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Topic: BREAKING SUPER BOWL NEWS!!!!!! Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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David Smith Jr
February 01, 2008 at 09:18:59 AM
Joined: 11/20/2004
Posts: 9152

SOMEBODY with the Patriots just took a big ole crap. Sports ANALysts are analysing this situation and will breakdown what this could mean for the Super Bowl on the next NFL Live update.

David Smith Jr.

February 01, 2008 at 08:50:35 PM
Joined: 09/19/2005
Posts: 328

I never even tune in until 5:30 on Sunday any more.It's sickening isn't it.

God made dirt,man made asphalt.

February 02, 2008 at 12:55:14 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

I tell you one thing that I do find interesting.

and thats the NFL head management having the "spy" tapes destroyed. There are only so many reasons to do that - and none are honorable. If not careful - the "Perfect Patriots" will end up with a asterisk. Having Eli Manning for a QB in fantasy football was painful - until I traded him for David Garrard in week 3 (GREAT move). And I don't like the Giants. But I like the kind of game they play with smashmouth defense - and Manning has played the best 3 game stretch in his career. Also what most are ignoring - The Giants are undefeated on the road. thats crazy. and I figure the reaosn for that is all the negative New York critics. thats all they have up there. stupid pieces of crap. Like negative sports paparazzi or something. And the weak sell out Tiki Barber who left the team talkin crap on Manning - 1st year out and his former team is in the bowl. so who the problem? Manning and Coughlin? or Barber? and notice how well NY has played since Jeremy Shockey has been out.

I hope Giants win in the underdog role and Eli Manning smacks the hell out of all his critics with a fat ass ring.

The reason, David Smith, that its so damn annoying to listen or tune into on TV - is that THEY ARE ALL SAYING THE SAME DAMN THING. They are seriously runnin the same show over and over and over again. ESPN is the worst about it. But I could give 2 craps less about Tom Brady's boot or Belicheck's oral herpes - I say bring back Janet Jackson's tits! I mean if we gonna hear about the same thing repeatedly at no end - it could at least be worth it. Screw all this hype - college basketball is in full swing - and it's crunch time for the conference tournament seedings - and thus the national tournament seedings. Outside of dirt track racing - the NCAA basketball conference tournaments is the one thing I'll take 2 days off for. And it's pretty much to watch the ACC and Big East conf. tourneys. I think the Big East is the best - Big 12 is good too. but hell this year we may be able to watch it at work. excuse me ya'll - I'm rambling. I like talkin sports.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

February 02, 2008 at 07:19:52 AM
Joined: 07/20/2006
Posts: 243
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Posted By: OKCFan12 on February 02 2008 at 12:55:14 AM

I tell you one thing that I do find interesting.

and thats the NFL head management having the "spy" tapes destroyed. There are only so many reasons to do that - and none are honorable. If not careful - the "Perfect Patriots" will end up with a asterisk. Having Eli Manning for a QB in fantasy football was painful - until I traded him for David Garrard in week 3 (GREAT move). And I don't like the Giants. But I like the kind of game they play with smashmouth defense - and Manning has played the best 3 game stretch in his career. Also what most are ignoring - The Giants are undefeated on the road. thats crazy. and I figure the reaosn for that is all the negative New York critics. thats all they have up there. stupid pieces of crap. Like negative sports paparazzi or something. And the weak sell out Tiki Barber who left the team talkin crap on Manning - 1st year out and his former team is in the bowl. so who the problem? Manning and Coughlin? or Barber? and notice how well NY has played since Jeremy Shockey has been out.

I hope Giants win in the underdog role and Eli Manning smacks the hell out of all his critics with a fat ass ring.

The reason, David Smith, that its so damn annoying to listen or tune into on TV - is that THEY ARE ALL SAYING THE SAME DAMN THING. They are seriously runnin the same show over and over and over again. ESPN is the worst about it. But I could give 2 craps less about Tom Brady's boot or Belicheck's oral herpes - I say bring back Janet Jackson's tits! I mean if we gonna hear about the same thing repeatedly at no end - it could at least be worth it. Screw all this hype - college basketball is in full swing - and it's crunch time for the conference tournament seedings - and thus the national tournament seedings. Outside of dirt track racing - the NCAA basketball conference tournaments is the one thing I'll take 2 days off for. And it's pretty much to watch the ACC and Big East conf. tourneys. I think the Big East is the best - Big 12 is good too. but hell this year we may be able to watch it at work. excuse me ya'll - I'm rambling. I like talkin sports.

Unfortunately, this is the model that auto racing coverage has picked up on. The pre-race shows now run about two hours....God knows how long the actual Daytona 500 pre-race will be....and all the talking heads do the the same stories over and over and over. I skip as much of it as I can, but I still know more about Little E than I do about my own relatives, and NONE of it has a darned thing to do with how the race comes out. The "event," meaning all the crap that goes on around the race, the "people," and the "story line" have all become more important than whatever all that noise down there on the track is. Why? Because the producers and associate producers and so on and so forth all come up through the stick and ball sports coverage. Way back when, ESPN would come on the air with the cars already on the track, give you the lineup, and go racing. Anything you needed to know fit into the coverage while the cameras showed RACING. What a concept! Don't count on ever seeing it again. By the way, does anybody know if Wes Welker wears boxers or briefs?

