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Topic: dirt vision video feed takes a dump!! Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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June 22, 2007 at 09:35:17 PM
Joined: 08/08/2006
Posts: 319

Anyone else having problems with the dirtvision video feed??

June 22, 2007 at 09:40:58 PM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 512

having all kinds of problems with it

June 22, 2007 at 10:28:40 PM
Joined: 02/11/2007
Posts: 1163

I found that I didn't have problems after I stopped it, right clicked and clicked on open-link and let it play right in windows media player. If I tried to play it off the dirtvision site, it kept freezing.

Michael 98A
June 22, 2007 at 10:40:00 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 569

Just don't get it.

All night had a clear video of the heats, Dash, all the 305 stuff, the crowd during intermission and those mascots. Come A Feature time and then buffering, delays, loss of sound and what not.

Over 2+ hours of the clearest damn near television broadcast and then bunk for the "Money Shot".

Just not convincing me to want to shell out some coin for me watch Heats, Dashes and Support Class stuff. Glad this stuff is free for now, it's certainly not worth paying for.


But then again, since I get to see the Heats, Dashes and Support on the 'puter and then the Feature on SPEED or the Deuce, I am bascially getting the whole show in, using all my multi-media platforms. Never thought if it that way....

June 22, 2007 at 10:42:28 PM
Joined: 09/26/2005
Posts: 84
This message was edited on June 22, 2007 at 11:03:42 PM by ozko4

A few things that you might want to try: set your Windows Media Player to 30-60 seconds of buffer (open WMP, select tools, options, performance and set buffer to 30-60 secs), do a disk cleanup and delete temporary internet files and then deletes cookies. If you delete cookies, remember your site passwords.

I had both laptops running tonight, this one was fine but the other did freeze & buffer. Need to update the 2nd one tonight.

Hope this helps, DV was pushing the video stream over a 5mb upload connection - probably the best internet connection at a track they have been at this year.

You can also do a speed test: http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ to see your internet connection rate.


Last Result:
Download Speed: 4084 kbps (510.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 487 kbps (60.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

June 22, 2007 at 11:44:24 PM
Joined: 11/09/2006
Posts: 560

Mine worked fine.

"Just the facts ma'am", Sgt. Joe Friday, Detective, 

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