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Topic: Race Track Pet Peeves - What's Yours? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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Johnny Utah
July 08, 2018 at 08:34:22 AM
Joined: 07/15/2014
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Posted By: on at

A post that Gary Yamamoto himself, would be proud of. 

July 08, 2018 at 08:46:05 AM
Joined: 06/04/2012
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Posted By: on at

Someone who puts something in their mouth to suck on and give them cancer is calling someone else stupid lol. And by the way I have done research on this in my life being diagnosed with asthma since I was 5. Dust and exhaust is unavoidable to breath in on a daily basis, it is all around us from pollen in the air, to small dust particals in the air. The exhaust at a race track is no more than the amount of exhaust you would breath in on a daily basis. Smoke weather it is first hand or second hand is proven to give you cancer, it's one of those things called facts that seems to elude small minded selfish pieces of crap like you.

Only an idiot would argue that a cigarette is healthier than anything. It says on the box, this thing WILL kill you. And no one let me breed, turns out when you work out take care of your body, get an education, have a good job, and don't smell like an ash tray woman will want to have sex with you and have children. If you breeded I feel sorry for your offspring for the wonderful life lessons you taught them, "gee know if you sit here and smoke cigarettes actually healthier than going to a dirt track." Stupid breeding stupid

July 08, 2018 at 08:54:32 AM
Joined: 12/05/2004
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Posted By: oswald on July 06 2018 at 11:19:34 PM

Drunks and morons who know nothing about sprint cars but think they are experts. Like the guy sitting behind me one night that told his son that Rico STANDS UP in his car to drive it, rather than sit like other drivers.

You mean I'm NOT supposed to stand up when I drive my truck?!!  How the hell am I supposed to reach the pedals????

July 08, 2018 at 08:55:19 AM
Joined: 10/29/2017
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Posted By: revjimk on July 07 2018 at 09:33:19 PM

OK, how about when they put the cheese dip on nachos HOURS before they serve them? SOGGGYYY!  I'm naming names: Oskalooosa (where they won't shut up about "adult beverages")

Had fountain sodas ready and sitting there in line before they were served. Got mine and was very watered down from melted ice. Sucked!

July 08, 2018 at 09:06:50 AM
Joined: 09/26/2016
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Posted By: blazer00 on July 08 2018 at 06:47:54 AM

I was a smoker for 40 years, but I had more respect for those that didn't smoke than to light up in a crowd. And believe me as an ex smoker........not much stinks worse. I've found that most smokers are a selfish bunch when it comes to lighting up, even when it's in a non smoking area. And, if you still possessed your sense of smell (which you don't), you'd realize that even at a race track, your smell over powers that of the race track atmosphere. Also, being the smoker you are indeed the stupid one. Why else would you be so defensive and verbally offensive all at one time? 

verbally offensive? just pointed out some facts to stupid people. I didn't once call him a queerbate,asshat,or a pillow biter.Anyway i do not smoke in the stands i get up and walk down to smoke everytime . and usually i go back to the stands and there is some family of  inbred  sissies sittng in my seat i ride my motorcycle to races i don't carry a blanket or anything to mark my seat.Which is my biggest pet peave

July 08, 2018 at 09:50:55 AM
Joined: 06/10/2015
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Posted By: on at

Oh hell, for a moment there I thought you were being verbally offensive. You're just crude, I guess.

July 08, 2018 at 10:03:00 AM
Joined: 06/04/2012
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Posted By: on at

My mom didn't smoke at all and my parents actually wanted to have me so no wiping was needed. Your Bo better at insults than you are trying to justify a point. And as I know I am an asshole but I like to at least be a factual asshole so I found some numbers for you. Second hand smoke contains 10 times more the fine partical matter than exhaust does. In an experiment they compared 1 car in a garage idle for 30mins to 3 cigarettes in the same environment. The cigarettes produced more toxins.

Sorry facts don't support your opinion. Seems like you are just trying to justify your bad habit and hate it when people call you out on it. And by the way, that's not whinny or being a little bitch, that's calling an obnoxious egotistical piece of crap out on their bullshit. Sorry to hear your kids mother forgot to take her birth control twice though. 

July 08, 2018 at 10:17:06 AM
Joined: 03/22/2008
Posts: 2456

Banning smoking in the stands was one of the best things the race tracks ever did IMO. Nothing was more irritating than getting a good seat and settled in, then a chain smoker sits upwind from you. Always made me want to take their cigarrette and shove it up their...