February 02, 2008 at 10:30:23 AM
Joined: 09/19/2005
Posts: 328

Good rant Galen!When they started trying to "grow the sport"and put the non-tv persona types out to pasture was when they started growing me right out of the sport.I was long gone before they moved the labor day race from Darlington to the left coast but man,that was unbelievable.As soon as the new generation of viewers they gained through the type of stuff you talked about find another fad what will they do then?

God made dirt,man made asphalt.

February 02, 2008 at 10:52:36 PM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

I sure do agree with you Galen. It's become a nature of the beast. You have 24 hour - 365 days a year sports coverage channels. ESPN now has what? 6 or 7? with a couple of those being mainstream (ESPN and espn2). So with that in mind - they have to keep news runnin all the time - all the time - all the time. so much so that they invent the news half the time - you know - like make it themselves. therefore - they analyze everything - whether or not it interests people or not. And usually they are right in doing so. Why you wonder? just 1 example - what group of folks exist that care about every little minute and otherwise meaningless detail? for one - SPORTS BETTING. IMO thats really who they are catering to with all the crap. and they really expect us to listen to f-n idiots like Keyshawn Johnson or Tiki Barber. I think Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcell's have a meaningful place in analysis - but c'mon! if I want in depth sports coverage - I prefer Real Sports and Inside the NFL on HBO. At least there I'm choosing to watch it - instead of watching a college basketball game on ESPN and them constantly breaking to their "news room" to talk about a bunch of horse crap. but I think we are in the minority - I mean we as the few of us here who agree in principal about this topic - I do think most people eat this up. It's like news outlets just pour this shit in the trough and everyone gathers and gobbles it all up.

Nascar has killed themselves with their core base with their excessive coverage and not-to-subtle promotional perks. and also trying to cater to certain types of folks. And Darrell Waltrip sucks. when he does his boogity deal it sounds like something my nephew would say after he picks his nose. My personal bottom line is when something becomes mainstream - it immediately gets overdone. to the point it loses its mainstream status because all the effort is being put to maintain just that with corporate sponsorship and other necessary evils. instead of just airing a great event with modest coverage. Who your corporate fortune 500 sponsor and the clean cut good ol' white boy look determines more the success than on track performance. prime example - Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Kasey Kahne.

back to the topic though. I love watching football - college and pro. Throughout the regular season and first rounds of playoffs the entire show start to finish is great. Tomorrow's super bowl will be a joke. But we will all still watch it. mostly cause we want to see some good football. but most of us folks don;t care about videotapes, Tom Brady's boot, Plaxico Burress's predictions with a crystal ball, or any of that. We know one team may be the best in history and another is a big underdog that barely made the playoffs let alone the super bowl. but when we tune to watch that - all we will hear is Spygate, Spygate, Spygate, asterisks?, Spygate, Spygate, Tom Brady's boot?, Spygate Spygate,

I really wish we could have multiple forms of selective viewing - so that we could choose in what manner our favorite events are telecast. All the stuff in this rant is why I'm now in full viewing mode for college basketball - and in hardcore and fiendish anticipation for the 2008 dirt track race season. they both have the perfect mix of coverage and entertainment. although the dirt racing needs more coverage. thats for a different post. wow another rant.........................go figure.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

February 04, 2008 at 08:04:28 AM
Joined: 08/01/2005
Posts: 388

Well i watched the game and even laughed at some the commercials. As for the hype, I might have seen 10 seconds of it while surfing channels. I too could care less about all the coffee house crap those idiots try to feed ya all day. All sports have gone to it and i think it sucks to. It's just as exciting as watching them play cards on espn. What a joke that is. I didn't know sitting on your ass and betting on your card hand was considered a sports event. Sometimes I wonder why I have a tv at all.

February 04, 2008 at 11:26:45 AM
Joined: 04/24/2007
Posts: 496
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Posted By: Skeesiks on February 04 2008 at 08:04:28 AM

Well i watched the game and even laughed at some the commercials. As for the hype, I might have seen 10 seconds of it while surfing channels. I too could care less about all the coffee house crap those idiots try to feed ya all day. All sports have gone to it and i think it sucks to. It's just as exciting as watching them play cards on espn. What a joke that is. I didn't know sitting on your ass and betting on your card hand was considered a sports event. Sometimes I wonder why I have a tv at all.

i agree with the posts about nascar. it is all about marketing with the cookie cutter cars and cookie cutter drivers and the rules....let em race at least a little. take the restrictor plates off and race. you want to slow them down, use stock oem front clips and decklids. ESPN has forgotten about the sports and people who made them.....remember the midget races from the speeddrome? remember the Eldora races, thursday night thunder? i agree that poker is not a sport..the only nascar races i watch are daytona, talladega, and darlington.....

"its useless to put on the brakes when you are upside 
down"   -Paul Newman

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