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Topic: Justin Peck! Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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August 03, 2023 at 08:42:50 AM
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Posted By: RodinCanada on August 02 2023 at 11:11:24 PM

Donny is already doing this!

More times than not.  He is an also ran most nights!

Let's go Sprint Car Racing!

Knoxville - Best Track In the USA!
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August 03, 2023 at 09:38:27 AM
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Posted By: hardon on August 02 2023 at 09:04:40 PM

Since it seems like everyone has a problem with formats, I have an idea that everyone should love.  For single night events they should have drivers draw for their spot they time in.  Have the drivers do the time trials, then run time trials again but this time in the opposite order they ran them in for the first session.  Afterwards average the driver's 4 laps and the driver with the fastest average lap is the event winner.  This would solve everyone's problems.  The fastest car would always win, nobody would get screwed by timing later than someone else, nobody would get the unfair advantage of being in a "slow" heat, nobody would get screwed by lapped traffic and there should be a lot less mechanical failures since the teams would only be running 4 laps a night plus hot laps.  And it would be great for the fans too, most races should be done before 10 and they shouldn't have to sit through "farming the track".

Now personally I wouldn't want to see this.  I go to see a race, if it were up to me, I'd get rid of time trials because I hate them.  I've never understood why people want strait up formats (fastest guy starts up front).  Yes I get that it's harder to pass today than it ever has been and many times in the heats it's impossible after the first couple of laps.  But in my opinion it should be hard to win one of these events.  It seems like everyone who whines about a format says something like "what's the incentive to time good?", well for the guys who don't have a budget like the outlaws have, what's the incentive for them to even show up?  I wish the WOO would adopt a similar format to Knoxville's for every race they ran.  I know it's "not fair" but over the coarse of 50-80 races (however long the season in) the best team is still going to win.  I personally would rather see how the best drivers handle adversity, I'd love to see the top guys have to run a B feature once in a while, lets see them start from the back how they navigate traffic.   It's funny how "unfair" the Knoxville format is (as I'm sure we're about to see a ton of posts about in the next few weeks) that the majority of the A feature is made up of the top teams.

I like to see fastest cars up front because they earned the right to start up front.  Nothing drives me crazy like seeing a car unload fast, get inverted for a conveyor belt heat race, and then finish 10th on a narrow, conveyor belt feature.  If you're fast, you should be rewarded for being fast.  I was in Jackson the night Paige Polyak won the 410 race.  Congrats to her, it was great to see.   However, she was the 8th-10th best car that night, got inverted to the pole, and ran away with a race that no passing occurred.  Meanwhile, Kerry Madsen, inverts to 8th and because the track is wet, narrow, and heavy, doesn't advance.  And he was CLEARLY the class of the field that night.  Where is the incentive for being fast?  The race was a snoozer, and might as well have been a snoozer with the right car winning the race.  I think the Knoxville Nats inverts are great because there is an incentive foe timing fast.  I don't get inverts AT ALL for one night shows.  

August 03, 2023 at 11:56:46 AM
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Posted By: dsc1600 on August 02 2023 at 09:14:55 AM

He started 1st at Grandview and 2nd at Kokomo and didn't win either race....

My thoughts exactly. The guys he's competing with aren't far off, and Larson hasn't been as dominant this year. This isn't a 2020 season where he's going to win 50+ races. Also, these drivers don't want a "gift" like him starting behind the dash. In their eyes, they can compete and win at any time. They've got to, as high level competitors, believe that. So much bitching about Larson..my goodness. 

August 03, 2023 at 01:02:24 PM
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Posted By: on at

glhayden. Your input is greatly appreciated. You are the reason why other members enjoy coming to this great message board, b/c of your awesome information and responses regarding racing. Everyone enjoys your contributions. 

Keep It Real

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August 03, 2023 at 01:15:10 PM
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Posted By: saphead on August 02 2023 at 06:35:35 AM

That was some really good fierce racing on a tricky track. Kinda weird but I like seeing sprint cars race in the twi-night/ not quite dark early evening, they look good in that lighting. 