July 08, 2018 at 10:24:09 AM
Joined: 09/26/2016
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Posted By: Nick14 on July 08 2018 at 10:03:00 AM

My mom didn't smoke at all and my parents actually wanted to have me so no wiping was needed. Your Bo better at insults than you are trying to justify a point. And as I know I am an asshole but I like to at least be a factual asshole so I found some numbers for you. Second hand smoke contains 10 times more the fine partical matter than exhaust does. In an experiment they compared 1 car in a garage idle for 30mins to 3 cigarettes in the same environment. The cigarettes produced more toxins.

Sorry facts don't support your opinion. Seems like you are just trying to justify your bad habit and hate it when people call you out on it. And by the way, that's not whinny or being a little bitch, that's calling an obnoxious egotistical piece of crap out on their bullshit. Sorry to hear your kids mother forgot to take her birth control twice though. 

 Yea ok that explains all them suicides by second hand smoke. Holy fuck your hopelessly dumb . I am done end it there i'll agree to disagree Just stay the hell out of my seat when i go to smoke Because thats my pet peave.Oh and great story about your parents wanting you i'll believe that too.It,s my right to have bad habits none of your business if you dont like it stfu and stay away.

July 08, 2018 at 10:43:02 AM
Joined: 06/04/2012
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Posted By: igor68 on July 08 2018 at 10:24:09 AM

 Yea ok that explains all them suicides by second hand smoke. Holy fuck your hopelessly dumb . I am done end it there i'll agree to disagree Just stay the hell out of my seat when i go to smoke Because thats my pet peave.Oh and great story about your parents wanting you i'll believe that too.It,s my right to have bad habits none of your business if you dont like it stfu and stay away.

Aww poor baby. It's just jokes dude dont be a sissy or a little bitch who can't take jokes & facts. Don't be an asshat or pillow bate. By the way wasn't saying that enough exhaust wouldnt kill you, heck enough of almost anything will kill you. Prescription medication can kill someone or be used for suicide and it's actually made in theory to help you. Alcohol could kill you if you drink enough of it. It's about the extent and exposure of what you are breathing in. Your stupid cigarette right next to me is more harmful than exhaust coming from a sprintcar sever hundreds of feet away.

And if you don't want someone taking your seat why don't you just mark it yourself before you go get cancer? Or just don't get up and smoke. Buy a reserved ticket? Take a friend with you to make sure your seat doesn't get taken? Several solutions to your problem if you had the intelligence level to think things through. Good luck to you though hope your kemo goes well and you don't stiff your family with too terrible of a medical bill after your gone

July 08, 2018 at 10:50:10 AM
Joined: 09/26/2016
Posts: 70

pet peaves

1 Whiney little bitches- it took to long, someone was smoking ,waa, waa someone cussed , ect

2 family of inbred sissys stealing my seat  when i go to smoke

3 the gaying up the races. by letting new breed of pussies in. Back in the day you went to the races to drink ,smoke , cuss,get dirty, wrecks happened  everyone knows the risk of what goes on in racing , now they want  padded walls if we put the cars in bubblewrap and race them in styrofoam is what it seems to be coming to wtf is that. Doesn't anyone remeber when races were for guys with balls?


July 08, 2018 at 11:15:36 AM
Joined: 03/18/2008
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Posted By: revjimk on July 07 2018 at 01:26:08 PM

Announcers who go on & on every break about "Time to buy your adult beverages"....is "BEER" a dirty word in some states?

And do people who like beer need to be reminded????? wink

I do NOT need to be reminded, unless you count waiting for the garbage modifieds to come on the track as my cue to go down to the BEER stand

July 08, 2018 at 11:17:45 AM
Joined: 03/18/2008
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Posted By: igor68 on July 07 2018 at 02:18:51 PM

1-Tracks that rush through shows, I didnt pay around 20 bucks to be back home in 2 hours.

2-People who whine about smoking. Dust,exhaust,methenal,drunks alcohol,cussing ,but my ciggerette is terrible.give me a break you idiot my cigg is most healthy thing anyone is breathing at the races.You will get cancer from the year old hot dogs quicker.



