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Topic: Steve Kinser plowed Danny Holtgraver @ Charlotte Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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May 29, 2012 at 11:31:19 PM
Joined: 03/01/2005
Posts: 277
Difference, Sammy was looking at the car he crashed all the way, Steve crashed himself, and unfortunately collected Danny in process. And while it costs the same to the owner paying the bills on the other car, it doesn't leave quote the same bitter taste in the mouth.

May 29, 2012 at 11:31:41 PM
Joined: 12/03/2004
Posts: 1330


May 30, 2012 at 12:44:56 AM
Joined: 07/17/2008
Posts: 213
Sammy is fast, it was a racing deal! Mash the gas or get off the track when sammy is coming, yes kinser is too old to be in a sprintcar anymore

May 30, 2012 at 12:58:27 AM
Joined: 03/01/2005
Posts: 277
Show no respect, get no respect. Any questions?

buzz rightrear
May 30, 2012 at 01:01:10 AM
Joined: 09/12/2008
Posts: 2511
This message was edited on May 30, 2012 at 01:07:40 AM by buzz rightrear
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Posted By: jlloyd31 on May 30 2012 at 12:44:56 AM
Sammy is fast, it was a racing deal! Mash the gas or get off the track when sammy is coming, yes kinser is too old to be in a sprintcar anymore

everyone on the track has the same right to be there.

it was sammy who basically said get out of my way or get crashed. that doesn't sound like just a racing deal.

sammy has unbelievable talent in a sprint car. just wish he would have used it to get around those guys instead of through them.

i have to give sammy credit for manning up and not trying to sugar coat things. kind of seems even he knew excuses were meaningless.

still it don't make the repairs any cheaper.

to indy and beyond!!

May 30, 2012 at 01:40:04 AM
Joined: 03/22/2008
Posts: 2456
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Posted By: Glad_Brad on May 29 2012 at 03:47:47 PM

Oh, so Steve didn't intend to plow Hotlgraver but Sammy's intent was do take out Paulie? Is that your rationale? Intent?

...I didn't hear Steve's interview on SPEED.

This is hilarious...


Sammy was in control *both crashes*. Do you understand the difference? Didn't think so. He's just lucky he's in a fantastic car at his age or he wouldn't even be in position to be taking people out. I didn't see one Slammy shirt at the Grove when the WOO was there. I saw many Kinser shirts. BTW I'm not a fan of either but I definitely have more respect for the King, and none for the Queen(same as he shows his competitors).


May 30, 2012 at 02:32:30 AM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 304
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Posted By: mwilaski on May 29 2012 at 08:47:19 PM
You know there is a theory for people who are essentially too dumb to realize that they are dumb. See if you are capable of finding it. And while you will never realize it, the theory applies to you. Unfortunately communicating as much is an impossibility. Every characteristic you possess is 100% in line with what I have always found in Swindell fans. None of them truly being good. Again, you just lack the mental capacity or awareness to ever understand as much. It's too bad. Oh well, there is no hope for you. It's too bad there is no way to explain in a way that you'd ever grasp. Again, oh well. Keep cheering for miserable, dirty drivers who possess almost no positive qualities. Great person to like and says a lot about his fans.

"Nothing I have said is innacurate." - mwilaski

“Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” - Albert Einstein



May 30, 2012 at 08:27:07 AM
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 230
This message was edited on May 30, 2012 at 08:29:45 AM by mwilaski
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Posted By: fish on May 30 2012 at 02:32:30 AM
"Nothing I have said is innacurate." - mwilaski

“Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” - Albert Einstein


You list photographer and newspaper editor as your great achievements. Surely it is your opinion that should be valued most.

May 30, 2012 at 09:53:50 AM
Joined: 08/23/2007
Posts: 542
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Posted By: HoldenCaulfield on May 29 2012 at 12:19:52 PM

Definitely Kinser's fault but there's a difference between jumping the cushion and coming back down out of control into the path of another car and just blatantly knocking another guy out of your way. I wouldn't expect a Slammy fan to understand the difference.

The difference is Steve doesnt make a A$$ out of himself everytime a race is on TV. In the 35 plus years I have followed sprint car racing I can tell lots of storys about Sambo and how he has acted like some 8 year old spoiled brat. If he is ever going to grow up he better get with it because he is starting to run out of time.

May 30, 2012 at 10:34:57 AM
Joined: 02/09/2006
Posts: 1120

so Steve lost control coming off a turn and come down and hit another car but that is ok? Dollansky does it and he was the worse driver on the track until Sammy at Charlotte? Some of you people just love to hate and bitch! And it is NO different when a Kinser does it. Hell for 3 or 4 races straight Kraig hit a car and knocked them out starting at Sedalia. But nobody says anything about the chosen one cause he is a Kinser. BS! They all hit cars. Some do it more than others but it's ok because of their name. Im done with this topic so you can flame me all you want.

