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Topic: McCarl Speaks His Mind Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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February 25, 2007 at 12:59:02 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 450

Remember Joey and Kaley this past year at the Nats?


February 25, 2007 at 01:48:37 PM
Joined: 12/09/2004
Posts: 7

I wouldn't be too concerned with the #24 team funding. That I know for sure.

February 25, 2007 at 02:12:15 PM
Joined: 02/11/2007
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Posted By: supaschatz on February 25 2007 at 12:52:15 PM

I like Joey and TMAC, so I won't dog on either of them. But, I didn't hear this many people complaining when Joey planted McMahan into the wall and sent him flipping at Eldora last year at the ASCoC show!

I also didn't hear this many people backing Joey and complaining when Steve tried to drive Joey into the wall at Eldora during the Royal a couple of years ago! The difference between then and now is that Joey won't lift these days. He lifted then, but not now. He is running for a title and knows that you can't give an inch if you want to win it. Accidents will happen. It is a driver's choice (if he has time to react) if he wants to lift for someone that is sliding him. I don't know if Joey had time to react last night or not, but I can tell you that even if he has time to choose, he will probably still not lift. He wants it very badly and will not give up a position to anyone.

Difference is, when joey took out mcmahon he apologized. He felt bad. Mccarl was just a jerk about it.

February 25, 2007 at 02:37:37 PM
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Posted By: dirtcanuck on February 25 2007 at 12:02:46 AM

Ya gotta like that McCarl. He's sure not shy when it comes to speaking his mind. Sounds like he was givin it to the boo birds and Saldana. Did he say Joey slammed his brakes??

Thumbs Up to TMAC..About time someone showed Saldana he's not the only one on the track...Saldana don't want any part of TMAC...BELIEVE IT...They don't call him the Brownsville Butthole for nothing..He once again showed he always drivers over his head..Go TMAC..You The Man..

team wright-one
February 25, 2007 at 02:52:20 PM
Joined: 11/29/2005
Posts: 1773
This message was edited on February 25, 2007 at 03:01:58 PM by team wright-one

i have not read all the posts here but it seems a lot of them have to do with slide jobs and who has the right of way and who is at fault when it goes bad. there was a lot of diving and sliding going on sat nite cause that is the only way to pass if a guy was running up top in front of you and you had to get by. but it was not easy to pull off. tk tried like hell to get by ronnie day in his heat and he pulled a dive in 1 and 2 and had ronnie right on his right rear and had to back out to keep from taking him out. tk really wanted to make the dash but he gave ronnie room to race. same for haud in his heat sat. he REALLY needed to make the dash cause we qualified so bad. he had jason myers in the same position in the same turns and could have stayed in the gas and slapped him with the right rear and got by but he didn't. he gave jason room. then coming in for the checkered jac dove on myers in turn 4 and could have done the same thing t-mac did to saldana but he raced meyers and missed the dash by inches. when haud got out of the car i told him that just a little twitch of the wheel and we could have been in the dash. haud said he thought about leaning on him a little but i said he did the right thing by racing him cause it just wouldn't have been right to take a chance on using jason up like that. he said that's the way he looked at it too. i reminded him about tk and ronnie day and how tim gave day room too and haud said tk did the right thing but it is hard to do when you are thinking about only winning. back in the early days haud would have forced the deal. so would tim a few years ago. in the main jac started 20th and was on a mission. him and tatnell raced nose to tail up through the field on the fence with haud following brooke until he got a shot and got by. then jac was behind sk and steve moved up in front of him and took his line and haud had to get by him. at any time any of those guys could have ended the nite for each other but they didn't. then jac ended up behind meyers and could not get by they took turns sliding and chopping each other and then haud drove around myers going into turn 3 and jason came back on him hard on the bottom of turn 4 and had a perfect chance to just stay on the gas and plant jac cause he was wide open ON the wall and could not lift without it sending him into the wall. jason lifted and got on the brakes to keep haud from spending more of rick wright's money right in front of the whole crowd. jason got back by for the spot. and on the last lap in turn 2 saldana was a lap down in front of haud and meyers and haud had a dive going to pass jason for 5th and lifted to keep from planting saldana AND meyers. before we left the track i went to meyers and thanked him for taking it easy on jac in turn 4. jason shook my hand and said "any time". but i bet if jac would have roughed jason up in that heat race he would not have been so nice to jac racing with him in the future. a lot of people say the guy on the outside can lift. that is not always true. if you are up on the wall and lift your momentum can send you right in. the point i am making by taking the time to explain all this is there has to be some respect out there. these guys pretty much know how hard to race and when. and t-mac just ran joey right in the fence. no respect. and all the other drivers know it and they will think about that when they are wheel to wheel with t-mac and t-mac needs a break. not that they will crash him,but they will not do as much to help keep him from crashing. for the most part all the guys took care of each other and helped each other out of some bad spots in tulare. and it was a great race. i think that is the reason everyone was so pissed at t-mac. because they saw some big names race each other and give each other room all nite and then t-mac just wasted saldana, who on any other nite would deserve it more than not.

