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Bill W
May 25, 2008 at 12:49:37 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 5174
This message was edited on May 25, 2008 at 01:31:40 AM by Bill W


Knoxville Raceway

33 410s

37 360s


Danny Lasoski (30th car out to time) set quick time at 15.142. Dusty Zomer (29th car out) was second quick, followed by Jack Dover (1st), Skip Jackson (31st), Davey Heskin (27th), Bronson Maeschen (12th), Jake Peters (23rd), Clint Garner (22nd), Justin Henderson (25th) and Calvin Landis (9th). The extremely wet surface seemed to yield better times to the late goers, but only 3 tenths of a second separated 1st from 20th. Knoxville received over a 1/2 inch of rain on Saturday morning, and without the work of the best track crew in the world, wouldn't have even got a show in.

Heat one (started): 1. Tony Shilling 47T (1) 2. Randy Anderson 81 (2) 3. Henderson D1 (4) 4. Wayne Johnson 14AJ (3) 5. Lasoski 5 (6) / 6. Heskin 56 (5) 7. Rager Phillips 9 (8) 8. Lynton Jeffrey 12 (9) 9. Josh Schneiderman 49 (7)

Heats were 8-lap mostly single-file affairs with any movement forward coming in the first couple of laps.

Heat two (started): 1. Travis Cram 17G (2) 2. Brian Brown 21 (1) 3. Landis 70 (4) 4. Zomer 5z (6) 5. Toni Lutar 4x (3) / 6. Ryan Anderson 71R (7) 7. Bronson Maeschen 96 (5) 8. Kaylene Verville 01 (8)

Zomer was the early mover into fourth. Cram won by over a full straightaway.

Heat three (started): 1. Brandon Wimmer 7TW (1) 2. Seth Brahmer 13v (2) 3. Brooke Tatnell 11AU (4) 4. Kaley Gharst 7K (3) 5. Peters 57x (5) / 6. Jeff Mitrisin 47 (7) 7. Dover 53 (6) 8. Scott Uttech 3K (8)

Dover got above the cushion's ledge about halfway up the track in the rough stuff and got shuffled back and out of a transfer at the start.

Heat four (started): 1. Billy Alley 22 (2) 2. Ricky Logan 10 (1) 3. Mark Dobmeier 13 (4) 4. Dion Hindi 11D (3) 5. Garner 40 (5) / 6. Jackson 2 (6) 7. Mike Moore 69 (7) 8. Bob Weuve 19 (8)

Lap one running order, lap eight running order.

B main (started): 1. Dover (1) 2. Jackson (2) 3. Ry. Anderson (6) 4. Maeschen (4) / 5. Heskin (3) 6. Mitrisin (7) 7. Schneiderman (5) 8. Phillips (9) 9. Uttech (11) 10. Verville (10) 11. Weuve (12) 12. Moore (8) DNS - Jeffrey

Ry. Anderson got a great jump from row three into third and a transfer at the start. Jackson led until being slowed with two to go by a lapped car and surrendering the point to Dover, who rode the rim around Jackson and the lapped car for the win. Jackson turned consistent laps at 15.5 seconds.

A main (started): 1. Henderson (2) 2. Dobmeier (8) 3. Lasoski (6) 4. Landis (1) 5. Garner (3) 6. Peters (4) 7. Zomer (5) 8. Hindi (12) 9. Tatnell (7) 10. Gharst (11) 11. Cram (14) 12. Johnson (9) 13. Jackson (22) 14. Ra. Anderson (13) 15. Alley (16) 16. Lutar (10) 17. Dover (21) 18. Brown (18) 19. Wimmer (19) 20. Brahmer (15) 21. Logan (20) 22. Ry. Anderson (23) 23. Maeschen (24) 24. Shilling (17)

What looked like it could be a one-lane snooze-fest, turned into a 20-lap edge of your seat non-stop classic. Henderson shot out front with Landis tucked in behind. Soon Lasoski was into third. Dobmeier was coming quick and by the time he was in fifth, had a collapsed left side panel on the top wing. At the midway point he easily breezed by Lasoski into third. A lap later, he was under Landis and into second. He relentlessly hunted down Henderson and made several bids at the lead. Henderson did a good job of blocking until with two laps to go, Dobmeier took a brief lead by diving low in turns one and two. His momentum washed him up the track, and Henderson regrabbed the point down the backstretch. He led the rest of the way for his second win in a row, and second in his career at Knoxville. Jakcson moved up nine spots to claim hard-charger honors.


