Save Fair Speedway (Press Release) - February 8, 2009
This is issued from the offices of Save Fair Speedway. It is vitally important and essential that our organization and its supporters get a great showing at the Oklahoma City Council tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. Our show of support is of extreme importance. We as a group must be able to convey to the City Council that our voices needs to be heard. One have one voice on the City Council. His name is Councilman (Ward 5) J Brian Walters and he is the lone voice of the council in support of our great cause. The ;location of the City Council Meeting will be held at: 200 N. Walker, Third Floor, City Hall Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma He told me today he feels that Oklahoma City citizens have been "worked:" and he is going to speak against the MAPS 3 project. Coupled with our voice, this should drive home the point, "WE MEAN BUSINESS". We will have an opportunity to speak directly to the City Council. I need support from each and every one of you who can attend be the silent voice that can be seen. This will speak volumes for us. The is our great opportunity to show the governing officials of Oklahoma City we will not quietly into the night. Stand Tall and Be Proud, BE THERE! Sincerely, John E. Banks Director, Public Relations
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he
stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Erich Petersen