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Topic: Sprintcar Racing American sport ? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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January 26, 2008 at 12:44:37 AM
Joined: 01/19/2008
Posts: 52

Sprintcar racing was born in America and has been growing into an international sport that has been great for manufactures in USA for years, but now we have a certain company *** that wants to change that with sweat shop labor and material that you don't even know the quality of just for a profit at the expense of all that race and work on these cars, We need to stand together on this while we have a choice or a day will come that you won't have a choice to choose what car you what to buy, We have a sport born and built in USA and lets keep that away, Buy American save a job besides it might be your job someday, We give enough jobs away already. Let me know how you feel

January 26, 2008 at 01:06:02 AM
Joined: 08/11/2005
Posts: 87

"a certain company" ....Just one? You might want to dig a little deeper.

There are several probably hundreds of speed shops selling parts that are made somewhere other than the USA.

You might be buying a chassis that was made in the USA but there is a good chance that some of the parts are made over seas and I'll bet you a dollar you'd have a hard time building a sprint using all parts that were made completely in the US unless you made them all yourself

Do you think they are going to tell you??? look at Ford Chevy and Toyota trucks...which one do you think uses more American made parts and labor?

I work in manufacturing and our suppliers no matter how small, buy parts or components that are made overseas.

Yes it is a good idea to support our local workforce when ever you can but sometimes its just not possible.

January 26, 2008 at 04:27:31 AM
Joined: 02/11/2007
Posts: 1163

Certain company that wants to change it with sweat shop labor? Are you talking about General Motors?

January 26, 2008 at 06:30:22 AM
Joined: 06/21/2006
Posts: 10
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Posted By: RBrown on January 26 2008 at 12:44:37 AM

Sprintcar racing was born in America and has been growing into an international sport that has been great for manufactures in USA for years, but now we have a certain company *** that wants to change that with sweat shop labor and material that you don't even know the quality of just for a profit at the expense of all that race and work on these cars, We need to stand together on this while we have a choice or a day will come that you won't have a choice to choose what car you what to buy, We have a sport born and built in USA and lets keep that away, Buy American save a job besides it might be your job someday, We give enough jobs away already. Let me know how you feel


January 26, 2008 at 07:08:24 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1973
This message was edited on January 26, 2008 at 07:09:43 AM by sprinter25

If you're determined to buy American and support American manufacturers. ask your supplier to comfirm the point of manufacturer of EVERY part that you buy for your race car.

Me - I've accepted the fact that we're in a global economy, and I buy based on quality and price. So where a thing is made rally doesn't matter to me. As others have siad previously. name one 100% american made product that 1) you use and 2) can afford. Need tech support? - you'll likely get an off-shore call center in India.

So I don't and won't use my chinese made computer and router to denigrate any one manufacturer.The fact that someone's figured out how to make a buck on a chassis manufactured off-shore seems pretty ingenious to me. Have you ever thought about how much it costs to SHIP something as big as a sprintcar chassis some 12000 miles?


January 26, 2008 at 10:29:20 AM
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posts: 1387

This topic has pretty much run itself out , are you referring to the sport as American ? or the manufactures of equipment? I think your dealing with two different questions, and have gotten the reply you were looking for by tipping in the keyword chassis, I have closely looked over the overseas chassis and cannot find something that is not acceptable as compaired to a American brand , soon after the overseas version was let out at a bottom dollar price I checked to see where some of my other products on my car come from, I was amazed 90% of the cars out there today run a rearend that has a section or casting that was produced overseas , A huge % of moly tubing is also produced from Germany (is that ok) , a majority of drivers saftey equipment comes from overseas (even the good stuff) , Now im not going to take anything away from the American products , because most of them are good quality (trick) pieces that have a nice fit and finish and perform well, Im just asking for guys not to call " Sheep" ,

About the shipping on the overseas chassis? Look at fuel costs today? I cant see the practicality of selling it, at its retail price , and the cost of moly tubing ? I guess it is built elsewhere with a different quality of living , in any case, I have been stung by American products and overseas products, regardless, (Buyer Beware) you 'll get what you pay for ! you can take that good or bad? JMO

MyResults MyPressRelease
January 26, 2008 at 01:46:05 PM
Joined: 11/07/2006
Posts: 5628
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Posted By: RBrown on January 26 2008 at 12:44:37 AM