Heat one (started, *qualified for feature): 1. Josh Higday 24 (2*) 2. Ryan Roberts 18 (4*) 3. Tom Lenz 8L (6*) 4. Bryan Dobesh 2 (3*) 5. Pete Crall 1 (7*) 6. Nate Mosher 22N (10) 7. Gregg Bakker 11x (9) 8. Dan Thornburg 57T (1) 9. RJ Johnson 71 (8) 10. Tim Newman 18v (5)

Newman became the only flip victim of the night before a lap could be completed. He was uninjured, but done for the night. Higday led the distance on a heavy, narrow track. Lenz used the second try at a start after Newman's flip to jump into third at the outset and hold onto it.

Heat two (started, *qualified for feature): 1. Brett Mather 54 (1*) 2. Russ Hall 29 (2*) 3. Dave Hill 51 (3*) 4. Matt Moro 2m (5*) 5. Jon Agan 4 (7) 6. John Hall 7H (4) 7. Butch Hanssen 8K (8) 8. Nate Van Haaften 3 (9) 9. Mallory Armfield 5MA (6)

Moro was an early mover by J. Hall for fourth. Agan moved up a bit too, but still too narrow for much action. Hanssen returned to spin laps before next week's Masters in his first Knoxville action in years.

Heat three (started, *qualified for feature): 1. John Kearney 86 (1*) 2. Joe Beaver 53 (8*) 3. Dustin Selvage 7 (4*) 4. Frankie Heimbaugh 04 (5*) 5. Mike Houseman Jr. Y2 (7) 6. Terry Alexander 77 (2) 7. Alan Zoutte 33 (9) 8. Tony Moro 2TM (6) 9. CJ Houseman Y5 (3)

Kearney put one lap in the books with a good lead when CJ Houseman came to a stop bringing out a caution. Beaver had hit the high side of one and two to launch around a bottleneck of cars on the bottom, grabbing second.

Heat four (started, *qualified for feature): 1. Jay Russell 76 (2*) 2. Eric Vanderploeg 10 (1*) 3. Tyler Thompson 48 (6*) 4. Nick Eastin 22x (3) 5. Natalie Sather 94s (5) 6. Jesse Giannetto D1 (9) 7. Cody Petersen 16P (4) 8. Danny Heskin 6 (8) 9. Kyle Bellm 14K (7)

Russell won a side-by-side battle with Vanderploeg on lap one to gain the win, and get a good start to a night away from Eagle Raceway, which was rained out. Thompson held off Eastin for third.

B main (started): 1. Agan (2) 2. Mosher (1) 3. Eastin (4) 4. Houseman Jr. (3) / 5. Sather (6) 6. Giannetto (5) 7. Bakker (7) 8. Zoutte (10) 9. Thornburg (14) 10. Petersen (12) 11. Hanssen (11) 12. Alexander (9) 13. Van Haaften (13) 14. Johnson (17) 15. Heskin (16) 16. Bellm (19) 17. T. Moro (15) 18. J. Hall (8) 19. Armfield (18) DNS - CJ Houseman, Newman

Agan won by more than a straightaway. The heavy conditions in the 10 lapper provided little passing, as evidenced by Giannetto, Sather and Bakker, who won the first two Knoxville A mains going nowhere.

