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Topic: XXX Cars In Central PA Vs. WOO Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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May 16, 2016 at 01:30:54 PM
Joined: 12/23/2013
Posts: 90

Just a question and not starting a chassis war and for the sake of this question I could care less about where the cars are made.  There has been a lot of questions the past few weeks whether the Posse cars have the speed to compete with the Outlaws this week.  Since most of the heavy hitters are XXX chassis's and it seems like most Outlaw cars are not XXX cars, is it a chasis or motor issue why this question is coming up?  Central PA seems like one of the few areas where XXX cars seem to thrive and the motor builders in the area seem to be well represented all over the country so do the XXX cars have an issue getting the power down or is it the track surfaces or rule changes?  I know these questions will be answered pretty quickly but it seems strange to me that so many cars in Central PA use XXX but across the country there doesn't seem to be the same amount in one concentrated area.  Maybe it is the tracks and everyone will have the same issue once they get here but seeing how well Lance Dewease did in the Kreitz car this past week made me think about this.  Again this is not an attempt to put down XXX but rather see why so many people think Posse will be in trouble this week. 

May 16, 2016 at 01:46:06 PM
Joined: 08/05/2010
Posts: 621

Likely not so much the cars or motors but the format. This years format really rewards qualifications. Yea the grove had an outlaw tune up race but the WoO qualify close to 90 shows/yr. there is some stout posse cars and they will be fine. I'm just looking forward to the 460 mile trip. I hope the weather is good & im gonna hit latimore valley Saturday. 

May 17, 2016 at 09:13:46 PM
Joined: 02/27/2005
Posts: 4443

The reason they pollute Central PA is because most people here are on deals. They couldn't hook any Outlaw teams so they went after teams that can beat the Outlaws instead. Yes, they are a handicap. They are inconsistent from frame to frame and they are designed more for small tracks like their home track of Skagit.




They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

May 18, 2016 at 12:36:41 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 2001

Yup, posse owners would rather use junk than BUY AMERICAN! 

straight shooter
May 18, 2016 at 10:57:05 AM
Joined: 03/21/2010
Posts: 311
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Posted By: oswald on May 18 2016 at 12:36:41 AM

Yup, posse owners would rather use junk than BUY AMERICAN! 

How many Maxims or J & J's have you heard about being sent out for a new front or rear clip?

Chassis are becoming a minor cost in better performance due to lower costs. They all become twisted pile of tubing if you hit something hard enough!!!

You cannot be narrow minded being a racer, you buy what helps make you speed no matter where it is produced!!

May 18, 2016 at 01:38:13 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 2001
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Posted By: oswald on May 18 2016 at 12:36:41 AM

Yup, posse owners would rather use junk than BUY AMERICAN! 

I was just messing with cubic moron because he is so anti China but all his hero's drive Chinese made sprint cars.

May 18, 2016 at 02:47:41 PM
Joined: 05/14/2014
Posts: 645
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Posted By: oswald on May 18 2016 at 01:38:13 PM

I was just messing with cubic moron because he is so anti China but all his hero's drive Chinese made sprint cars.

Cubic is scared of anything different, it's not just China. He is the typical Pennsylvania redneck that's never left the state except to go to the beach on vacation.

 Relax Cubic, using Chinese made chassis will not cause you harm, it wont cause you to lose your job, and it won't have a negative effect on the economy because our global economy is strongest when different countries buy and sell goods from one and other.


Now you can be proud of your high rank in the Posse Seat Sniffer club again, good for you! Go cubic!

May 18, 2016 at 03:36:28 PM
Joined: 02/27/2005
Posts: 4443
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Posted By: cubicdollars on May 17 2016 at 09:13:46 PM

The reason they pollute Central PA is because most people here are on deals. They couldn't hook any Outlaw teams so they went after teams that can beat the Outlaws instead. Yes, they are a handicap. They are inconsistent from frame to frame and they are designed more for small tracks like their home track of Skagit.





They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

May 18, 2016 at 04:17:28 PM
Joined: 12/09/2008
Posts: 2403

Patriotic sickos concerned about their country's economy and childrens' future make me crazySmile  WWII mentality is so sad.

Luna's Ford engine style that won 2 WoO titles and 3 
Kings Royals before a weight rule against the best EVER
in their prime and now DOMINATES super dirt late model
racing is no longer allowed/wanted in a WoO sprint
car.... Was Luna a miracle worker?

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