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Topic: Tyler Walker Suspended from Nascar Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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[email protected]
May 30, 2007 at 10:38:19 PM
Joined: 01/07/2005
Posts: 9

Wow, allot of pat me on the back,I don't do or have I ever done drugs people posting on this topic. As I recall I was telling a friend Tyler Walker that some of us are not fair weather friends , and are here to help in any way posible. I am one that really do not care what Rogue-9, crewchief 47, think and any other negitive selfrighteous person has to say. I try to live to relate to others and not compare. In some cases like this one, we really don't need your opinion if you have not had a problem, because you wouldnt know the truth if it hits you in the face. You people probably tell a pregnant woman how it feels to have a baby too, suprise you need to have one first. What I composed to Tyler deals with life and death a friend can fall into if they think they are alone and no one else cares. Vent your differences withTyler like a man don't hide behind your net name. My name is David E.Liggins and I'm usually not hard to find. I usually hang with Haud,and usually one of a few minorities of my race that attend sprint car racing. I dont hide or cut anyone down come by and say Hi sometime. As for when I post something for or to a friend that is not there for you to take away their hope, I take that very seriously. It really tickels me to read some of your none sense because I know you have never wore a jock in your life , or strapped your butts behind 800 horses,and you probably still play like you are a real race driver when you head home after a race. See you at Sharon, or Eldora come by the 35 car, or the 3x and introduce yourself .

May 30, 2007 at 10:58:45 PM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 218

Liggins i never claimed to be perfect all i said or tried to say was some people have the world by the balls and just piss it away because of drugs and they deserve any punishment that is handed to them and my name is Ed Noykos like i said i partyed pretty hard for a while but i woke up and realized that was not how i wanted to go thru life guess i grew up you get guys like Tyler that have it made get to race cars for a living and know the consequences for their actions and continue to do it then you have guys like Chad Kemenah ( who is a friend of mine ) that does not do crap like that and just seem to not be able to catch a break that is the kind of things that make me mad and the next time i am at the races i will come by and meet you when Jac or Chad are racing and i dont hide behind a keyboard you can ask Chad if i am telling my true name Ed

[email protected]
May 30, 2007 at 11:41:11 PM
Joined: 01/07/2005
Posts: 9

Chad has many breaks but they are the kind you earn. You look at this year and Chad goes through a test,don't worry about him cream rises to the top in Chad's case. Regardless of what you think being sick is being sick, I lost my father to cancer superbowl sunday. I was at Denver Broncos and decided the getting high was better than a million, you don't call that a habit you call it sick. The only answer is, and you are so right ,you first have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. good chat my friend.

May 31, 2007 at 12:45:10 AM
Joined: 01/02/2007
Posts: 5252
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Posted By: Cheryl on May 30 2007 at 10:22:12 PM

He liked the "ladies of the night"...loved the strippers.. not drugs, not homosexuality.


Read his bio by David Poole. Good stuff

I never said he liked drugs or boy's but I do know he was from a very wealthy family and liked the glitzy side and definitely was not the average stock car personalty. I also know that the first real race car he was in was a sprinter.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. 

May 31, 2007 at 01:10:46 AM
Joined: 02/11/2007
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Posted By: Bill W on May 30 2007 at 09:12:29 AM

The ignorance spewed forth in this forum never ceases to amaze me. Since I work in the field of addiction, obviously I don't expect folks to know what I know about this ILLNESS. Just like I don't know as much about making French Fries as Rogue-9. I'll be brief. Though I do steer from the word DISEASE, alcohol/drug PHYSICAL addiction is a definite illness that is affected by BIOLOGY and choices that are affected by social and psychological factors. Yes, an individual has the choice to do the activity or not, but once addiction sets in, we are talking about another animal. I teach a 12-hour class based on research on this subject to students who come in not wanting to be there. Most leave a changed person with the understanding of what is/was going on in their lives, and the four phases of alcohol/drug use.

crewchief47: You used to "party a lot". Good for you. You never developed an addiction. If you had, you would not "drink occasionally". And statistically, "ball players" have the same percentage of addiction problems as you and I.

If I would have one word of advice, especially for young people, it would be to be mindful of your family history of drug/alcohol abuse. Your tolerance level is the key. Children of Alcholics are 4X more likely to have a high tolerance to alcohol, and those with a high tolerance are 4X more likely to develop an addiction. I've probably said more than I need to, but remember that this illness can happen to anyone. It doesn't matter what "kind" of person you are, or why you use. Thanks.