A main (started): 1. Kearney (1) 2. Beaver (6) 3. Roberts (3) 4. Mather (2) 5. R. Hall (9) 6. Thompson (8) 7. Selvage (11) 8. Agan (17) 9. Vanderploeg (10) 10. M. Moro (13) 11. Crall (16) 12. Heimbaugh (14) 13. Lenz (7) 14. Houseman Jr. (20) 15. Mosher (18) 16. Eastin (19) 17. Dobesh (15) 18. D. Hall (12) 19. Russell (4) 20. Higday (5)

Kearney's fate in winning #22 was pretty much sealed when a feature invert of six was drawn, and he was awarded the pole. The 15-lapper had one stoppage. Russell and Higday were battling for third and fourth on lap five when the evidently made contact. Something appeared to break on Higday's car sending him out of control and into the backstretch wall, folding his front end. Russell retired at the same time. At the time, Kearney led Beaver, Mather, Roberts and Thompson back to green flag racing. The last ten laps went non-stop with Roberts working around Mather for third. and R. Hall continuing his good runs into the top five. Agan was the biggest mover in the event, and was the hard-charger.

If this post isn't results, stories or something c
constructive, it isn't me! 

May 25, 2008 at 01:04:22 AM
Joined: 09/29/2006
Posts: 645


Dover got above the cushion's ledge about halfway up the track in the rough stuff and got shuffled back and out of a transfer at the start, allowing Mitrisin to be the only car to transfer from outside the invert in the heats.


Bill:  If Mitrisin transfered from his heat why did he run the B main then?  





Bill W
May 25, 2008 at 01:31:10 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 5174

Hell of a point there R.A. They only took five. My bad...

If this post isn't results, stories or something c
constructive, it isn't me! 

May 25, 2008 at 02:55:28 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 2001

Great report as usual. Not the best night of racing but that was one heck of an A-main for the 410's. I thought Landis was going to get passed Henderson a couple times then was sure Dobmeier was going to win it.

May 25, 2008 at 04:57:32 AM
Joined: 02/12/2008
Posts: 2

Jay Russell in the 360s had engine trouble and that is the reason he pulled in. It looks to be that he had a rocker arm that broke. frown

May 25, 2008 at 05:27:59 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

from OKC

that kicks ass that Knoxville worked hardcore to get that race in. When mentioning the best track prep crew in the world I'd have to agree. they work that sucker hard.

we come up for the 360 nationals and ToC every year - and each time there was rain - they did their upmost to make it work. I guess it wasn't really a choice much of the time with like 6 straight nights of racing right on top of it - so they prob kinda had to. But us okies still appreciated their efforts.

Not sure if it was last year or the year before Bill W - you'd probably remember. But when us Sooners drove up their we took our heat and humidity with us - but left the wind at home for some reason. the result was brutal. it would be 87 degrees with no wind and extremely high humidity causing a 105 degree heat index - AT 9 IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!! even at night the heat indexes were still in triple digits or high 90's. but anyhow the track fought a hard fight with it the whole weekend. as the track obviously was heavy to the max. It was crazy seeing VAPOR TRAILS come off their wings going into turn 1 b/c it was so humid. but Knoxville runs the best show I have ever seen. I truly believe I could go to any track in the nation and still believe that. Every year - it's just impressive.

I hate to ask this question in this thread............but us Sooners are obviously wandering about our yearly trip this year - and my ol' man seems to think we need to set a cutoff date of when we need to know. I think that is stupid b/c the entry lists really start heating up in the last 2 weeks. But I am wandering - what kind of car count could be expected for this race. especially if gas is up around 4.50 at that time. that of course can't be answered now - but here is what I really wander. If the count is down to like 70 or so................would they really still split that into 2 nights of 35? - we aren't high on that aspect b/c it would be too much down time - - - but Bill W do you think if the count is down like that - that they might shorten back to a 2 night show? or have all cars race the first 2 nights? I think this question could go to Sooner7nc as well........................

not tryin to start anything controversial - but its something that we cant seem to stop talkin about even at 8 weeks away. I've told them you can bank all the regs in that area - or the majority of 360's from the northern midwest - which I think would be around 50-60..............but the true question would be how many would come from west coast, east coast, the plains, gulf south and stuff like that. so with that in mind...............I almost think its impossible to answer the questions we keep wandering. We're just trying to figure what kind of race it will be versus the last few years. one thing is for sure - I highly doubt it will be the last time I ask this - lol. sorry thats just me.......................

