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Topic: Unfinished events due to curfews Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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May 25, 2024 at 06:30:29 AM
Joined: 08/04/2023
Posts: 512
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Posted By: linbob on May 25 2024 at 01:17:58 AM

It is a race dirercters job to keep things moving and also plan ahead.  He must watch the clock and keep things moving.  I was at a track once and cars were not coming onto track when they were called.  Race director said on PA they would line cars up the way they came on track.  All of a sudden they were running into each other to get on track.  It is up to race directer.

It is amazing that tracks have one PA system. It would make sense to have a seperate one for the pits so they don't have to air their dirty laundry to the entire place. I can't believe that the crews want to hear all the BS from the race announcers either. Of course without a person that would understand the system and run the PA system it seems likely a system that could be split would confuse the annoucers and people running the place.

It is long past time for tracks to spend some money on operating their PA systems.

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