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November 24, 2018 at 08:57:01 PM
Joined: 11/07/2006
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Posted By: BBOYCE1 on November 23 2018 at 11:12:15 AM

Sammy @ 63 yrs young #stillwinning on ASCoC and ASCS National Series... very impressive... what will you be doing at that age ? ...love the comment ...Can't go any more than WIDE OPEN.... Gateway Nationals and Chili Bowl comin' soon...


I don't know if you're asking me what I'll be doing at 63 but in my case that was four years ago so I can tell you what I did because it's in the rear view mirror.  wink

Stan Meissner

November 25, 2018 at 06:23:37 AM
Joined: 03/16/2017
Posts: 1603

Question is does Sammy still have to do it financially ? Or is it his love of the sport ? I enjoy seeing the guy out there. Can he still be a constant top 5 or 10 guy ? I doubt it, but if he does, great for him. I do have 1 consern,  you guys can talk about being in shape all you want. And yes, excerise I do agree. But, I don't care to see him in a hard flip or crash, the outcome may not be what we all wish for. As in him walking away. 

November 25, 2018 at 06:25:53 AM
Joined: 11/11/2006
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Posted By: blazer00 on November 21 2018 at 11:51:21 PM

Why? Becase he's not flamboyant and funny? Anybody who understands Sammy knows he's soft spoken and direct when he's interviewed. That's just Sammy. Some fans shouldn't even tune it in based on their opinions regarding him in the first place. Like all the greats, Sammy is a "feel it" racer. Shit comes naturally to him, so when asked "how do you do that", it's hard to articulate an answer. Not all that different in any sport. I'm asked many times after making a certain shot on a pool tabel "how the hell did you make that?". My answer has no explanation...."I see it, I feel it and I shoot it". To me it's that simple. I'm thinking that's what racing is to Sammy and many like him. And because of how Sammy did so many things he was asked a lot of technical "how did you" questions. Not a lot of ways to give exciting answers to those types of questions, in all fairness. 

IMO, the interview was interesting and informative.  Sure Sammy doesn't have the same kind of personality as Karl K., but I respect what he's done for sure.  And as far as what kind of person he is, I need to be careful about making judgments about a person based upon tv interviews or racing podcasts.  

November 25, 2018 at 11:41:48 AM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7663
This message was edited on November 25, 2018 at 11:45:46 AM by revjimk
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Posted By: alum.427 on November 25 2018 at 06:23:37 AM

Question is does Sammy still have to do it financially ? Or is it his love of the sport ? I enjoy seeing the guy out there. Can he still be a constant top 5 or 10 guy ? I doubt it, but if he does, great for him. I do have 1 consern,  you guys can talk about being in shape all you want. And yes, excerise I do agree. But, I don't care to see him in a hard flip or crash, the outcome may not be what we all wish for. As in him walking away. 

I was talking to fellow "old timer" Stan M about exercise for "normal" people, not sprint car drivers. Totally different thing, I wouldn't have dared drive one of those things in my prime

As for consistent Top 10, probably not in Woo but definitely in Allstars or ASCS. In fact , I've seen him 3 or 4 times with those groups & he won 'em all.... (I'm 68 & memory is not nearly as sharp as it used to be.... have to look in notebook to see if its 3 or 4! wink )


November 25, 2018 at 12:49:41 PM
Joined: 06/10/2015
Posts: 2420

Regarding the age thing, why do some bodies wear out by age 60 and others don't wear out until the 90's or even 100 and beyond? Genetics is probsbly the answer to that as much as a healthy life style is. A lot of "healthy" people's bodies begin to fade early, while others who haven't lived healthy life styles just keep on tickin.

According to Sammy's Open Red interview, he still loves to drive sprint cars. Per most interviews he's given, he's not interested in a full time gig or racing for points, so I believe that as much as anything keeps the top teams or car owners away. Maybe that interest has wained because he does know that the grind and the wear and tear on him to do that sort of thing, is something he can't do anymore without causing the aches and pains due to age. And it sounds like he enjoys getting involved with teams that have had modest success, and getting wins with them at a higher level of competition than they have enjoyed previous to him being in the car. In his interview he mentioned that with most teams he gets involved with that they aren't that far off the mark, so success comes rather quickly. The key according to Sammy is that it just takes good equipment, and the know how of how to put it to practical use. Of course his practical, is well beyond their practical, and that's the gift he has and has put to good use. I still think that on any given night, having the car to do the job, that Sammy can race with anybody out there. Maybe we wil see that a couple more times before he does retire. His Victory Lane interviews tend to offer up one of his pridefull accomplisments....."I just broke my own record....the oldest driver to ever...........................". I think he remarked that after an All Star win and after his last win at Knoxville.

November 25, 2018 at 10:28:33 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7663

Lets face it, he's not "Mr. Personality"

I like to watch him race!

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