Sprintcar racing was born in America and has been growing into an international sport that has been great for manufactures in USA for years, but now we have a certain company *** that wants to change that with sweat shop labor and material that you don't even know the quality of just for a profit at the expense of all that race and work on these cars, We need to stand together on this while we have a choice or a day will come that you won't have a choice to choose what car you what to buy, We have a sport born and built in USA and lets keep that away, Buy American save a job besides it might be your job someday, We give enough jobs away already. Let me know how you feel

You're about 40 years too late. Remember when the first "made in Japan" transistor radios showed up here? You should have posted this message back then. Oh, wait a minute, the internet and home computer hadn't been invented yet. Sorry, I'm confused again...

Stan Meissner

January 26, 2008 at 01:56:36 PM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 3334
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Posted By: StanM on January 26 2008 at 01:46:05 PM

You're about 40 years too late. Remember when the first "made in Japan" transistor radios showed up here? You should have posted this message back then. Oh, wait a minute, the internet and home computer hadn't been invented yet. Sorry, I'm confused again...

Heck the internet "inventer" was only a child them hehehehehe

Save your butt, get a colon screening TODAY

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Duane Davis

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Marshalltown, Iowa 

January 26, 2008 at 09:08:09 PM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

No matter how hard you try or extreme measures you deploy not to - it's currently impossible not to but foreign made stuff - the best I can try to do - is to not shop at the monopoly chains like Wal-Mart. And instead try to keep my local grocery owner in business. Wal Mart ain;t hurtin for my money - but the other store in town trying to compete (Beachler's IGA) is. The smaller will value me more as a customer. this applies to the topic here at hand. All your American fellas who work 4 or own companies that are in say - china (we all know thats one of the main subjects here) - they will value you as a customer. their representatives and others will mostly likely treat you great and value your business. But you as a consumer will never meet the guys who are actually building it. And they could care less about you. no knock against them - but they just tryin to put food on their table and take care of their own. if they are not building your sprint car chassis - they're doing somethin else. makin somethin else - you get the idea. With the american builder - generally speaking - you could talk over the phone or in person with the guy who is actually building the equipment that protects your life. You can probably talk extensively with all of em. To me they are part of the racing community - they care about it. I can not believe that overseas workers do - it's just a paycheck. and like I said - I really ain;t trying to bash on em individually - they are taking care of their families as is their right and thats great. as I ramble a lot on here - I'm all for people of the world outside the US. I really am. But my 1st concern is for common american people - and in business - those who stay here and not hop on the gravy train of taking advantage of cheap labor at the expense of the common american.

As far as sprint cars go - yeah I would insist and (if I raced or owned) practice buying from american dealers - because to compete maybe they do have to get some foreign parts - but their quality is very likely WAYYY higher. inside these borders there are still some standards and regulations that he has to follow. and he's also likely a race fan himself - with friends who run his equipment and he has to keep a good reputation to stay in business. some of this also applies for the foreign builders - but not to the extent it does the american builders. As much as I talk about the problem - I don't know one DECISIVE way to fix it - and in the end - it's all up to the consumer as to what he wants. and to me - thats rightfully so. But if an american made part fails (which no matter what it happens - frequency is what matters) - that part could fail with a good friend or someone you've known your whole life behind the wheel. I just think the american builder cares much more. but this may not always hold true - it's in the eye of the beholder.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

January 26, 2008 at 11:03:59 PM
Joined: 12/08/2004
Posts: 235

just a comment, i support american made and all, but if the drivers come from around the world to america to run the WoO and All stars then why can't the parts.Are you all gonna stand up to get the drivers made in america too. get off of it already, there isnt't a spot left that doesn't branch out over seas in some way/...

get balls and run the top!!!

January 27, 2008 at 04:23:35 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
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Posted By: runnindafonz on January 26 2008 at 11:03:59 PM

just a comment, i support american made and all, but if the drivers come from around the world to america to run the WoO and All stars then why can't the parts.Are you all gonna stand up to get the drivers made in america too. get off of it already, there isnt't a spot left that doesn't branch out over seas in some way/...

eye of the beholder.