1- +1

2- +1

July 08, 2018 at 11:28:31 AM
Joined: 03/18/2008
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Posted By: on at

You need to sissify yourself or keep having your seat taken.  I never sit in the stands without a blanket.  2 reasons, it SAVES MY SPOT, and it softens the blow of theose damn hard planks.  Pretty simple if you ask me....

July 08, 2018 at 11:56:36 AM
Joined: 12/13/2011
Posts: 70

one more i was reminded of at the track last night....fuel stops  i get sometimes they need to happen but it happens way to often latley time for bigger tanks or only 30 laps on half miles

July 08, 2018 at 12:26:20 PM
Joined: 06/04/2012
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Posted By: on at

Not crying at all, you seem to hate it when people call you out on your bullshit. And I grew up playing hockey & football and the stupid insults you are throwing at me are weak. I never received a participation trophy or wanted one. And I don't carry blankets either, if someone sits in my spot after I get up I get a new one and don't throw a fit. It's pretty simple concept. You seem to get offended at everything that doesn't fit your belief system. And you don't have to hope to die since it's a guarantee that happens to us all. And don't worry my generation is all the better for not having you either some the whole tough guy, drag your knuckles on the ground, caveman, real man phylosophy is really stupid. You are allowed to be as stupid as you want, my generation just doesn't want you infecting us while you are doing it. And sorry that my mom wanted me and your having problems with accepting that. Just because yours didn't want you doesn't mean it's the same way for everyone

The Vision
July 08, 2018 at 01:31:50 PM
Joined: 08/04/2007
Posts: 135

Man this thing deteriorated in a hurry.  Leave it to the selfish assholes to do that. Anyway, back to the subject:

Pet peeves

1-Loud, usually crappy music when cars aren't on the track. There's more to music than Led Zeppelin & the Scorpions. At the very least, monitor the volume .

2-Late starts. We call it "Knoxville time"  The ticket time and the actual start time for the Nationals are two different things.  I've become accustomed to it so it really doesn't bother me that much.

3-Seat/leg room.  Part of this is the fault of people who still think their 52 inch waste fits in an 18 inch space.  But it is time tracks follow lead of football/baseball stadiums when it comes to at least minimal fan comfort.

Is this heaven?  
No, it's Iowa....Knoxville, Iowa.

July 08, 2018 at 02:53:09 PM
Joined: 09/12/2013
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Posted By: WingedSpeed on July 07 2018 at 09:33:14 AM

Track announcers who show favoritism towards their favorite driver.

Did anyone watch the video from Port last night.  I bet you can't guess who he wanted to win.  He was so excited when his driver took the lead....only to be disappointed in the end.

Let's go Sprint Car Racing!

Knoxville - Best Track In the USA!
Eldora - 2nd Best Track in the USA!

July 08, 2018 at 04:32:18 PM
Joined: 06/04/2012
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Posted By: on at

Haha my Lord you are pathetic. First of all you didn't call me out on any bullshit because you didn't say anything to support your claim that your cigarettes are healthier than anything else at the track. It's just a matter of your opinion and others said to support my statement that they can't stand smokers as well.

Secondly the stupid bitch or female or homosexual jokes do not work as anyone who has actually played sports growing up has heard them. Just because someone tells you to stop smoking with their kids around does not mean they are crying, it is because they don't want to subject their child to the nasty crap that you are purtput into your body.

And it's nice that your pet peeves consist of racetracks go back in time of the 60s through 80s because you can't stand the world moving forward. Sadly though most of your pet peeves are avoidable as others have pointed out. Your just trying to be a macho tough guy when in reality you are being the biggest whinny bitch of them all. And when you insult someone it work best to know something about them so your stupid homophobic assumptions mean nothing considering I have a wife, who is female, and she doesn't have to stay in the kitchen she can do as she pleases. Bye bye Igor the caveman

19 Posse
July 08, 2018 at 06:55:45 PM
Joined: 12/24/2012
Posts: 364
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Posted By: igor68 on July 08 2018 at 09:06:50 AM

verbally offensive? just pointed out some facts to stupid people. I didn't once call him a queerbate,asshat,or a pillow biter.Anyway i do not smoke in the stands i get up and walk down to smoke everytime . and usually i go back to the stands and there is some family of  inbred  sissies sittng in my seat i ride my motorcycle to races i don't carry a blanket or anything to mark my seat.Which is my biggest pet peave

you must be a miserable person 

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