The photographers love that time of night as well.  I used to liken it to fishing when we referred to it as "bug jumping time" when the bass were active as sun slowly descended behind the trees.  The lighting is perfect for shots with fill flash that tended to be sharper and more colorful without the wing shadows.  Perfect time for a money shot.

Stan Meissner

August 03, 2023 at 01:28:51 PM
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Posted By: egras on August 02 2023 at 09:48:28 AM

So, I'll ask the question again:  If Kyle shouldn't start on the front row,   1.  Where should the drivers who earn those spots start     2.  What incentive is there for being fast and racing in the heats?    


I'm so lost by the old logic of inverts in today's racing.  

I'm still lost on how the invert has a place in today's racing other than people that are nostalgic and probably do not actually watch the races. In the 80s and 90s it probably had a place but today it is completely stupid and just screws over people who worked hard. I've watched a number of races from back in the day that had inverts that were complete snooze fests. This year's kings royal prime example, one of the worst races I have attended from a competitive standpoint. We have seen how many WOW moments that the Outlaws have produced, drivers coming from the back to the front, and races that go down to the wire with no invert but yet consistently on here I see people crying and complaining about them not using an invert. I highly doubt that the races and finishes that they have had the past 5-6 years would have been more exciting if an invert happened. As a matter of fact I am very confident that they would have been worse. 

August 03, 2023 at 02:55:52 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
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Posted By: on at

Quit picking on Rod, dbag

August 03, 2023 at 05:37:37 PM
Joined: 03/22/2008
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Posted By: egras on August 03 2023 at 09:38:27 AM

I like to see fastest cars up front because they earned the right to start up front.  Nothing drives me crazy like seeing a car unload fast, get inverted for a conveyor belt heat race, and then finish 10th on a narrow, conveyor belt feature.  If you're fast, you should be rewarded for being fast.  I was in Jackson the night Paige Polyak won the 410 race.  Congrats to her, it was great to see.   However, she was the 8th-10th best car that night, got inverted to the pole, and ran away with a race that no passing occurred.  Meanwhile, Kerry Madsen, inverts to 8th and because the track is wet, narrow, and heavy, doesn't advance.  And he was CLEARLY the class of the field that night.  Where is the incentive for being fast?  The race was a snoozer, and might as well have been a snoozer with the right car winning the race.  I think the Knoxville Nats inverts are great because there is an incentive foe timing fast.  I don't get inverts AT ALL for one night shows.  

Agreed. Of course a wide, slick track with the cuhion up near the wall would prevent a lot of those situations and provide great racing regardless of the format. I think the best single night format is the one the all-stars use. The fast timer in each heat starts 4th and the rest of the heat is lined straight up from time. The heat winner makes the dash plus the fast timer - provided he qualifies through the heat. If the fast timer also wins the heat, then he is the only car to make the dash.  Whover came up with that format is a genious as it gives everyone incentive to race hard in the heats and get rewarded for it. Heat race finish also determines where you line up in the mains.


August 03, 2023 at 07:20:20 PM
Joined: 07/15/2023
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Posted By: on at

Settle down there Shakespeare being a troll is a sad way for self validation but by all means keep on with witty banter about yourself.

August 03, 2023 at 07:25:35 PM
Joined: 03/21/2021
Posts: 336

Earlier this year, Justin Peck got injured and had to sit out some races, came back gradully but he's near healing I think.   Did I just dream this ???

August 03, 2023 at 07:34:37 PM
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Posted By: HardTopDave on August 03 2023 at 07:25:35 PM

Earlier this year, Justin Peck got injured and had to sit out some races, came back gradully but he's near healing I think.   Did I just dream this ???

He had a concussion missed a couple weeks.

August 03, 2023 at 07:39:03 PM
Joined: 03/21/2021
Posts: 336

A concussion, that sucks

August 03, 2023 at 07:50:30 PM
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Posted By: on at

Attention bore is boring.