Why does this guy always have to insult people when posting his position on an argument? French fries? I'm going to law school this fall bud. And I was responding to the guy calling it a disease. The fact that everyone calls it a disease or an illness only has the effect of making people think they have no responsibility and that they're the victim. The only way you can fight a problem like alcoholism or drug addiction is to accept responsibility for it and do something yourself to change it. I never said alcoholics are bad people, and I understand that it's easier for some people to get addicted to drugs than others. But calling it a disease or illness and making people feel like the victim isn't helping to resolve the problem. It just makes people think that others should make the problem go away for them cause they have a "disease".

Slide Job
May 31, 2007 at 01:37:34 AM
Joined: 03/30/2007
Posts: 133

So the discussion rages on with little known facts about why TW got the boot xcept that he tested positive on a test !! It is my strong belief that someone who knows the consequences of an infraction, and STILL uses the illegal substance must have a problem. As many have suggested, they dont think they want to race beside Mr Walker if he is using....... anything ! Many years ago at my favorite local track, there were those who thought it was the cool thing to do to have a beer or two or whatever before racing. Cuts the edge and settles the nerves, you know. Well, an old timer (former track champ many x) would just say "the time clock doesn't lie" and that holds true 40 years later. If Tyler wants to show the world his true talents, then knock off what ever he should knock off, and let the true talent shine. His times will be the best testimony. I truly wish him all the best.

I also thought it was only fitting that "Bill W" put so much lite on this subject. I, too am a friend. Many years.



May 31, 2007 at 03:43:14 AM
Joined: 01/14/2006
Posts: 1347


A healthy diet of dirt in my nachos and beer.

May 31, 2007 at 08:45:26 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Rogue when you made your 'not a disease' post it appeared that you were about 12, not 16 like Bill had insinuated. You needed a slap and you got it, this is not the first time you've incurred the wrath of someone in this forum for ridiculous statements. Bill is an expert in the field and was giving his professional opinion. When and if law school works out you can tell us what and what we cannot say in here to people who make ignorant comments, legally. I rest my case, Take It Easy....

May 31, 2007 at 09:45:48 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 450

From Open wheel times....Kevin Eckert


I feel compelled to acknowledge the elephant in the room, which is Tyler Walker being booted from NASCAR for failing a drug test. The timing seems odd. Following a USAC victory party, Walker was required to fill a cup like a sailor returning from shore leave. A wildly-talented kid from Los Angeles, Tyler’s nature has never been secret. He and I have partied together. I simply figured that he had figured out the test pattern. It is doubtful that NASCAR is random about demanding its piss. NASCAR created such a screen to lock out Tim Richmond, and revived the process to show how clean they look alongside other sports.

What blows my mind like a bong hit is how 30 years after Jan Opperman admitted smokin’ herb, 40 years after football’s Peter Gent wrote North Dallas Forty, America is still anal about marijuana.

Pot is no performance-enhancing drug. If Tyler Walker was high when he smoked USAC at Newton, then a lot of other drivers need to think about hittin’ the pipe too!

Of course, tainted urine might begin to explain why Walker acted as A.J Foyt in that goofy video with Kenny Brack’s band.

May 31, 2007 at 01:29:33 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918

Why don't we just take a vote on this subject?

GTP Racer
May 31, 2007 at 01:47:55 PM
Joined: 01/23/2007
Posts: 1

If you knew Tyler when he was a teen this wouldn't be a suprise.

May 31, 2007 at 01:56:14 PM
Joined: 01/02/2007
Posts: 5252
This message was edited on May 31, 2007 at 01:57:42 PM by BIGFISH
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Posted By: brian26 on May 31 2007 at 01:29:33 PM

Why don't we just take a vote on this subject?

Frankly after reading some of these post's I don't want to know how some would vote. I thought much better of some of you people before this thread, but now I have new respect for others. A trade off, I guess.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. 

May 31, 2007 at 02:44:30 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

BillW - you add a treatment program for the co-dependent excusers and enablers and you got yourself a mint sitting right in this thread. helping a disease to fester is probably a disease too.


dat be da kestyun'


Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

May 31, 2007 at 02:51:10 PM
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Posted By: BigRightRear on May 31 2007 at 02:44:30 PM

BillW - you add a treatment program for the co-dependent excusers and enablers and you got yourself a mint sitting right in this thread. helping a disease to fester is probably a disease too.


dat be da kestyun'


Not nearly as diseased as some minds! Got it?, Probably not.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. 