February 25, 2007 at 03:22:25 PM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 646

Thanks for the insight wright-one, it's easy to get worked up over who has the biggest balls and who'll back off first, but in the end like you say, it's about respect for the other driver and his gear.

team wright-one
February 25, 2007 at 03:31:51 PM
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Posted By: SteveV on February 25 2007 at 03:22:25 PM

Thanks for the insight wright-one, it's easy to get worked up over who has the biggest balls and who'll back off first, but in the end like you say, it's about respect for the other driver and his gear.

no one likes to get beat. but you have to have some thought of what you are doing. there will be times that guys will crash sliding each other and it will be a racing deal. sometimes the guy doing the sliding is just as commited and has to keep on the gas and hope it works and really needs the other guy to help take care of them by giving way. but this weekend the guy sliding was the guy who had to back out cause the guy on top had the line coming off and you better have him cleared if you were going to make it.

February 25, 2007 at 03:36:36 PM
Joined: 01/02/2007
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This message was edited on February 25, 2007 at 03:38:05 PM by BIGFISH

It's been called a "cheap" slide Job for years, but like team wright-one suggested, it might cost T-Mac in the long run..

Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. 

February 25, 2007 at 06:02:08 PM
Joined: 12/07/2004
Posts: 446

Maybe we will see highlights of this on Speed tonight - Oh wait, they don't show Sprint Cars anymore.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but would be curious the see the replay. Anyone have footage of this? Grove?

By the way, who is Loop Skidoo?

February 25, 2007 at 06:42:26 PM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 646

I'm thinking Loop Skidoo is mr nobody, a B main middle runner of no importance.

February 25, 2007 at 06:51:35 PM
Joined: 02/25/2007
Posts: 384

T-mac should be thankfull for all the attention he's getting. Normally were just reading how he tranfered out of the B and finished just out of the top ten.

the instigator
February 25, 2007 at 07:50:29 PM
Joined: 05/22/2006
Posts: 39

team wright-one
February 25, 2007 at 02:52:20 PM

these guys pretty much know how hard to race and when. and t-mac just ran joey right in the fence. no respect. and all the other drivers know it and they will think about that when they are wheel to wheel with t-mac and t-mac needs a break. not that they will crash him,but they will not do as much to help keep him from crashing. for the most part all the guys took care of each other and helped each other out of some bad spots in tulare. and it was a great race. i think that is the reason everyone was so pissed at t-mac. because they saw some big names race each other and give each other room all nite and then t-mac just wasted saldana, who on any other nite would deserve it more than not.

I was at the races this weekend and took the opportunity to watch Terry at his finest several times. He is both a whiner and on this night very arrogant. Each time early when he came off the track he was whining about something. After the races in his pits when things should be cooled down he was still the arrogant one. Telling the few fans that gathered how cool he was taking out Kasey who's car. Telling everyone how fast he was and with one more lap he would have been the winner. If I recall, should there have been one more lap he would have finished last as he coughed a motor at the finish line. I also agree...payback's will be hell.