I don't believe drivers from around the world are flocking to run sprint cars - not really. There are a few here and there. But it's obviously primarily an Aussie and American sport. Oops I'm sorry - and Canadians too. How many asians race sprints? let alone the thousands of different specific asian cultures...........or even how many black folks? Hell the sport is probably 98% white. Not to hijack the subject but I think that kinda hurts the sport. Hard to believe out of the millions of post on hoseheads that there hasn't been one about that fact (at least that I have seen). But it's probably one of those half truths that no one wants to talk about. But back to the point - I don't see many foreign born drivers at all - outside the countries of America, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia - coincidentally probably the only countries that have sprint car races. I have never heard of a foreign born fella coming to any of those places with the sole intent of racing sprint cars. There must be a couple - but very few ------ I think you, sir, have sprint car racing mixed up with CART........................lol.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

January 27, 2008 at 09:00:52 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1028

I have posted many times on this subject and expect to be challenged by those that support the foreign parts. Hell, if we all liked the same thing, everyone would be after my wife. I, previously have probably left the impression that I oppose all foreign made parts but that is not the case. MY biggest concern is with those that come from Communist Countrys, like China. Their disregard for Human rights and quality issues are of main concerns. I used an example during the last debate on this issue a few months back and I'll use it again. Is is right, ok or proper for someone to send a Butler Built seat to China to have reproduced for resale back in the U.S. Here is a company, as many others, that's core business is motorsports and the safety of the sport. They, as others have spent countless time and money to research and develop their products, specifically for our use. In return for our purchases of their products, they continue that R&D program and provide sponsorship and contingencies back to the customers they provide for. One of the biggest reasons for the popularity of our sport today is that our fans support and purchase products from those that sponsor our teams, yes even those that include foreign products. But we need to take care of our domestic companys that take care of us.

WaDo, Roger  

[email protected]
January 27, 2008 at 09:52:19 PM
Joined: 02/28/2006
Posts: 115
This message was edited on January 27, 2008 at 10:03:48 PM by [email protected]

To address some points made above ...

We, at Triple X Race Co, have a US based R&D facility located in Washington State. Each employee at that facility builds parts and chassis. They are leading edge, and some of the highest caliber people in the industry. Like the owners, each of them is actively involved in racing. We use all their research to improve and advance the quality and performance of our parts. This is one contributing factor as to why people that have not seen or used our parts can only "speculate" as to the quality of XXX parts, but none can point to anything specific (even after 2 1/2 years of our parts being used at all levels of competitive open wheel racing).

As far as us sponsoring the sport, I think we are probably leading the industry on giving back. In 2007, we contributed over $150,000 to team sponsorship, track and series sponsorship, and individual racer contingencies. Very little of this went to high profile teams; the majority (90%) went to weekly racers. Details of these programs can be seen on our website at http://www.xxxraceco.com/teamxxx.htm and http://www.xxxraceco.com/Contingency/2007%20Sprint%20Car%20Points%20Fund.htm. And, these same programs are in place for 2008. I've thoroughly investigated the industry, and have not seen any other business in open wheel racing even come close to this level of support.

Finally, my partner and I raced Sprint Car and Mini Sprints for over 10 years each. We have been involved in racing for at least 20 years each. To suggest that we don't have a vested interest in the sport is completely untrue. To imply that we don't have "good friends behind the wheel" and "don't care about the quality of our product" is personally insulting. Please do a little research before making accusations with no substance.

team wright-one
January 28, 2008 at 12:00:49 AM
Joined: 11/29/2005
Posts: 1773

being from the weast coast, closer to the location of xxx and rocket, i have seen what mark and kal do to try to help out the lesser funded teams. they help make it possible for teams on a small budget to be more competitive, not only by suppling quality parts at great prices, but also by offering sponsorship of parts at an even better price or at no charge at all. they are always going to run into resistance for offering goods at better prices. years ago when small shops would build components for sprint cars and offer them at a savings to the racer over what the larger manufacturers were selling them for the smaller shops came under fire. they were accused of producing inferrior parts. it is not totally the american manufacturers fault that it has gotten so expensive to build stuff compared to what it can be made for outside the country. no one is twisting anyones arm and making them run xxx stuff. if you don't want it, don't buy it. one thing is for sure no matter what you buy or where it comes from, it all bends the same when you crash.

