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Topic: Random short thoughts on C.B. Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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January 14, 2008 at 09:56:00 AM
Joined: 12/05/2004
Posts: 529

Well, after a 14hr drive home, here are some thoughts...First off, Congrats to Humper & his partner for winning the Bean Bag Tourney! For those of you who missed it, you missed a good one. (Hump, how does it feel to be the SECOND member of such an elite club?) As always, Mike Sweeton did a great job of announcing, all week. I really like the Fri. morning job he does!! we had a great time all week,the rookies with me loved it. the event was great as usual. I was wondering why they closed the aisle behind the T3&4 grandstand? a safety thing? If so, i didn't think it was too safe herding everyone to the chute @ the entrance!! Oh well. glad to read the thoughts on the PPV. will they do it again? Maybe they'll take constructive critisism. Oh yea....what about K.O.'s ride & suit on Sat? Was that great? Did ya notice him tweeking his shock under the yellow? no suit & his wristwatch on! did he have to be somewhere? LOL! Congrats to Damion on his victory...he had them covered,didn't he? Good seeing all of the old friends & meeting new ones. Mario might have a time getting his seats back, as we had a great time with Jeff & his buds from Tulsa! Tony Beaber....i hope to talk to ya this summer at Fremont...should be calmed down by then!!! Thanx to all of the folks who donated stuff to the Tourney. A lot of folks don't know what we do with all of the $$, but it's a good thing, right? You bet!! Thanx to Jules & Stacy & everyone who gets that thing together. "Losing" thoughts right now, but i've got to give Props to Nodust!!!!! Thanx for the Plaque!!! it will sit good with the trophies!!HAHAHAHAHA!! Hope everyone got home safe!! I gotta go get a Bowl of Chili!!!

January 14, 2008 at 10:01:18 AM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 3334

Pink plaques are for losers!!!



Save your butt, get a colon screening TODAY

For complete line of Sponsor Awards check out 

Duane Davis

Laser Engraving 
101 N Center
Marshalltown, Iowa 

CarWash Mike
January 14, 2008 at 03:30:03 PM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 1355

Are you telling me you allowed Humper to win? Geeze, I guess I'm going to have to get back down there to teach you how to throw.

January 14, 2008 at 04:45:02 PM
Joined: 11/18/2006
Posts: 226

Haaaaaaaaa let me win!!!!!!..Cmon on Carwash I put the small lad on the trailer the first game out of the shute!..I was teamed with that high power thrower from Cali...Scott..aka..Furr something or other.Once again a wonderful tourny!!!!!! Jules you sooo rock! Stacie an Esther you as well dooooo...(sorry Esther seems you aalways draw me to shoot against)...Sweeton on the mic you always do a wonderful job!....An to let you all know a player from the cornhusker state has been in the championship round the last 5 yrs an taking a home a trophy an some cash 4 of the 5 yrs..as always ...Humpin To Please!!!!!!!!!!

January 15, 2008 at 01:55:14 PM
Joined: 12/20/2004
Posts: 34
This message was edited on January 15, 2008 at 02:24:17 PM by cjt

My thoughts: I also wondered why they shut off the aisle in the upper grandstands, seemed to really bog down the getting out during breaks. Good move though holding people during the racing, kept the view for others clean.

 I agree with the program article about the fun days of the basketball games inside. I also miss the exhibition runs when they did that with drivers from other ranks and focus cars. Also miss the two seater and chance rides for it. Somebody should make a two seat midget for down there.

I realize we don't need any more cars down there, but talking with some of the crews down there, it is sure obvious that you just don't show up with old equipment anymore.  I always thought it was great to see someone bring a 20 year old car down there and drive the heck out of it, just to see how far they could make it, but you don't see anybody really doing that anymore.  Then after watching KO run old-time style, it made me think how great it would be if they worked in a race just for some old 70's and 80's midgets with the marine, vw, chevy II, motors etc.  Kind of like the antique guys used to run the cars, except really run a contested race.

The trade show has disappointed me for a few years. Used to be able to meet and talk with more part vendors, make good deals on helmets, suits, gear, etc.

Was really, really glad to see that they kept up with the track Saturday and provided a good surface for the C,B, and then reworked it for the A. The qualifying racing was real exciting also during the week.

Flag ceremony takes up time I know, but it was always kind of fun to see.

Damion's car was crazy fast, usually don't see somebody be able to make a mistake or bobble in the A, get out of it, and then just drive 5 car lengths away from 2nd place after stepping back on it.

Kruseman got hosed by that ruling Sat. That appeared to be an intentional move. Bad call by the officials. Chili bowl is always pushing the envelope for some rough moves, but Levi Jones taking out Sweet was a really low one. All in all, damn good time, can't wait to get the season going, and start planning to go again.

January 15, 2008 at 07:31:50 PM
Joined: 06/01/2007
Posts: 586

does anyone know the final number of cars that got upside down..i didnt hear them update it on saturday like they did the qualifying nights

-Austin Rankin

January 15, 2008 at 09:36:08 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918

Don't quote me on this, but the number I think I remember hearing was 64. That sounds high but then it's the Chili Bowl.

January 15, 2008 at 10:25:56 PM
Joined: 06/01/2007
Posts: 586

oh i believe it..it was like an enduro at times

-Austin Rankin

January 16, 2008 at 11:12:00 AM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 243

fun week as always. Is sad to see the extras go by the wayside with the growing car counts, like the earlier mention 2 seater, flag ceremony, awards. some of these things where big parts of the chili bowl like kevin doty driving his son in the 2 seater. would be nice to see some these come back somehow

oddly enough one of my biggest memories this year off the track will be " those poor trees". that ice storm must of been somthing to ride out. I have never seen so many brush piles.

January 16, 2008 at 04:53:32 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 354

There were a total of 59 flips for the week.



January 16, 2008 at 05:18:27 PM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 3334

Heck I have seen that many on a night in Knoxville.

Oh wait, you are talking about cars flipping, not people lol

Save your butt, get a colon screening TODAY

For complete line of Sponsor Awards check out 

Duane Davis

Laser Engraving 
101 N Center
Marshalltown, Iowa 

January 16, 2008 at 05:47:16 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 155

I appreciate all of the kind words. It's always fun for me to do the event and you are all so nice to let me make fun of you. Duane, great job on the plaques and trophies. I told Stubb at least he got a picture on the plaque that was life size to him. Congrats to the winners and a big great job to Jules, Esther and Stacie for putting things together and getting the prizes. FYI, the JW Hunt benefit auction raised over $6,700 for the Parent Child Center of Tulsa. JD Cormack sent me a letter today and again wanted to thank everyone for their donation.

We had planned to do the flag ceremony, but we just ran out of time. We also had more awards to present, we just couldn't get anyone to show up and get them. Hopefully next year. Thanks again for everyone's help. See ya all down the road somewhere.


January 17, 2008 at 11:18:09 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 123

The beanbag tournament was a great deal. I think I can speak for Bryan, Ricky, and myself when I say that it was a blast to be around you all and get to compete against some of the best players in the world! haha Thanks to the girls for getting it all together, and to Sweeton for providing the barbs over the mic.

I'm sure we'll be down there again next year. After all the shit we talked, I'm sure there will be a few more drivers chomping at the bit to take home the win....


January 18, 2008 at 10:20:20 AM
Joined: 12/03/2004
Posts: 822

And I didn't even get a chance to play on my boards!frown I'm gonna bring some sand paper for Hump's slick ass boards next time!wink

Stubb were hitting the FLC on Fri. night next time I need my sleep for the tourney! lol

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