Great job Tim........


February 25, 2007 at 08:15:51 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 44
Maybe that was payback for the turn 1 incident Saldana gave T-Mac a few years back at Knoxville ? He does not care and why should he because if the shoe was on the other foot you guys would not make a big deal about it . Long racing season ahead get used to making headlines about everything T-Mac does. You haters bring this on yourselves remember that , in other words get a life ! MJ

Dirt Tracker
February 25, 2007 at 10:01:30 PM
Joined: 10/30/2005
Posts: 5

I'm not taking sides on who did what to who but my feelings are that TMac's comments were a bad reflection on DIRT, the WoO and sportsmanship. He could of expressed the same feelings, although I don't entirely agree with him, without making the sponsors cringe. No, I don't want it to become like NASCAR (which I enjoy) but it is still a very expensive sport and sponsors and a broad fan base are necessary and I think Terry's heated interview showed him out of control. Sammy, Kinser and California's BK handled the boo's a lot better than TMac. I think he also resigned his fate as to what other drivers will expect from him

February 25, 2007 at 10:06:17 PM
Joined: 02/09/2006
Posts: 7

I wasnt at the track but I listened to the fans and the interview. Regardless of the circumstances on the track Dirt has to get rid of this mouth out of control idiot. What if t-mac should win a televised race and get booed at the flagstand? Good Bye ESPN2, Good Bye Speedtv. No way can Dirt afford the chance of t-mac blowing a tv deal that means so much after the time and work getting such a good series.

February 25, 2007 at 10:26:41 PM
Joined: 11/23/2004
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I seriously doubt that he want's to get into a spending contest with the #9.

Member of this message board since 1997

Savage, Bad Monkey
February 25, 2007 at 11:18:26 PM
Joined: 07/30/2005
Posts: 670

I was there, and anyone who wasn't is not entitled to an opinion on the slide job by what they heard on Dirt Radio. Also, unless you're doing the books for TMAC Motorsports, keep your $ theories to yourself. A minor incident like this is only the beginning. 100 more nights folks, stay tuned!


February 26, 2007 at 12:01:17 AM
Joined: 07/20/2005
Posts: 54

Good to see you got home Savage.



team wright-one
February 26, 2007 at 01:12:47 AM
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Posts: 1773
This message was edited on February 26, 2007 at 01:17:29 AM by team wright-one
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Posted By: on at

...As much as I don't want ot say it, McCarl was the fastest car on the track.

not taking anything away from the cars that ran up front all night but haud came from 19th to 6th and if not for saldana being in the way on the last lap would have been 5th. thanks again to jason meyers for racing haud clean all night. but i think if jac could have got by him he had a top 3 for sure. but that's racin. not that crap we saw with t-mouth. and why was t-mouth so pissed? HE didn't crash.and if it was a payback to joey i say again why was terry so pissed? as for compairing this to Loop Skidoo or any thing else, local boy and family member of track promotors mike farria took tk out in the heat race on fri. and tk beat up farria's car with his fist and hollered and yelled untill rod tiner sent tim off to the pits. the thing is farria just plain screwed up and it cost tk.THAT was a racin deal. a stupid racin deal, but a racin deal just the same. not many of us like to see some one just use up someone like t-mac did for what ever reason. t-mac is too good of a racer for that. the least he could have done was what the girl on the commercial does who knocks the big tire on kasey's cup car. she says "i'm super sorry about your car."

and to you people who may say "that's racin" i say again the guys who RACED each other left each other ROOM to race.

February 26, 2007 at 05:47:34 AM
Joined: 06/09/2005
Posts: 106

Wow! Saldana involved with a slide job gone bad! Imagine that! I don't think too many drivers in the pits felt sorry for Saldana.

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