August 03, 2023 at 08:57:46 PM
Joined: 02/20/2005
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Posted By: Shortie12 on August 03 2023 at 05:26:33 AM

Every year there is a team or two that times in top 10 or so gets in an below average heat  and qualifies for the feature and finishes the A in top  half and makes the a main at the Nationals. Last year T Philips was the man and became a crowd favorite being local and running well. Drawing the number 1 in  dash at High Limit or WOO shows with the equality of the top cars is a definate advantage and is simply luck of the draw.Very seldom is there more than 3 0r 4 passes in the dash one reason being the clean air at the front and also being able to start race. The cream seems to rise to the top but after first 10 of the top cars usually find a way then there are many equal teams that need to have some racing luck thats what makes it fun. Some teams are expected and do well at most every race. The top WOO teams with exception of Kyle and Rico will always be favored to win the big ones . We all hope for a good storyline of a team that is lower budget and could use the money but that usually doesnt happen.Shark $1M win was an example but they are a really good team also that can win any night. There are a few teams that follow WOO that wouldnt be considered contenders at  weekly Knoxville shows but are following their dream which helps the car count in areas where 410 sprint cars have a hard time getting full fields.

I agree with everything you say here.  Luck has ALWAYS been a part of racing, any kind of racing, actually any sport really.  Whether it be a draw, quality of other cars in your race, cars crashing in front of you, mechanical failures.  You've gotta be damn good to win at Knoxville but you've gotta be lucky too.

August 03, 2023 at 09:26:34 PM
Joined: 02/20/2005
Posts: 496
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Posted By: egras on August 03 2023 at 09:38:27 AM

I like to see fastest cars up front because they earned the right to start up front.  Nothing drives me crazy like seeing a car unload fast, get inverted for a conveyor belt heat race, and then finish 10th on a narrow, conveyor belt feature.  If you're fast, you should be rewarded for being fast.  I was in Jackson the night Paige Polyak won the 410 race.  Congrats to her, it was great to see.   However, she was the 8th-10th best car that night, got inverted to the pole, and ran away with a race that no passing occurred.  Meanwhile, Kerry Madsen, inverts to 8th and because the track is wet, narrow, and heavy, doesn't advance.  And he was CLEARLY the class of the field that night.  Where is the incentive for being fast?  The race was a snoozer, and might as well have been a snoozer with the right car winning the race.  I think the Knoxville Nats inverts are great because there is an incentive foe timing fast.  I don't get inverts AT ALL for one night shows.  

I don't know what that means by "earned the right to start up front"?  Who says it was earned?  Who makes that call?  If the format says the fast timer starts 8th, then how do they "earn the right" to start up front?  This isn't the U.S. Constitution. Also as to "what's the incentive for unloading fast"?  Are you serious?  The incentive for having the fastest car is you have the best chance to win but you're still going to need a little luck too.  It still kind of goes back to my post saying that you think time trials should determine who is the winner, at least that's the way I read it.  However I get what you're trying to say here but I disagree (which is fine, we are all entitled to our own opinion).  But I think you and I can agree the real problem is the "conveyor belt" races.  I completely agree with you not liking to see a faster car be able to pass another car but I don't factor in who timed where on it bothering me.  

August 03, 2023 at 09:37:44 PM
Joined: 02/20/2005
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Posted By: Nick14 on August 03 2023 at 01:28:51 PM

I'm still lost on how the invert has a place in today's racing other than people that are nostalgic and probably do not actually watch the races. In the 80s and 90s it probably had a place but today it is completely stupid and just screws over people who worked hard. I've watched a number of races from back in the day that had inverts that were complete snooze fests. This year's kings royal prime example, one of the worst races I have attended from a competitive standpoint. We have seen how many WOW moments that the Outlaws have produced, drivers coming from the back to the front, and races that go down to the wire with no invert but yet consistently on here I see people crying and complaining about them not using an invert. I highly doubt that the races and finishes that they have had the past 5-6 years would have been more exciting if an invert happened. As a matter of fact I am very confident that they would have been worse. 

"it is completely stupid and just screws over people who worked hard".  That's a pretty ignorant statement.  Maybe you didn't mean it this way but what you just said is the people who don't time fast haven't worked hard.  I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you've never worked on a race car in your life?  It sounds like you have no idea what goes into working on a race car, especially a sprint car.  But hey, you're the expert you watch it, the guys who run in the back are just lazy.