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

May 25, 2008 at 09:21:44 AM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 2136

If I would have had a gun I probably would have killed myself by th completion of the one lane heat race fest! After the A- main I needed an Oxygen mask from excitement!!! Talk about the an exciting feature. I'm thinking without the wing collapsed Dobmierer would have probably made the pass stick.

Tuff luck for the Higday 2 weeks running! I guess losing the front end on the backstretch was a lot better than the impending disaster 1/2 lap previous to that which caused it on the front stretch!! That almost got real ugly..

Bill W
May 25, 2008 at 10:44:56 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 5174
Reply to:
Posted By: OKCFan12 on May 25 2008 at 05:27:59 AM

from OKC

that kicks ass that Knoxville worked hardcore to get that race in. When mentioning the best track prep crew in the world I'd have to agree. they work that sucker hard.

we come up for the 360 nationals and ToC every year - and each time there was rain - they did their upmost to make it work. I guess it wasn't really a choice much of the time with like 6 straight nights of racing right on top of it - so they prob kinda had to. But us okies still appreciated their efforts.

Not sure if it was last year or the year before Bill W - you'd probably remember. But when us Sooners drove up their we took our heat and humidity with us - but left the wind at home for some reason. the result was brutal. it would be 87 degrees with no wind and extremely high humidity causing a 105 degree heat index - AT 9 IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!! even at night the heat indexes were still in triple digits or high 90's. but anyhow the track fought a hard fight with it the whole weekend. as the track obviously was heavy to the max. It was crazy seeing VAPOR TRAILS come off their wings going into turn 1 b/c it was so humid. but Knoxville runs the best show I have ever seen. I truly believe I could go to any track in the nation and still believe that. Every year - it's just impressive.

I hate to ask this question in this thread............but us Sooners are obviously wandering about our yearly trip this year - and my ol' man seems to think we need to set a cutoff date of when we need to know. I think that is stupid b/c the entry lists really start heating up in the last 2 weeks. But I am wandering - what kind of car count could be expected for this race. especially if gas is up around 4.50 at that time. that of course can't be answered now - but here is what I really wander. If the count is down to like 70 or so................would they really still split that into 2 nights of 35? - we aren't high on that aspect b/c it would be too much down time - - - but Bill W do you think if the count is down like that - that they might shorten back to a 2 night show? or have all cars race the first 2 nights? I think this question could go to Sooner7nc as well........................

not tryin to start anything controversial - but its something that we cant seem to stop talkin about even at 8 weeks away. I've told them you can bank all the regs in that area - or the majority of 360's from the northern midwest - which I think would be around 50-60..............but the true question would be how many would come from west coast, east coast, the plains, gulf south and stuff like that. so with that in mind...............I almost think its impossible to answer the questions we keep wandering. We're just trying to figure what kind of race it will be versus the last few years. one thing is for sure - I highly doubt it will be the last time I ask this - lol. sorry thats just me.......................

I wouldn't worry about the entries too much. The deadline for the cheaper entries is July 15 for both Nationals, so they'll be flying in the next few weeks. We could have a record number of Masters this Friday night for the Masters Classic. Already 30 signed in...June 20 and 21 would be a heck of a weekend for you to join us. ASCoT and Midgets on Friday, 410s and Midgets on Saturday. Several of our 410 guys will be running Friday, so a bit of a preview of the August 360 Nationals...

360 Nationals Competitions Car Count


Nationals Competitions Car Count


If this post isn't results, stories or something c
constructive, it isn't me! 

May 25, 2008 at 01:16:20 PM
Joined: 09/29/2005
Posts: 626

OKC, they'll be plenty of cars. Start making plans now!!

Congrats to John Kearney and Jor Beaver and again to Justin, Rod, and Dan Dan

May 25, 2008 at 03:27:50 PM
Joined: 09/29/2006
Posts: 645

We're with ya paintboss .... after the heats I almost needed a no-doz then the 410A feature ..... it was worth double the 12 bucks to get in. NASCAR, IRL get all the press but Knoxville is the best racing you'll see anywhere. Free parking and a bargain 12 bucks to get in. Folks .... ya better get your buns to Knoxville weekly ....what a field of QUALITY 410 cars and drivers.





