would be long to join in.

In all reality, someone kicking the living shit out of him would be the best thing. If a few bigger and sober individuals wipe up the guy's puke with his own face, then it would force the cops to do something. It would also force the speedway to do something to see that it doesn't happen again. I'm sure the track probably wouldn't like the publicity. Matter of fact, they probably don't like the publicity from this forum. Imagine a youtube video of a drunk getting his ass kicked in the stands at Knoxville with 24,000 people looking on. Would that change anything? I bet it would.

Bet n Housen
August 13, 2012 at 04:22:55 PM
Joined: 03/24/2011
Posts: 471
I think that number to text or even call the sheriff should be posted down front facing the crowd and even stamped on the back of your ticket,anyones ticket would get you the number and the rules concerning your behavior posted on signage visible at the ticket takers entrance along with the number and to get this matter settled write,call,or text the fair board even by registered mail with a return receipt and a follow up letter to get it in writing whatever the fair board says is the proper action to get this crap stopped. It is bad enough to drive across this nation with drunks and druggies on the roads only to get -hit upon after getting to your seat,no action by the track and/or fair board would be my last trip to the Nationals. Now is the time to get the ball rolling on this number for help for the spectators,for any reason,even first aid,think about that it could be you. One idea would be to have a two drink stub on your ticket the drink stub must match your ticket stub so they can't be exchanged with the non drinkers.Cmon,Knoxville what is it going to take?

August 13, 2012 at 04:30:30 PM
Joined: 05/31/2007
Posts: 4486

Hopefully, this incident will get track management to react. Good job on documenting these idiots and their disgusting behavior.

August 13, 2012 at 04:36:40 PM
Joined: 01/08/2005
Posts: 103
I hope something good will result from this post.

August 13, 2012 at 04:41:03 PM
Joined: 08/04/2010
Posts: 275

The fix to this issue is simple. Management, and a NO Tolerance Policy to public drunkeness or posing a threat to others. It is all about expectation and enforcing the rules. You have to put management and rules in place that can manage and enforce the rules.

Educate servers, ushers and police then enforce the rules.

Even beyond track tolerance rules police should do their job protecting the public.

Post the rules clearly to fans. Explain at the begining of the evening. Then enforce. It's simple.

You shouldn't need special sections, you should be able to go and have a great time!

August 13, 2012 at 04:50:59 PM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 36

I hadn't seen this mentioned, but if these guys were passing a bottle to each other throughout the night, that would have been grounds for immediate dismissal by security. Was this ever brought up to security by any of the people who had to put up with them?
It plainly says no outside cans, bottles, or coolers when you enter the grandstands.

August 13, 2012 at 05:04:14 PM
Joined: 01/08/2005
Posts: 103
When I talked to the sheriff, it was for their rowdy, swearing and all around bad presence, after the sheriff came and gone is when I and others noticed the big bottle of Rumpleminz. Seeing how the first visit by the sheriff seemed like a waste is why I didn't think a second attempt would help. I don't have any knowledge of anyone else complaining.

August 13, 2012 at 05:15:57 PM
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Posted By: cbuford70 on August 13 2012 at 04:50:59 PM

I hadn't seen this mentioned, but if these guys were passing a bottle to each other throughout the night, that would have been grounds for immediate dismissal by security. Was this ever brought up to security by any of the people who had to put up with them?
It plainly says no outside cans, bottles, or coolers when you enter the grandstands.

Exactly, from what I can see the puking incident must have happened during the A main so I would guess that the poor family below was just trying to wait it out, see the finally and get out of there asap, which sounds like what they did.

I really like the option for the future of the track having a text # as an option (pretty inexpensive too I would think) to let them know someone is an issue and I know that they need to investigate how bad the actions are but at least the officer could walk down the stairs to the walk way and keep an eye on the situation for abit cause if he had he would of likely saw these guys start right back into being jerks. I would say that if everyone saw some people being hauled out for bad behavior it may make others think about just shutting their mouth and watching the races.

A drink limit would have likely did little to curb this as the guys were drunk when they came in I'm sure and they brought there own bottle, so that would just cut off the people who aren't an issue. I probably drank a 6 pack during the races but I also sat and visited with people around me and met several different people and even shared a couple beers with the people next to me who didn't know they could buy beer there. I had a great time and I don't think that people who aren't the problem (and the majority of people that are drinking during the race aren't a problem) should be punished because of these types of people.


August 13, 2012 at 07:02:31 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1065

Now see, I could have been there stoned out of my gourd on that ILLEGAL weed stuff & enjoyed the races with everybody & there would have been no problems !!!!!

August 13, 2012 at 07:12:53 PM
Joined: 02/06/2011
Posts: 521

I'm pretty sure all, if not most, major league sports teams have a number/text line to report "unruly" behavior. This seems like a popular option to alleviate some of the more excessive problems. I've yet to see any real instances where the law was needed to get involved at the Nationals, however I'm not there with my family so I understand a lot of the points made here.

Maybe another solution would be to bring in some local charities or groups looking for fundraising opportunities to be a "crowd control" presence in the aisles/stands. I've participated in this before at NFL games and concerts, and could be a win win for everyone. It's surely cheaper than hiring actual security, and might make those that can't control themselves think twice. Just a thought.

August 13, 2012 at 07:17:29 PM
Joined: 01/06/2009
Posts: 429

I mentioned to the wife that the nationals have really mellowed out during the nationals with few drunks. It must be because everybody around us has been the same for 5 to 10 years with a few newbies once in a while.

Not sure how all this went down but there is strength in numbers. You get everybody in that area to rally against the 2 drunken idiots and they will back down or leave. Question for those that took the pictures did anybody stand up for or with the dad when billy badass was threatening him?

August 13, 2012 at 07:41:10 PM
Joined: 05/29/2007
Posts: 331
This message was edited on August 13, 2012 at 07:49:36 PM by texdel

This is definitely a sad deal for the family and will not be surprised if they do not come back.

Guest Text Messaging Service will only work if the security folks respond in kind and enforce the rules.

Abusive, foul or disruptive language and obscene gestures are as sign of uneducated and immature people. Went to a NASCAR race (once) and the guy in front of me stood everytime Jeff Gordon came by and gave him the finger for yes 365 odd laps. I mean really dude...???

Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption should be dealt with immediately.

Fighting, taunting or threatening remarks or gestures should result in instantaneous ejection from the racetrack.

Sitting in a location other than the guest's ticketed seat should also be looked at. Those guys may have seat hopped.

Witnessed some very drunk and rowdy fans at an Oriole playoff game back in the 1990’s. They were cuffed and dragged down the stairs by the collars head first. The whole section erupted in a standing ovation.

Hard to believe people pay good money to go to the Nationals, just to get drunk and probably not remember a thing about it the next day.

Sporting events are not real family friendly these days.

Mr. Mac
August 13, 2012 at 08:02:53 PM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 673
I sit with Tommy Bahamas and no one around us drinks, we are all race fans and family people. I haven't drank for twenty years and can't tolerate the drunks. Knoxville needs to put a lid on this soon as we real fans are what make the nationals viable for Knoxville. Thanks for posting the pictures and the other great ideas from fellow race fans.

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