This message was edited on
February 19, 2007 at
07:33:10 AM by nodust
Renault F1 Engine .Warm-up You will need sound .......on
An English engineering crew is warming up (a French F-1 Renault V-10 Formula 1 ) racer using a computerized engine control program from a .laptop The guy at the upper left of the video is running the .laptop About three quarters of the way through the ,video after the engine is properly warmed up , he runs a throttle program and plays "God Save The "Queen using engine RPM ........ At first one might think this to be an edited video but in fact it .is not There are several recorded instances of racing engines playing music at the hands of select musically inclined engineering .talent One must appreciate the irony of this French racer playing tribute to the British National Anthem ....... tea and crumpets for the !French
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Duane Davis
Laser Engraving
101 N Center
Marshalltown, Iowa