MyResults MyPressRelease
May 31, 2007 at 06:37:07 PM
Joined: 11/07/2006
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Posted By: crewchief47 on May 30 2007 at 09:21:51 PM

well in ohio they use the term DUI ( driving under the influence ) it does not say alcohol or drugs it covers both so you dont know if it was drugs or alcohol and you mean to tell me no one has ever been killed by a person driving stoned give me a break would you want to be strapped in a 850 hp sprint car racing against someone that is or could be stoned ?? i sure as hell wouldnt want to be racing along side that person

Yeah, you'd be able to pick out the stoned driver. That would be the one who was going 55 mph in a 140 mph zone.

Stan Meissner

May 31, 2007 at 08:48:55 PM
Joined: 10/25/2005
Posts: 745

id rather race with someone who got stonend the night before a race with little or no side efects than race with someone who got drunk and is hungover (ie-blurdvision-upset stumuch-headache the shakes and puken on themselfs at 140 mph) thats for damn sure

Robert Bond    San Jose Ca

May 31, 2007 at 09:49:20 PM
Joined: 12/03/2004
Posts: 1330

There are few drivers I have known over the years that drive like crap unless they take a couple hits before the races. Knew a few baseball players that got stoned before a game. They were a couple of the top averages in the league. I have no idea how they can do that. After a beer i had trouble hitting in a batting cage let alone live pitching

May 31, 2007 at 10:49:59 PM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 2809

Well, I tried to avoid posting on this "finger pointing" thread, but I feel the need to ring in on this.

I am amazed that so many people here have never made a mistake or a bad choice in life. the only difference in the poor choice that Tyler made and those of the stone throwers in here is that Tylers poor choice was made in the "public eye".

NASCAR is a huge hypocrisy. Their drug testing program is largely by popularity and tattletales. They don't test like the corporations in the "real world" do. There is no "set" formula to their testing. I work in aviation, an industry the same as auto racing, one that can kill a lot of innocent people if someone is allowed to perform their job while under the influence. I have to piss in a cup no less than 3 times a year, not just for drugs either, but for alcohol too. I somehow believe that if NASCAR were to do the same that some of the other drivers waiting in the wings would get their shot at the "bigtime".

Member of this message board since 1997

May 31, 2007 at 11:48:24 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918
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Posted By: Hawker on May 31 2007 at 10:49:59 PM

Well, I tried to avoid posting on this "finger pointing" thread, but I feel the need to ring in on this.

I am amazed that so many people here have never made a mistake or a bad choice in life. the only difference in the poor choice that Tyler made and those of the stone throwers in here is that Tylers poor choice was made in the "public eye".

NASCAR is a huge hypocrisy. Their drug testing program is largely by popularity and tattletales. They don't test like the corporations in the "real world" do. There is no "set" formula to their testing. I work in aviation, an industry the same as auto racing, one that can kill a lot of innocent people if someone is allowed to perform their job while under the influence. I have to piss in a cup no less than 3 times a year, not just for drugs either, but for alcohol too. I somehow believe that if NASCAR were to do the same that some of the other drivers waiting in the wings would get their shot at the "bigtime".

Hawker, I do agree with you, believe it or not. YES, I AM STARTING TO FEEL SOME SYMPATHY TOWARDS TYLER. BUT BEYOND RIGHT AND WRONG IT'S ABOUT HOW WE REPRESENT THIS SPORT. Humpy Wheeler figured out that if momma ain't happy with the races, after a while no ones goin to the races like they could. That equals fewer butts in the stands, which equals less money to the racers and before you know it you'll be running lawn mower engines with a claimer rule![half of this was said in jest]

June 01, 2007 at 12:00:03 AM
Joined: 02/11/2007
Posts: 1163
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Posted By: MSPN on May 31 2007 at 08:45:26 AM

Rogue when you made your 'not a disease' post it appeared that you were about 12, not 16 like Bill had insinuated. You needed a slap and you got it, this is not the first time you've incurred the wrath of someone in this forum for ridiculous statements. Bill is an expert in the field and was giving his professional opinion. When and if law school works out you can tell us what and what we cannot say in here to people who make ignorant comments, legally. I rest my case, Take It Easy....

Coming from the one who is always having childish arguments with BRR, I'm not gonna take that too seriously. And the only time I ever remember "incurring anyone's wrath" was during PA Posse arguments, and I believe you were on my side during those, so I guess your statements must have been ridiculous too, huh.

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