August 03, 2023 at 10:15:07 PM
Joined: 06/04/2012
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Posted By: hardon on August 03 2023 at 09:37:44 PM

"it is completely stupid and just screws over people who worked hard".  That's a pretty ignorant statement.  Maybe you didn't mean it this way but what you just said is the people who don't time fast haven't worked hard.  I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you've never worked on a race car in your life?  It sounds like you have no idea what goes into working on a race car, especially a sprint car.  But hey, you're the expert you watch it, the guys who run in the back are just lazy.

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hey egras....how thick do you think the limb he's standing on is? What's the old saying about what happens when people assume?


Thanks buddy, I really needed that laugh. This right here puts into perspective for me why it sometimes is pointless to argue with people on here or on social media because they try to say things like this when they do not have a clue about you.


And to clarify rocket scientist,  I didn't say the people in the back were lazy, you read what I wrote, interpreted it completely wrong and viewed it that way. I was pointing out that there is a part of where your spot is Earned in qualifying and prior to that there is a whole process that goes into getting things prepared (not sure how I'd know that "never" have worked on a race car and just "watch") and keeping things organized. After qualifying there is a whole other process involved that........oh heck why am I even bothering explaining this, people are going to believe whatever they want to believe no matter if evidence is right in their faces  proving them wrong

August 03, 2023 at 11:43:56 PM
Joined: 02/20/2005
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Posted By: Nick14 on August 03 2023 at 10:15:07 PM

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hey egras....how thick do you think the limb he's standing on is? What's the old saying about what happens when people assume?


Thanks buddy, I really needed that laugh. This right here puts into perspective for me why it sometimes is pointless to argue with people on here or on social media because they try to say things like this when they do not have a clue about you.


And to clarify rocket scientist,  I didn't say the people in the back were lazy, you read what I wrote, interpreted it completely wrong and viewed it that way. I was pointing out that there is a part of where your spot is Earned in qualifying and prior to that there is a whole process that goes into getting things prepared (not sure how I'd know that "never" have worked on a race car and just "watch") and keeping things organized. After qualifying there is a whole other process involved that........oh heck why am I even bothering explaining this, people are going to believe whatever they want to believe no matter if evidence is right in their faces  proving them wrong

People like you make me chuckle.  You have an opinion (yes it's an opinion not a fact, does that sound like anyone else?), I challenge you on your opinion and instead of explaining your opinion or why you feel that way, you jump right into insults and name calling.  You're correct, sometimes it is pointless to argue with people on here or social media because people don't know how to have a conversation or debate.  No where did I call you names or challenge your intelligence for having an opinion, I've never done that to anyone on social media or here (UNLESS it's insulting a group of people or about safety, anyone who thinks someone else's safety is not something to take serious an idiot in my opinion and I have no problem with the name calling then).  Your exact words were "In the 80s and 90s it probably had a place but today it is completely stupid and just screws over people who worked hard."  I don't think it's too big of a stretch to say that many people would interpret that statement as you saying the people who have faster cars work harder than the people who don't have the budget of a WOO team.  And I stand by my statement that, that's an ignorant statement.  I even said that maybe you didn't mean it that way but you chose name calling instead of clarifying your statement.  I'm not saying YOU'RE ignorant, I'm saying YOUR STATEMENT was ignorant.


Since you wanted to go there, so will I.  I'm sorry you're not smart enough to debate me.

August 04, 2023 at 08:38:00 AM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4013
This message was edited on August 04, 2023 at 08:42:29 AM by egras
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Posted By: hardon on August 03 2023 at 09:26:34 PM

I don't know what that means by "earned the right to start up front"?  Who says it was earned?  Who makes that call?  If the format says the fast timer starts 8th, then how do they "earn the right" to start up front?  This isn't the U.S. Constitution. Also as to "what's the incentive for unloading fast"?  Are you serious?  The incentive for having the fastest car is you have the best chance to win but you're still going to need a little luck too.  It still kind of goes back to my post saying that you think time trials should determine who is the winner, at least that's the way I read it.  However I get what you're trying to say here but I disagree (which is fine, we are all entitled to our own opinion).  But I think you and I can agree the real problem is the "conveyor belt" races.  I completely agree with you not liking to see a faster car be able to pass another car but I don't factor in who timed where on it bothering me.  