January 28, 2008 at 12:07:17 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764
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Posted By: cheroger on January 27 2008 at 09:00:52 AM

I have posted many times on this subject and expect to be challenged by those that support the foreign parts. Hell, if we all liked the same thing, everyone would be after my wife. I, previously have probably left the impression that I oppose all foreign made parts but that is not the case. MY biggest concern is with those that come from Communist Countrys, like China. Their disregard for Human rights and quality issues are of main concerns. I used an example during the last debate on this issue a few months back and I'll use it again. Is is right, ok or proper for someone to send a Butler Built seat to China to have reproduced for resale back in the U.S. Here is a company, as many others, that's core business is motorsports and the safety of the sport. They, as others have spent countless time and money to research and develop their products, specifically for our use. In return for our purchases of their products, they continue that R&D program and provide sponsorship and contingencies back to the customers they provide for. One of the biggest reasons for the popularity of our sport today is that our fans support and purchase products from those that sponsor our teams, yes even those that include foreign products. But we need to take care of our domestic companys that take care of us.

WaDo, Roger  

I completely agree Cheroger.


How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

January 28, 2008 at 02:13:11 AM
Joined: 04/13/2007
Posts: 78
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Posted By: cheroger on January 27 2008 at 09:00:52 AM

I have posted many times on this subject and expect to be challenged by those that support the foreign parts. Hell, if we all liked the same thing, everyone would be after my wife. I, previously have probably left the impression that I oppose all foreign made parts but that is not the case. MY biggest concern is with those that come from Communist Countrys, like China. Their disregard for Human rights and quality issues are of main concerns. I used an example during the last debate on this issue a few months back and I'll use it again. Is is right, ok or proper for someone to send a Butler Built seat to China to have reproduced for resale back in the U.S. Here is a company, as many others, that's core business is motorsports and the safety of the sport. They, as others have spent countless time and money to research and develop their products, specifically for our use. In return for our purchases of their products, they continue that R&D program and provide sponsorship and contingencies back to the customers they provide for. One of the biggest reasons for the popularity of our sport today is that our fans support and purchase products from those that sponsor our teams, yes even those that include foreign products. But we need to take care of our domestic companys that take care of us.

WaDo, Roger  

Did I miss something? I never knew Bulter built the first race seat. Guess they should have pattened it when they had the chance.

Assuming that Butler built the first ever race car seat (which we know is wrong but for argument sake so cheroger makes "some" sence) is it "right, ok or proper" for any company to build a seat other than Butler then? Should LaJoie, Kirkey, etc, etc all stop now? You'll note that Kirkey is built in Canada. Obviously, the odds of all these companies having basically the same design for a seat all starting from scratch must be astronomical.

January 28, 2008 at 07:50:46 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1028

bigallardfan, where did I imply that Butler built the first seat? You need to read very carefully and make some sense with your response! I was only using Butler as an example of domestic companies products, what are you a blond? I'm familure with the other companies that build seats, what, do I need to be politically correct and include them so it all makes sense?

WaDo, Roger

January 28, 2008 at 09:33:37 AM
Joined: 11/28/2007
Posts: 258

Ask the American chassis builders where the tubing is coming from that they use to build there chassis.

Bet you'll be hard pressed to find a length that has USA on it...........

Faster Pussycat
January 28, 2008 at 09:44:21 AM
Joined: 05/30/2007
Posts: 813

Mark.....don't let these in-bred, mobile home dwelling porch pilots get you down brother, you're the man!

They shop at the local grocery.....the local grocer imports produce from Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.

They buy Chrysler, Ford or GM.....who uses more American labor and materials than the mighty three......Toyota, Honda???

They shop for cheap fuel and support that fine friend of the USofA, Hugo Chavez when they fill up at the local CITGO.

They've all got computers, digital cameras, cell phones, Palm Pilots, Play Stations.....gimme a break.

It's about value, quality and commitment...no one that knows anything about you can doubt that!

Party on brother, you must be doing something right if they're afraid of you.

"As long as I can have a fast boat, a margarita 
machine and can light my hair on fire, I'll be just 

Jason Giambi

[email protected]
January 28, 2008 at 11:53:05 AM
Joined: 02/28/2006
Posts: 115

Funny thing ... that "4Q" picture that you posted is actually my 410 from a couple of seasons ago.

Wonder if Cheroger can post a picture of his Sprint Car? Perhaps even a car he's owned? If not, then I understand why the availablity of high quality parts at a (relatively) low cost is not an attractive option for him.

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