May 26, 2008 at 12:00:28 AM
Joined: 09/24/2007
Posts: 324
Reply to:
Posted By: Wesmar on May 25 2008 at 01:16:20 PM

OKC, they'll be plenty of cars. Start making plans now!!

Congrats to John Kearney and Jor Beaver and again to Justin, Rod, and Dan Dan

hey Mr. Wesmar guy, give me a few of your big name guys that will be running the Big nationals this year so I know who to cheer for. I would assume McCarl, but I'm not sure after that. which other guys will be running your stuff?

May 26, 2008 at 04:30:30 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764


so god damn ironic you mention that Bill W. after I posted that on here last night I was on Knoxville's website and saw that race.............blew my F-N mind. all day long been politickin tryin to do both.

that weekend has a lot of appeal for me. I mean A LOT! Of course I'm partial to ascs b/c they run so much down here. I think they will only take about a dozen from their tour - but I think with it paying what it does to win there could be a whole lot more 360's than the 35 they usually have up there. what do you think Bill W and Wesmar or anyone else? I think around 50. and then probably around 40 midgets? the sooner a reply and educated guess the better. thats only 3 weeks away and I got to jump on this quick. I think that could be 1 hell of a weekend though weather permitting. and only needing to take a friday off for it is cool too. I'm going to be bustin my ass to put something together though.

Hey Bill W I need your e-mail address

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

May 26, 2008 at 04:36:02 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
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Posted By: Wesmar on May 25 2008 at 01:16:20 PM

OKC, they'll be plenty of cars. Start making plans now!!

Congrats to John Kearney and Jor Beaver and again to Justin, Rod, and Dan Dan

dude it aint so much the gas prices that I think could affect it. but combo of gas prices and the 410 punks cross purposefully cross scheduling.

I know there would be a good deal of cars -------- its whether or not it will be enough to justify the money needed to pull it off for 4 days. The saturday show I know will the bomb as it always is. it's the thursday, friday, and sunday that I'm wondering about.

We've been playing with the notion that if its worth the trip ------ takin tents and just campin at Lake Red Rock or somewhere during the trip. that would save a lot of money and me and Tanner would be down. but my dad is a pussy and tryin to block it. go figure.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

May 26, 2008 at 08:24:27 PM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 2136

Pussy!!!! Let me tell ya something Sonny! Camping in a tent in Iowa when 90 degrees is the coolest time of the day in your twenties & camping in a tent when you closer to 50 years old is entirely 2 different things! I remember sleeping in both my car and a tent behind the skating rink when I was in my Late 20s in the rain, all night noise from partiers, traffic and it was not a problem. I still feel young but there is no way in hell I think I would want to do the tent deal in August now (almost 20 years later). Give pops a break and score a camper with a/c somewhere. I always track the entry lists right up to the week before the nats also and wonder if there

will be enough for 2 full nights of qualifications, it always seems to work itself out and hopefully this year will not let us down. The gas thing has definately got to take a turn for the better or eventually everything is going to go turn to sh*t. I towed my camper to Knoxville 2 weeks ago which is 120 miles each way, Going up was 70

dollars for gas (strong head wind), going home was 50 dollars but there was no wind and I pussy footed it big time all the way home. (Good Luck until then dodging all of them Twisters down there)

Bill W
May 26, 2008 at 10:14:00 PM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 5174
Reply to:
Posted By: OKCFan12 on May 26 2008 at 04:30:30 AM


so god damn ironic you mention that Bill W. after I posted that on here last night I was on Knoxville's website and saw that race.............blew my F-N mind. all day long been politickin tryin to do both.

that weekend has a lot of appeal for me. I mean A LOT! Of course I'm partial to ascs b/c they run so much down here. I think they will only take about a dozen from their tour - but I think with it paying what it does to win there could be a whole lot more 360's than the 35 they usually have up there. what do you think Bill W and Wesmar or anyone else? I think around 50. and then probably around 40 midgets? the sooner a reply and educated guess the better. thats only 3 weeks away and I got to jump on this quick. I think that could be 1 hell of a weekend though weather permitting. and only needing to take a friday off for it is cool too. I'm going to be bustin my ass to put something together though.