May 30, 2012 at 11:17:00 AM
Joined: 08/10/2008
Posts: 69
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Posted By: outlaw_fan_7_8 on May 30 2012 at 10:34:57 AM

so Steve lost control coming off a turn and come down and hit another car but that is ok? Dollansky does it and he was the worse driver on the track until Sammy at Charlotte? Some of you people just love to hate and bitch! And it is NO different when a Kinser does it. Hell for 3 or 4 races straight Kraig hit a car and knocked them out starting at Sedalia. But nobody says anything about the chosen one cause he is a Kinser. BS! They all hit cars. Some do it more than others but it's ok because of their name. Im done with this topic so you can flame me all you want.

I know it isn't Sprint cars, but I remember an interview with Al Holbert. He said a kid came up after the race with a list. On the list was the names of all the drivers that hit Al during the race. Al took the list, read it, signed it and thanked the kid for making it as he gave it back to him. Then he said "Actually only 1/2 of those guys hit me, I hit the other half". It's racing, if you want to bitch about getting taken out stay home. The other option is to lurk on message boards.

Tom D

May 30, 2012 at 12:57:42 PM
Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 5

kmart your right, I have seen, as you say, Sambo make an ass out of himself but so has the beloved so called King. Lets not forget the Kings Royal a few years back where he was displeased with Schatz's qualifing. The King throwed a temper fit & loaded up his toys & was not going to race. Sound like a 8 year old spoiled brat. Lets face it they're racecar drivers & the best in their sport. They are usually one of the fastest and are coming to the front oneway or another. Granted Sammy does some questionable driving but I to have witnessed the King pull some dirty stuff but it is over looked many times. Kinser is the white Knight & Sammy the black Knight of our sport. IT SELLS TICKETS. I have to admit that I couldn't wait to see what happened at Lawenceburg, for next chapter in WoO racing.

buzz rightrear
May 30, 2012 at 01:40:58 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
Posts: 2511
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Posted By: outlaw_junky on May 30 2012 at 12:57:42 PM

kmart your right, I have seen, as you say, Sambo make an ass out of himself but so has the beloved so called King. Lets not forget the Kings Royal a few years back where he was displeased with Schatz's qualifing. The King throwed a temper fit & loaded up his toys & was not going to race. Sound like a 8 year old spoiled brat. Lets face it they're racecar drivers & the best in their sport. They are usually one of the fastest and are coming to the front oneway or another. Granted Sammy does some questionable driving but I to have witnessed the King pull some dirty stuff but it is over looked many times. Kinser is the white Knight & Sammy the black Knight of our sport. IT SELLS TICKETS. I have to admit that I couldn't wait to see what happened at Lawenceburg, for next chapter in WoO racing.

so they have both been asses.

the only question is who has been the biggest ass and more often.

i think they are both talented and have given a lot to the sport, but my answer would have to be sammy.

all in favor say "AYE".

to indy and beyond!!

May 30, 2012 at 02:28:09 PM
Joined: 03/07/2007
Posts: 163

YOU ALL HAVE BEEN SWINDWELLED!! this was choreographed from the get go to make the TV rates go higher he!! half the tweets to Brad were even made up to stir the pot. and you wanna know what it WORKED

Bad Judgement
May 30, 2012 at 02:48:48 PM
Joined: 06/04/2009
Posts: 33

Its funny I watched Kasey and Sides do the same shit to each other that Sammy did to Paul but each one of them lifted. Stupid asses shouldn't have lifted so that you guys could be on here bitching about one of them. Sammy did lift watch the video he might not have said it but he knew he wasn't going to clear Paul and checked up but was a little to late he could have put Paul out of the park and instead hit Paul in the left rear. And as for Darrah deal he would have done the same thing if he started on the inside any driver would have. You don't stay to the bottom on a track like that unless your a lapper and are trying to let people by maybe he should have lifted when they touch wheels the first time instead of continueing to try to drive around Sammy while Sammy was obviously not going to give him room. Part of being a good race car driver is watching the other cars around you and anticipating what they are going to do. Even a retarted blind rich kid could have told you Sammy was going to go straight to the top on that restart oh wait didn't Sammy say thats exactly what he did the start before and Darrah should have paid attention. Maybe thats something money can't buy. As for anyone saying Steve took out Danny go to your second sprint car race and pay attention to it before you get on a message board talking about something that was purely unintentional and was in no way anything more than a racing deal. Watch the Fred Rahmer Lucas Wolfe video from Williams Grove on You Tube to see what intentional is. Oh shit probably just stirred an even bigger pot with that comment. Oh and to the idiot talking about Sammy being lucky to have a ride you are not the brightest crayon are you? Sammy could fund his own team I'm pretty sure of that. And he would still be at the top of the points just like the other old fart you guys are bashing. I hope they tie for the championship and stand up and tell everyone that they are still the best 34 years later. Half of the people on this board won't be able to drive their street car without running into shit when they get to be as old as those too guys. They are what sprint car racing was, is and hopefully always will be. Respect both of them and be greatful that in your lifetimes you got to watch 2 of the best to ever strap on a helmet in the sport of sprint car racing not too mention what they have both done to make the sport what it is today.

