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Topic: Banditos in Tulare for the Chris and Brian Faria Memorial Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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May 19, 2009 at 01:19:55 AM
Joined: 06/18/2008
Posts: 132

Dude. You make me laugh. You call me out and then tell me to shut up? Well? what you want?

At least you are getting out before any criminal investigations.

As much as I want you too go away, I do enjoy your fantasy world spin on all this. Glass half full.



Cover your beer, the race is on!

Gary Costa
May 19, 2009 at 10:35:35 AM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 589

"The other series does not have any leadership, heart or soul right now. Why is that? It is devoid of that because they were created from bad intentions to be honest. That is a fact as it stands right now, like it or not."



The "other series" does have leadership. It might even surprise you who has been involved with helping the series behind he scenes. I'm not one to argue, but can you please explain further how the series was created with bad intententions? I'm just asking is all.

Santa Maria promoter, Chris Kearns is working his tail off to get the series off of the ground and bring credibility with it. In addition, he strives to showcase the series in a positive light. I know this for an absolute fact.

I have no beef with you, just curious is all.

Respectfully, Gary


May 19, 2009 at 11:25:45 AM
Joined: 07/30/2006
Posts: 473

Hey Pete

Time to go spend time at home. Your done here.

May 19, 2009 at 12:19:04 PM
Joined: 06/18/2008
Posts: 132

Gary, Thanks for asking that question. Thanks, also, for all the work you do for racing. Love to read your race results and articles.

You are correct in what you say about Mr. Kearns and SMS. Now, this is a guy that wants the best for the racers and fans. Chris has done a lot in very little time. And he is the first to thank those who have helped. The only reason he could get so much help was people believe he cares about SMS and that goes a long way. Not everyone will be happy when Kearns succeeds and SMS is one of the best tracks again. Luckily for the racers there was a speedy change and no missed racing.

As for Petes writings, I can never get all the way though before I'm laughing too hard. Sometimes I take it too personal. But I don't like to see the things that people like the Swindler do to good people in racing. Pete says he wants SMS to do well but he bashes Mr Kearns and the west coast 360's. I'm thinking he (Pete) is bi-polar or drinks too much. LOL.

Pete, If Ventura was running last week, how many sprints would have been at Tulare? You knock Mr. Naylor and his track. But Ventura sees a B-main every week they race. The Bandits only get enough for a B-main when there is no other sprints running. SMS will do fine this year and for a long time to come.

I have been to SMS one time in my life and that was because of you Pete. Keep blabbing and I'll just have to go again.




Cover your beer, the race is on!

May 19, 2009 at 02:56:46 PM
Joined: 01/29/2009
Posts: 95
This message was edited on May 19, 2009 at 02:58:48 PM by BigMatt38

pete how dare u say that the "other series" was created out of bad intentions but the west coast sprinters was formed so the drivers would have a points fund among other things that drivers wanted to put into the series i heard through the grapevine that the swindeller stormed his big ass outta the meeting when a points fund was proposed so next time u make a statement that something was created for "bad intentions" get ur facts straight.



Matt Wolter

May 19, 2009 at 05:25:58 PM
Joined: 05/24/2008
Posts: 134

Hey buzzard.I will see you at ventura and i will tell ya all about it.This isnt the place for that.see ya soon Dean Buckley..

May 19, 2009 at 05:48:36 PM
Joined: 03/03/2006
Posts: 29

You do a FANTASTIC job Pete! Keep up the great work down there.

May 20, 2009 at 01:46:07 AM
Joined: 01/17/2007
Posts: 723
This message was edited on May 20, 2009 at 01:46:54 AM by Buzzard-
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Posted By: 76dad on May 19 2009 at 05:25:58 PM

Hey buzzard.I will see you at ventura and i will tell ya all about it.This isnt the place for that.see ya soon Dean Buckley..

Talk to you saturday.

All planets aligning I should be there.

May 25, 2009 at 06:49:06 PM
Joined: 05/25/2009
Posts: 1
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Posted By: Pete Curto on May 19 2009 at 01:06:57 AM

LMAO Kenny, what DS did for SMS was infact bring it back from closing and keep it alive. That is admitted by all accounts including his detractors. I know that to be true because I have been very involved with SMS for many years. I witnessed it's heyday, its decline and its reserection... we'll see where it goes from here. (No matter who runs it I hope it succeeds)

What went on at Hanford was the product of Fairbord vs Promoter with both sides un happy with the other- but two differnt factions have been in Hanford since with poor at best results... he made it work for more than a decade...more than anyone before or since...so I gotsta argue scoreboard my friend! Look at any promoter who works with fairboards and they will say it is difficult at best. Simply fact Kenny old friend...besides- I have been going to Kings since it's inception and the best races were always during the DS era. You cannot dispute that can you? From dust to bugs shutting down the races...DS ran a clean and orderly show with great car count. Going there with race cars we were always treated very well! That is well before I started with the Bandito deal...

So I do know that that makes me look like a puppet to some, but there are some facts in support of what I am saying. You cannot with any kind of honesty revise history can you? Would you acknowledge that or are you just gonna spew without fact or right behind you, just on unthinking emotion! Get real or simply shut yer mouth!

Good night all, couldn't resist, was just too easy to lay a little truth on the haters! My goin' away present!


Revisionist history to be sure!

Despite the ramblings, just one question for you "my friend". Do your ramblings on THIS message board fall into a category of activity which you may have been cautioned NOT to continue for legal reasons?

June 05, 2009 at 02:14:39 PM
Joined: 06/05/2009
Posts: 2

To Mr. Swindell..................could you please bring back the pump you mistakenly stuffed down your pants when you left SMS ? It's difficult to tech c.i. without it.............thank you.

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