Hey Bill W I need your e-mail address

50 is a good estimate for Friday the 20th 360s. It's as good a 360 purse as you get outside of the big shows, and consider Jackson and Eagle run Saturday nights. It's also co-sanctioned by ASCS-Midwest...

30 regulars, 10 travelers, 5-10 crossovers and 10-15 from Nebraska/Minnesota/SD/MO...maybe 60 is a better estimate...

Saturday there should be a few 410 "crossovers" as well...

The midget races may well be the show that weekend though...

My e-mail is easily found on my webpage at Hosehead's or at the track website. Thanks...

If this post isn't results, stories or something c
constructive, it isn't me! 

May 27, 2008 at 08:55:26 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
Reply to:
Posted By: Paintboss on May 26 2008 at 08:24:27 PM

Pussy!!!! Let me tell ya something Sonny! Camping in a tent in Iowa when 90 degrees is the coolest time of the day in your twenties & camping in a tent when you closer to 50 years old is entirely 2 different things! I remember sleeping in both my car and a tent behind the skating rink when I was in my Late 20s in the rain, all night noise from partiers, traffic and it was not a problem. I still feel young but there is no way in hell I think I would want to do the tent deal in August now (almost 20 years later). Give pops a break and score a camper with a/c somewhere. I always track the entry lists right up to the week before the nats also and wonder if there

will be enough for 2 full nights of qualifications, it always seems to work itself out and hopefully this year will not let us down. The gas thing has definately got to take a turn for the better or eventually everything is going to go turn to sh*t. I towed my camper to Knoxville 2 weeks ago which is 120 miles each way, Going up was 70

dollars for gas (strong head wind), going home was 50 dollars but there was no wind and I pussy footed it big time all the way home. (Good Luck until then dodging all of them Twisters down there)

lol. I got a kick of that first paragraph. its strongly appearing that my pop wont be down for 2 Knoxville trips. even though he makes over 100k a year - he has this little problem. called a gold diggin BITCH!. she's leaving wed. to go to austrailia for 5 weeks - which is costing him thousands (she doesn't work - imagine that..........hmmm....... a gold digger without a job wink )

but considering the august trip is usually something me, my old man and a friend of mine - actually my dad best friends - son.............I invited him to come along in 06 and the 137 cars on big fast track blew him away. pisses my dad off tho cause we stay up till 5am playing sprint cars on PS2 against each other - guess what track we play? yeah - Knoxville. thats a really fun trip. so the june 21st race I'm trying to get my mom and nephew to go to. she always said she wouldnt go to the august races because that was too many days. so maybe with this 2 day show......

naw what I was sayin bout the car counts. hey 70 - 80 is still a lot of cars - but when split into 2 nights.................it wouldn't be so bad if they would use the double heat format instead of that qualifying crap. they should save the qualifying for the 410's only. ok I dont know where exactly I was going with that..................I just like 2 sets of heats. the 2nd set of heats is much better than the yawn (time trials). the past counts at knoxville there Bill W - there should also be another caption to the side that shows gas prices.

yeah will do about the twisters. but we aint been gettin those here. had some 75 mph wind gusts around 2am though. tore up some car washes and gas stations. what goes around comes around on those dirty bastards........ hahahahaha. dont know where I was goin with that either.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

May 27, 2008 at 08:56:17 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
Reply to:
Posted By: Bill W on May 26 2008 at 10:14:00 PM

50 is a good estimate for Friday the 20th 360s. It's as good a 360 purse as you get outside of the big shows, and consider Jackson and Eagle run Saturday nights. It's also co-sanctioned by ASCS-Midwest...

30 regulars, 10 travelers, 5-10 crossovers and 10-15 from Nebraska/Minnesota/SD/MO...maybe 60 is a better estimate...

Saturday there should be a few 410 "crossovers" as well...

The midget races may well be the show that weekend though...

My e-mail is easily found on my webpage at Hosehead's or at the track website. Thanks...

s c o r e

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

David Smith Jr
May 27, 2008 at 03:19:37 PM
Joined: 11/20/2004
Posts: 9152

Pitching a tent? That is one very scary thought.

David Smith Jr.

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