buzz rightrear
May 30, 2012 at 03:02:03 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
Posts: 2511
This message was edited on May 30, 2012 at 03:07:36 PM by buzz rightrear
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Posted By: Bad Judgement on May 30 2012 at 02:48:48 PM

Its funny I watched Kasey and Sides do the same shit to each other that Sammy did to Paul but each one of them lifted. Stupid asses shouldn't have lifted so that you guys could be on here bitching about one of them. Sammy did lift watch the video he might not have said it but he knew he wasn't going to clear Paul and checked up but was a little to late he could have put Paul out of the park and instead hit Paul in the left rear. And as for Darrah deal he would have done the same thing if he started on the inside any driver would have. You don't stay to the bottom on a track like that unless your a lapper and are trying to let people by maybe he should have lifted when they touch wheels the first time instead of continueing to try to drive around Sammy while Sammy was obviously not going to give him room. Part of being a good race car driver is watching the other cars around you and anticipating what they are going to do. Even a retarted blind rich kid could have told you Sammy was going to go straight to the top on that restart oh wait didn't Sammy say thats exactly what he did the start before and Darrah should have paid attention. Maybe thats something money can't buy. As for anyone saying Steve took out Danny go to your second sprint car race and pay attention to it before you get on a message board talking about something that was purely unintentional and was in no way anything more than a racing deal. Watch the Fred Rahmer Lucas Wolfe video from Williams Grove on You Tube to see what intentional is. Oh shit probably just stirred an even bigger pot with that comment. Oh and to the idiot talking about Sammy being lucky to have a ride you are not the brightest crayon are you? Sammy could fund his own team I'm pretty sure of that. And he would still be at the top of the points just like the other old fart you guys are bashing. I hope they tie for the championship and stand up and tell everyone that they are still the best 34 years later. Half of the people on this board won't be able to drive their street car without running into shit when they get to be as old as those too guys. They are what sprint car racing was, is and hopefully always will be. Respect both of them and be greatful that in your lifetimes you got to watch 2 of the best to ever strap on a helmet in the sport of sprint car racing not too mention what they have both done to make the sport what it is today.

sides and kasey pretty much had each other cleared when they were dueling. there is a big difference between scraping a front nerf and slamming a left rear. when the guy sliding you pretty much hits you from behind, there is not a lot of brake tapping that is going to help.

i don't know why people think they have to keep making excuses for sammy. sammy didn't make no excuses.

the point is not if sammy tried to take out paul. the point is sammy didn't seem to give a damn one way or the other if he took out paul or cody. according to him they were in his way and should have moved. it was their fault just for being in his way.

to indy and beyond!!

Bad Judgement
May 30, 2012 at 03:06:19 PM
Joined: 06/04/2009
Posts: 33

Didn't make any for him I simply said that if Sides or Kasey wouldn't have lifted they would have had the same outcome. I laughed during the whole interview with Sammy cause I though it was great and I like Paul I always have. Sad thing is I was never a Sammy fan till I grew up and realized what he has done for the sport.

May 30, 2012 at 03:10:12 PM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 304
This message was edited on May 30, 2012 at 03:24:43 PM by fish
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Posted By: mwilaski on May 30 2012 at 08:27:07 AM
You list photographer and newspaper editor as your great achievements. Surely it is your opinion that should be valued most.

It's not that my opinion is worth so much. It's that yours is worth so little.

If you had any "achievements" I'm sure you would have listed them here, the blowhard that you are.


buzz rightrear
May 30, 2012 at 03:22:19 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
Posts: 2511
This message was edited on May 30, 2012 at 03:25:13 PM by buzz rightrear
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Posted By: Bad Judgement on May 30 2012 at 03:06:19 PM

Didn't make any for him I simply said that if Sides or Kasey wouldn't have lifted they would have had the same outcome. I laughed during the whole interview with Sammy cause I though it was great and I like Paul I always have. Sad thing is I was never a Sammy fan till I grew up and realized what he has done for the sport.

i don't argue with you about sides or kasey lifting.

the thing is, both times their slides were pretty clear. yes a little tap on the brakes was all that was needed.

when someone throws the car in half assed and with their RR pointed right at you it is a different story.

paul didn't have the same option as sides or kasey gave each other.

sammy wanted the position and he was willing to do whatever he had to, to get it. if it meant bouncing off someone or running over someone, he didn't care. he proved it twice within a lap. then besides not showing any concern for anyone after the fact, sammy blamed them for being in his way.

really kind of hard to just write it all off as just racing, no matter what a person may think of sammy.

i might be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.......but there doesn't seem to be any.

to indy and beyond!!

May 30, 2012 at 04:53:48 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1065

Is Sammy a Democrat.

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