Oh hardon, where to begin.

I'll start first of all with your assessment of Nick.  You're 100% wrong.  I've known him for quite a while, and he and his son have raced multiple classes of cars for the past few years.  No, they are not 410 sprint car racers---yet.   He and I have discussed in person, and via text, his frustration over inverts.  His goal has always been to make his son's car faster.  However, if he shows up at an invert format race, times quick and runs well in the heat, he is inverted back to a position that makes it impossible to get through the field during the feature.  How does that reward him and his son for their hard work?  He understands this issue better than 95% of those on this forum. (including myself)  I can also assure you he is intelligent enough to debate you or anyone else on this forum.  (I actually know 3rd graders that could debate some on this forum)


As far as my comment "earned the right to start up front"----it means who unloaded the car and figured out the track and how to get around it faster than anyone else.  Don't get me wrong, from a fan's perspective, I used to love inverts.  Our track had a rule through the 80's and 90's----if you finished 1st or 2nd the week before, you had to tag the rear in the feature.  Every single week, the same guy would tag the rear in his late-model and hammer his way through the field and win.  As a teenager, I thought he was the greatest race car driver in the world!!  Fast forward to now.  It doesn't matter how good your car is, you're not coming through a field of these late-models every week in 20 laps.  That time has passed.  When I got a little older I realized he wasn't better than everyoe else.  He just raced during a time when innovation and money got you WAY more than they do now.  


So, Nick provides a unique perspective that most of us don't have.  He puts in the hours and time for his son to be fast.  He isn't always the fastest car, but when he is, and there's an invert, he's punished for it and given a starting spot where it's impossible to pass that many cars in so few laps.  I know the overwhelming response from the inbred mouth breathers is:  "well if he's so fast, why doesn't he just pass everyone and win anyways."  Once again, it's not 1985 anymore.  There are not 3 cars in every class head and shoulders above the rest that can just hammer their way through inferior equipment.  All of these cars are bought from the same catalogs or websites, use the same parts, and time so close to each other, starting position is at a premium in today's racing.   This same concept transfers to modifieds, late-models, sprint cars, NASCAR, you name it.  

If I were a car owner, and worked on my car and engine program, and showed up at Eldora in July and timed 1st only to be inverted out of the race, I'd be PISSED!  Does it make great racing for the fan?  Sure.  But from an owner/crew chief/driver's perspective, why work hard to be fast if you get rewarded to be "almost as fast?"  


Also, to be clear:  I love the invert and points system at the Knoxville Nationals.  Clear advantage for cars that time fast, and can work their way through the heats and mains.  Faster cars are rewarded AND have to race for it!  Best of both worlds!

August 04, 2023 at 11:56:08 AM
Joined: 06/04/2012
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Posted By: hardon on August 03 2023 at 11:43:56 PM

People like you make me chuckle.  You have an opinion (yes it's an opinion not a fact, does that sound like anyone else?), I challenge you on your opinion and instead of explaining your opinion or why you feel that way, you jump right into insults and name calling.  You're correct, sometimes it is pointless to argue with people on here or social media because people don't know how to have a conversation or debate.  No where did I call you names or challenge your intelligence for having an opinion, I've never done that to anyone on social media or here (UNLESS it's insulting a group of people or about safety, anyone who thinks someone else's safety is not something to take serious an idiot in my opinion and I have no problem with the name calling then).  Your exact words were "In the 80s and 90s it probably had a place but today it is completely stupid and just screws over people who worked hard."  I don't think it's too big of a stretch to say that many people would interpret that statement as you saying the people who have faster cars work harder than the people who don't have the budget of a WOO team.  And I stand by my statement that, that's an ignorant statement.  I even said that maybe you didn't mean it that way but you chose name calling instead of clarifying your statement.  I'm not saying YOU'RE ignorant, I'm saying YOUR STATEMENT was ignorant.


Since you wanted to go there, so will I.  I'm sorry you're not smart enough to debate me.

Not really but keep thinking YOUR WRONG opinion. 

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